Sunday, October 07, 2007

Naked Brunch: 3-Day Weekends


Thank goodness it's a three-day weekend. Columbus Day or some such nonsense.

In as much as Columbus didn't actually "discover" North America, but some islands south and east of North America, I'd say any holiday in North America is just perpetuating a historical lie. Regardless, the land was discovered by other than its' native inhabitants much earlier. Columbus actually discovered San Salvador (The Bahamas) in 1492:

Columbus called the island (in what is now The Bahamas) San Salvador, although the natives called it Guanahani. Exactly which island in the Bahamas this corresponds to is an unresolved topic; prime candidates are Samana Cay, Plana Cays, or San Salvador Island (named San Salvador in 1925 in the belief that it was Columbus's San Salvador). The indigenous people he encountered, the Lucayan, TaĆ­no or Arawak, were peaceful and friendly. In his journal he wrote of them, "It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants and I am of opinion that they would very readily become Christians, as they appear to have no religion." He also wrote of them, two days after landing, "I could conquer the whole of them with 50 men, and govern them as I pleased."

Nice guy. Now, maybe you can understand what the protesting is all about. It all sounds so........familiar.

About 75 protesters, including American Indian activist Russell Means, were arrested on Saturday after blocking Denver's downtown parade honoring the Italian-born discoverer Christopher Columbus, an event they denounced as "a celebration of genocide."


I need the time off but do not intend to celebrate the conquering of a native nation much less the discovery of some island by Columbus. I'm actually making time to go to a movie this afternoon starring Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon, Jason Patric and Cherlize Theron called In the Valley of Elah (trailer). (Frankly, I could have used a comedy.)

Since the Naked Brunch two weeks ago, it' seems my life has been surrounded by a heart trauma ward. My friend and assistant at work collapsed 2 weeks ago in her office with a heart event. She is fine now and on medication. I'm glad I understood the difference between men and women's heart attack symptoms. Whew! It took five minutes for me to get someone to call an ambulance, and it was a client waiting for me in the lobby that did it, 5-minutes after I asked a co-worker to do it. Then everyone left me alone in her office with her. And, one of the first things I wanted to do was stick an Aspirin under her tongue and had none at hand and no one to get me one. Stupid asses. I already told the boss we needed some serious emergency training around that place. Top it all off, I flew to Dallas for 4-days the next morning, came home Friday night, and went back Sunday morning and returned again this past Monday afternoon. Not a good time to be out of town.

My dad's best friend, a man I have know since I was 5, had a live or die heart procedure the next Friday by a heart surgeon flown in from the Cleveland Clinic. He survived it and is doing remarkably well for a 90-year old. And, we are still awaiting results of my Dad's tests. He has good and bad days. Good news is, although I quit smoking easily on Chantrix, I started again this summer due to the incredible stress load. But, my assistant at work smokes and it was such a wakeup call to everyone that we all decided to quit with her. Everybody is going on Chantrix and quitting at the same time, as a Xmas present to our families and friends, and especially ourselves. This is good, since we will all have a built-in support group!

I finally got around to logging on my personal computer yesterday to find a couple of friends in need. I hope both of you the best and you know I will do what I can to help out. All the best to you in your efforts.

It is amazing how many flippin' updates a computer requires after two weeks. I finally got through them all this morning. I also discovered that the battery to my laptop was dead as a doornail. The battery in my last laptop lasted well over 2.5 years. This one barely made it to 1.5 years and I rarely use it on battery mode. I ordered another plus 2GB of memory! I can't wait for the memory. If it would have let me, I would of added 4GB of memory. I also remembered what my Mother wanted for her birthday and ordered her some wireless TV headphones. Poor woman is about dead as a stone, even with $3,000 in brand new hearing aids. So, let me tell ya, that TV is LOUD! I can't wait. It is more of a present to me then her. Dad's birthday is coming up as well, and I found a replacement for his travel bar case, which was difficult as hell to find, unless used or vintage. But, it is nicer than what he lost on his last road trip, so I hope he likes it.

I also won a scholarship for certification in Economic Development. Pretty cool and expensive. This costs more than a semester at a university carrying 18-hours credit. Fortunately, it isn't right away.

Off to brunch, back in a flash. Yum......thick French Toast and hand-cut bacon.

Cool news: My niece is working for a producer now with Lionsgate Films vetting scripts, among many other things. Very cool! She also co-produced the Texas version of the PBS series on WWII with was shown in the past two weeks based on Ken Burns' PBS World War II documentary, "The War." My parents are in the Texas version and my mom is in the ad they play on PBS announcing the show. They even show a telegram my mother sent to my father when she hadn't heard from him and was worried.

I need to share some extraordinary photographs of sidewalk art that are so good, that even I can't quite believe it. These are actually drawings on the sidewalk itself, not 3-D objects placed on the sidewalk. Julian Beever has some serious perspective talent (Julian Beever's Website). Click image to enlarge in a seperate window.


Watch how the "Pavement Picasso" does it:


So, what's happening in the blogosphere, you ask? Let's find out who is ruling over adversity this past week and knocking down (sitting on?) the obstacles in their path:

Ripley of Zen Cabin found employment!!!!!!! Ya Freakin' Hoo! Congrats hot stuff! Rip's buyin'! BTW, he's a QUITTER, too!

HA! The Rude One asks the President three questions. Seriously. Congrats on 5 years of running hilarity and rudeness.

B-sides, I like the Music Slut's rareties.

Carpetbagger has a Jonah-Limbaugh Limp Dick Theory

The American Street spys the Cult of Phonyism

Reason Magazine must read: The Week Everything Changed Edition

Pushing Rope on Love Story: Remake

Norwegianity campaigns to Stop Hillary

Jesus' General loves Larry Craig (and, so can you!)

James Walcott's tooth and consequences

Dohiyi Mir ..... and lookin' cuz....well, do you have Skype? (check out the beautiful photographs throughout as well)

Blog Meridian on A stretch of river XLIII: Wind and Wallace Stevens

Atlantic Free Press' Paul Balles on Quackery from the Podium

Acephlaous' revisions: Big-Tooth belongs to the Folk (with musical accompaniment)

Gotta go jump in the shower folks and get to that movie. Have a fabulous day and tell me more of what's going on in the comments section. Really, I need to know.

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At October 07, 2007 6:19 PM , Blogger Michael Hussey said...

Congrats on the scholarship.


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