Thursday, July 08, 2010

Elena Kagan Endorsed by 2 Live Crew

In 1990, Elena Kagan filed an amicus brief for the RIAA on 2 Live Crew album Nasty As They Wanna Be. Kagan wrote that the album wasn't obscene because no one could feel a tingle between their legs after listening to such classics as Fuck Shop.

Nasty does not physically excite anyone who hears it, much less arouse a shameful and morbid sexual response.

2 Live Crew Frontman Luther Campbell has endorsed Kagan.

She is not going to let any person or group tell her what is right or wrong. Kagan will judge each case based on the law of the land. She has demonstrated she can protect the Constitution by doing the fine work she did to protect 2 Live Crew's freedom of speech.

This has to be the most awesome endorsement ever.

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Grassley's Asks Kagan if Second Amendment is Right Given By God

Sen. Charles Grassley asked Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan if the Second amendment is a right given by God. Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are going to use the hearings to pander to the conservative base and not even try to ask Kagan serious questions. Seriously, why doesn't Grassley just ask Kagan if God wrote the Constitution.

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