Friday, November 05, 2010

The Republican Recycle Bin: Porter Goss Edition

Disgraced Republicans don't leave politics. They are just recycled. The latest example is Former CIA director Porter Goss. Incoming Agricultural commissioner Adam Putnam named Goss a member of his transition team.

Goss had to resign from the CIA after the hookers poker parties broke. One attendee of the party was Brent Wilkes. Mr. Wilkes was convicted of 13 felonies involving former Congressman Duke Cunningham. The convictions involve money laundering and related charges stemming from briding Cunningham. Wilkes is now serving 12 years in federal prison.

Another fun fact: Wilkes was involved in the Tom Delay scandal.

Another attendee at the hookers poker parties was Kyle Foggo. He was Goss's deputy at the CIA. Foggo is currently being investigated by the CIA Inspector General, the FBI, IRS, Defense Criminal Investigative Service and the San Diego U.S. Attorney's office. Foggo and Wilkes are longtime friends. Forgo was charged in the Duke Cunningham case with Wilkes. Charges were later dropped.

Goss wasn't even a competent director. Morale slipped at the CIA under Goss's watch The New York Times paints a stark picture.

Current and former intelligence officials say considerable turmoil remains within the agency, particularly within the directorate of operations, which is responsible for human spying around the world. The directorate's No. 2 official, Robert Richer, has become the most recent high-ranking official to announce his departure, and he told officials at the White House and in the C.I.A. that he had lost confidence in Goss.

Putnam's judgement should be seriously questioned for having Goss on his transition team.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

FISA and the U.S. Attorneys Scandal

Nancy Pelosi has decided to let the FISA law elapse. On her Facebook profile, Pelosi wrote that she voted "to uphold the Constitution to uphold the Constitution." Pelosi and House Democrats showed the spine their colleagues in the Senate lacked. The House Republicans response was to take their ball and go home.

House Republicans Stage Walkout

House Republicans have just staged a walkout from the chamber to protest the decision of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership to let an act that expands the government’s surveillance powers expire.

Talking Points Memo has video of Minority Leader John Boehner staging the walkout.

Part of the walkout was a smoke screen: Democrats and the 35 Republicans that didn't walk out voted 223 to 32 to hold Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers in contempt for refusing to testify about their roles in the U.S. Attorney scandal. Bush decided that his staffers were above the law and need not testify.

"This is beyond arrogance. This is hubris taken to the ultimate degree," Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in the closing moments of the debate.

Administration officials purged U.S. Attorneys that would not go after Democrats and bogus voter fraud cases. The White House wanted loyal Bushies to use the Justice Department to win elections. Republican Senator Pete Domenici personally asked Bush to fire U.S. Attorney David Iglesias. Domenici was angered that Iglesias would not (illegally) leak information on possible indictments against Democrats.

U.S. Attorney Carol Lam was fired after issuing a warrant to search Kyle Dustin "Dusty" Foggo. A man involved in the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal and Brent Wilkes's prostitute parties. Wilkes was a major Bush fundraiser. Two days after Lam issued the warrant on Foggo, Justice Department Chief of Staff Kyle Sampson fired off this email.

"the real problem we have right now with Carol Lam that leads me to conclude that we should have someone ready to be nominated on 11/18, the day her 4-year term expires."

Nowhere is Lam's record on enforcing immigration laws is mentioned. Sampson admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Justice Department never discussed with her handling of illegal immigration.

Boehner is helping turn the GOP into the party that stands up against enforcing laws. His sense of politics and policy are so misguided that he is helping the Democrats win more House seats. House Republicans are retiring, the party has a nominee that the base can't get behind and Boehner still wants to hitch House Republicans to Bush.

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