Showing posts with label Retreat 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retreat 2013. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Four Months?

Well I see that it is been nearly 4 months since I last posted. Yikes! I have been a bad stitcher, bad blogger and probably even a bad friend at times. I have become so involved in my job that I wasn't even having any time to stitch. I am really trying to change that.

Last week we had our annual retreat, and I quickly realized how much I needed it! This retreat, Fiesta, was our most relaxing retreats. Maybe because for 3 solid days, we did not go anywhere. No Joanns, no stitching store, no nothing...just stitched!

We had our usual, food yummies and meals and exchanged our gifties. And now I must admit, I am a bad photographer too. I brought my camera, but didn't even take it out of my tote. We did manage to get a group shot with our new official "Stitching Squad" shirts on.

I just love this picture of us. We all look so happy, and we were. It was a great retreat!

This is what I worked on, Jeannette Douglas' Strawberry Stitches. I started this about a year ago. The picture isn't the best, but I will post again once I get the charm and frame it. There are a ton of different stitches in this piece...very time consuming.

There are so many things that I want to stitch. However, after much contemplating, I decided to pull out a UFO instead of starting another new project.

I pulled out, Patches of Life. I still really like this piece so I am going to work on it for awhile.

During our retreat, we watched a few "Breaking Bad" I am hooked. I just have about 10 left to be caught up this the current season, which happens to be its last season.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Stitching!
