Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Joe Garcia Ear Wax Controversy

It is amazing that Rep. Joe Garcia digging into his ear wax got more attention on the internet than the House Judiciary Committee discussing warrantless wiretapping. Ear wax seems to be more important than potentially illegal wiretapping the the federal government.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Louie Gohmert's Epic Fail on House Judiciary Committee

The most hysterical moment of the House Judiciary Committee was Attorney General making a fool out of Rep. Louie Gohmert. Mind you, making a fool out of Gohmert is not hard. Gohmert made statements about what the FBI didn't to to stop the Boston bombing. Holder pointed out to Gohmert that Gohmert has no way of knowing what the FBI did since Gohmert didn't see the FBI files. Gohmert then backtracks and claims he didn't say any of the things he just said. Chairman Bob Goodlatte tries desperately to get Gohmert to shut up. Gohmert just keeps digging a deeper hole for himself.

Start watching the video at the 3:30 mark. Hilarity ensues.

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The Obama Administration is Cracking

Attorney General Eric Holder snapped at members of House Judiciary Committee.

“I don’t, frankly, think I’ve always been treated with respect, and it’s not even a personal thing,” he said. “That’s one thing. But I am the Attorney General of the United States.

Did Holder actually think that Republicans were going to kill him with kindness?

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew fired acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller. George W. Bush appointee Douglas H. Shulman was IRS commissioner when the Cincinnati IRS office was targeting tea party groups. Miller was only serving as the temporary commissioner because the Senate hasn't confirmed a new IRS commissioner. Sen. Chuck Grassley said as much.

In comments to Government Executive following Shulman's announcement, a spokeswoman for Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, a longtime Finance Committee member, said, “it seems very unlikely to Sen. Grassley that the Senate would consider an IRS commissioner nominee before the next president is chosen -- the choice should be the next president’s, whether that’s President Obama or someone else.”

President Barack Obama gave a press conference today on the IRS saga. Obama showed up late to his own press conference and didn't take questions from the media. That is not a good sign.

This has been a horrible day for the Obama administration.

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Holder's Missing Written Record of Recusal

This is embarrassing. The Justice Department cannot find Attorney General's Eric Holder written record of recusal from the Associated Press investigation. During the House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Tom Marino asked Holder where the recusal document was. Holder gave this answer.

“That’s something we were looking for, and nothing has been found,” Holder said, before acknowledging: “That actually might be a better policy to have.”

Kevin Gosztola catches that Holder told the committee that he saw the draft form of the response letter to the AP. Why would an Attorney General that recused himself be looking at this letter? I'm wondering if Holder actually recused himself?

Holder is asked questions by Goodlatte on AP records seizure by DoJ. He basically repeats what he said yesterday. Completely useless and waste of time to ask him questions. He passed off responsibility to deputy attorney general by recusing himself making it harder for Congress to conduct any oversight because he supposedly has no idea what has gone on in this process. But, he’s been briefed in some respect and he saw the draft form of a response letter to the AP. He knows more than he wants to talk about because he wants to dodge scrutiny.

I am not trying to raise the spector of a conspiracy theory. However, it is obvious that Holder has condradicted his own statements. At the very least, Holder is being evasive.

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When Political Hacks Collide

I am no fan of Attorney General Eric Holder. The man has no interest in prosecuting people in power, whether that be CEOs at major banks or people responsible for the torture of detainees. Holder is a horrible Attorney General. Rep. Darrell Issa is a political hack only interested in scoring political points against the Obama administration. These two horrible public servants got into a spat during the Judiciary Committee hearing today.

"No, no, no, that's -- I am not going to stop talking now," he said.

Issa called on the committee chairman to ask Holder to stop talking, but Holder refused.

"It is inappropriate and too consistent with the way in which you conduct yourself as a member of Congress," the attorney general said. "It is unacceptable. It is shameful."

I am glad that Holder called Issa on his bullshit. I just it was someone other than Holder that would took Issa to task.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

The No Impeachment Show

The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on abuses on. House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Chairman John Conyers have stated that impeachment will not happen. Pelosi and Conyers are right. There is not enough votes in the Senate to remove the President or Dick Cheney. I certainly believe Bush is worthy of impeachment. That doesn't mean it is possible.

The hearing is for frustrated Democrats such as Robert Wexler.

"The Bush White House has distorted the concept of executive privilege beyond recognition in order to hide White House wrongdoings," Wexler said. "Faced with this litany of wrongful actions, I am convinced that the most appropriate response to this unprecedented behavior is to hold hearings for impeachment."

The best statement is made by former Reagan administration Deputy Attorney General Bruce Fein.

“He decided he would flout the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which placed limits, very modest ones, on the ability to collect foreign intelligence because after 40 years of disclosed abuses by the Church Committee and other committees of this Congress. He also claimed not only could he violate the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, but any limitation in his view, any limitation on his ability to gather foreign intelligence was unconstitutional. Thus, he could kidnap, detain in secret prisons, in violation of limitations saying ‘I’m gathering foreign intelligence,’ he could open mail, he could burgalarize homes. All in the name of gathering foreign intelligence, a frightening power. And he has not renounced that to this day. He has also asserted the right to shield what he has done from review and oversight by this body.”

Bush tells America that he can keep us safe. Who keeps America safe from Bush?

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Scott McClellan on Scooter Libby

Scott McClellan tells John Conyers that Lewis "Scooter" Libby has not proven himself worthy of a pardon. I have no doubt President Bush will pardon Libby. Cheney is close to LIbby and Bush doesn't want another White House official writing a tell all book.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jamie Leigh Jones Testifies

Proof that the Bush administration doesn't care about the allegations of rape and sexual harassment against Iraq contractor Kellogg Brown and Root, the Justice Department did not send a representitive to the House Judiciary Committee hearings.

"I'm embarrassed that the Department of Justice can't even come forward," said the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers, D-Mich.

"This is an absolute disgrace," said Conyers. "The least we could do is have people from the Department of Justice and the Defense over here talking about how we're going to straighten out the system right away."

Jamie Leigh Jones testified in front of the committee and reports widespread abuse from KBR employees.

"The problem goes way beyond just me. Through the Jamie Leigh Foundation, numerous other people have contacted me who have been assaulted and raped, then retaliated against for reporting those attacks," Jones said.

Congressman Ted Poe testified before the committee. Poe testified that Jones is not the only victim.

"Since Jamie has gone public with her experience, my office has heard from 3 other women. Of course, my office will furnish the names of these women to the Judiciary Committee if needed."

The reason Halliburton is named in the lawsuit is because the company will not let Jones take the men who attacked her to court. Jones signed an arbitration agreement, Halliburton can not allow her case to be heard in a public court. Halliburton would rather be sued and face negative publicity than have the case go public.

Below is a video of Jones's opening statement.

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Jill Simpson Blows Whistle On Karl Rove & Bob Riley

This is a breaking news story of how Karl Rove used the Justice Department for political payback against Don Siegelman (D). Rove did not want a recount of the Alabama Governor's election. The results would have challenged bob Riley's victory.

John Conyers released the sworn testimony of Jill Simpson.

In a closed-door interview with committee staff, Simpson recalled how Rob Riley, current Gov. Bob Riley’s (R) son, told her about Rove’s role in a plan to prosecute Siegelman if he did not back down from contesting the 2001 gubernatorial election results that handed the office to Riley.

According to the transcript, Simpson described a 2005 conversation with Rob Riley, who told her that Rove had contacted the Public Integrity Section of the Department of Justice to press for further prosecution of Siegelman. She said Rob Riley also recounted how the case would be assigned to a federal judge who “hated” Siegelman and would “hang Don Siegelman.”

Blogger Glynn Wilson that Simpson has dealt with intimidation for coming forward.

Her house has already been burned down and one of her vehicles has been run off the road and totaled since she decided to seek justice and come out against the Bush and Riley political machines in the case of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman and deposed HealthSouth founder Richard Scrushy. While there may be no proof of a connection and there may be no connection at all, knowing the history of how hard the Bush's are willing to play in their pursuit of power, it has to make a person just a tad concerned - under the circumstances.

Here is a earlier affidavit Simpson made. She recanted the allegations that Siegelman's campaign placed Riley signs near a Klu Klux Klan rally. She told the House Judiciary Committee Siegalman dropped his challenge after learning the signs were moved. This smells like Riley's people attempted to start a bogus controversy to scare Siegalman.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Here Comes the Subpoenas

Karl Rove and Scott Jennings have been subpoenaed by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Democrats sent a letter to Solicitor General Paul Clement. They have asked special counsel to investigate to investigative if Alberto Gonzales perjured himself to Congress.

Gonzales made claim that he visited John Ashcroft's hospital room. There have been news stories that Gonzales was seeking approval to continue a classified surveillance program. Gonzales wished to circumvent acting Attorney General James Comey. Ashcroft turned down Gonzales's request.

Gonzales testified that he visited the hospital on the behave of Democrats. Tom Daschle, Jay Rockefeller, Jane Harman and Nancy Pelosi stated that is false. Futhermore, an Office of the Director of National Intelligence document reveal that Democrats did not dicuss reauthorization of the domestic surveillance program during the March 10, 2004 meeting. Gonzales's cover story has been blown by eyewitnesses and documentation.

Testifying before a Congressional committee is the same as testifying in court. The laws of perjury apply. Elliott Abrams pleaded guilty to Congress to two felonies for perjuring himself to Congress. Abrams said these word to John Kerry about Contra funding.

"I can say that while I have been assistant secretary, which is about 15 months, we have not received a dime from a foreign government, not a dime, from any foreign government."

Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia funneled 32 million of his country's money to the Contras. The current President gave him the nickname Bandar Bush.

In other news: The House Judiciary Committee voted to file contempt charges against Joshua Bolton and Harriet Miers. Bolton accompanied Gonzales to visit Ashcroft. Miers was part of the email exchanges dealing with the U.S. Attorneys purging.

“In our system of government, no one is above the law,” Rep. John Conyers, the committee’s chairman, said in a letter to the White House.

Tony Snow responded by kicking out a Yiddish diss. I swear I'm not making this up.

“This is pathetic,” said White House spokesman Tony Snow. “We have hundreds of hearings that have produced bupkis.”

The literal definitions of bupkis is beans. Perhaps Snow is confusing the judiciary committees the House Committee on Agriculture.

If that was the case then Mr. Snow wouldn't be in full spin mode.

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