Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ted Cruz is the New Jim DeMint

Via Crooks and Liars: Sen. Ted Cruz continues to endear himself to both members of Congress.

“Madame President,” Cruz said to Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), who was presiding over the Senate session, “the senior senator from Arizona urged this body to trust the Republicans. Let me be clear, I don’t trust the Republicans.”

“And I don’t trust the Democrats,” he continued after a beat. “And I think a whole lot of Americans likewise don’t trust the Republicans and the Democrats because it is leadership in both parties that has gotten us into this mess.”

Cruz is denying the right of House Republicans to conference with the Senate on the budget. Cruz is opposing his own party. This is the kind of stuff Jim DeMint used to do. DeMint supported letting the government default based on his own lack of understanding of economics. Even Mitch McConnell, in all his grandstanding, was not that crazy. Cruz, like DeMint, isn't in Congress to pass legislation. Cruz and DeMint both believe in making government dysfunctional and pissing off their colleagues.

I was not surprised when DeMint left the Senate to run the Heritage Foundation. It was obvious DeMint hated government and the people that worked there. My question is why did DeMint ever run for the Senate in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz doesn't run for a second term. Hispanic Republicans are turning on Cruz.

“I’m disappointed in Ted Cruz because he is capable of being a leader on the immigration issue like Rubio,” said Artemio Muniz, the chairman of the Federation of Hispanic Republicans, an offshoot of the Republican Party of Texas. “He has the conservative pedigree to take the lead and be the guy and close the gap between the Hispanic community and Republicans, but he has chosen another route.”

Count on Cruz to block the immigration reform bill in the Senate. It doesn't matter that the Republican Party is losing Hispanic voters. Someone has to be the new Jim DeMint. Before DeMint was Joe Lieberman. There is always one member of the Senate that gets a power thrill from behaving like an asshole.

Update: Salon columnist Joan Walsh fired off this tweet.

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Sunday, December 09, 2012

Jim DeMint Partner

Some jokes write themselves.

What can we expect from Jim DeMint when he becomes president of the Heritage Foundation? Thoughtful policy papers? Innovative solutions to problems facing America? How about more Glenn Beck.

Sen. Jim DeMint called in to Glenn Beck's radio program today to discuss his decision to resign from the Senate to become the president of the Heritage Foundation. DeMint explained that, with the re-election of President Obama, conservatives were not going to be able "to do anything positive at the federal level for the next four years" so he needed to be somewhere outside of government, working on solutions for when Obama's policies inevitably bring America "to its knees" ... and that will entail partnering with people like Beck to get the message out; a prospect that Beck was very eager to embrace:

DeMint is kissing Beck's ass. Beck is enjoying getting his ass kissed. Republican politicians like DeMint view conservative media as their true constituency. What a sad world we live in when a U.S. Senator feels the need to treat Glenn Beck as someone of great stature.

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Thursday, December 06, 2012

Mark Sanford May Run For Senate

Apparently, the Appalachian trail may lead to the U.S. Senate. Disgraced former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has not ruled out running for the Senate seat currently occupied by the departing Jim DeMint.

Don’t rule it out. In an interview, the former South Carolina governor said he’d been by bombarded Thursday by calls and emails from former donors and allies encouraging him to consider a run in the 2014 election for Mr. DeMint’s seat. And, guess what? He’s not dismissing the idea.

“It’s not a ‘no,’ but it’s not a ‘yes,’ ” Mr. Sanford said.

Gov. Nikki Haley will appoint DeMint's successor. An election for the Senate seat will be held in 2014.

Sanford became a national punchline for his affair with Maria Belen Chapur. I don't think an affair disqualifies Sanford from office. I do strongly disagree with Sanford's political views.

Don't think that Sanford could not get elected to the Senate. South Carolina sent the racist Strom Thurmond to the Senate repeatedly. David Vitter was caught in an escort scandal and was re-elected. Sanford has a legitimate chance a political second act. Sanford hasn't made enemies within his party like former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. It is virtually impossible for a Democrat to win a statewide race in South Carolina. If Sanford wins the Republican primary, he will be a senator.

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Jim DeMint Is Really Stupid

"To state the obvious, you don't make Jim DeMint the head of your think tank in order to improve the quality of your scholarship."

Ezra Klein, on Jim DeMint becoming the president of the Heritage Foundation.

DeMint is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. DeMint ventured into conspiracy land with his statement that President Obama is like the evil government in the novel 1984.

• In April, he accused President Obama of taking us into Orwellian 1984 territory. “When I read George Orwell’s novel 1984, I would almost smile because I would think that could never happen,” DeMint said. “But he [Obama] really is saying one thing and meaning the complete opposite. He is presenting a complete redefinition of words and ideas.”

DeMint has publicly opposed single mothers and gay people being school teachers.

At a 2004 debate, DeMint declared that openly gay people should not be teaching public school. "We need the folks that are teaching in schools to represent our values," he said. DeMint later added that he "would have given the same answer when asked if a single woman, who was pregnant and living with her boyfriend, should be hired to teach my third grade children."

During the debt ceiling crisis, DeMint told Andrew Napolitano that he was willing to push the federal government into default.

DEMINT: The reason the president hasn’t addressed the issue even though we knew it was facing us, and this is the fourth time he’s asked for an increase in the debt limit, he has been burning time — that’s what [Vice President Joe] Biden was supposed to do is get the Republicans behind closed doors — is burn the clock up until we have a crisis. So now we’re at the point where there would have to be some serious disruptions in order not to raise it. I’m willing to do that, I just don’t think we can find enough of Republicans and Democrats to say it’s time to stop spending.

DeMint is so economically ignorant that Sec. of Treasury Tim Geithner had to explain to the Senator that a cap can not be placed on placed on the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is either raised or paid down. There is no in between.

Geithner's letter to DeMint.

In your letter, you suggest that the debt limit should not be raised, and instead that federal debt be "capped" at the current limit. You further propose that after the government's borrowing authority is exhausted in August, the United States should for some indefinate period pay only the interest on its debt, while stopping or delaying payment of a broad swath of other commitments the the country has made under the law.

I have expressed my concerns about this idea before, but I will restate them to be clear: this "prioritization" proposal advocates a radical and deeply irresponsible departure from the commitments by Presidents of both parties, throughout American history, to honor all of the commitments our Nation has made.

The debt limit applies to past decisions of Congress. Increasing the debt limit is necessary to allow the United States to honor obligations previously authorized and appropriated by Congress.

DeMint was one of the 38 Republican senators to vote against U.N. Treaty on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Republican Bob Dole came back to the Senate in a wheelchair to lobby fellow Republicans. Dole himself is disabled and currently moving about in a wheelchair. DeMint and other Republicans voted against the treaty over conspiracy theory fears that the United Nations would take away America's sovereignty.

Dan Drezner marvels at the stupidity of not ratifying the treaty.

Now I'm honestly pretty dubious about whether U.S. ratification of the treaty would accomplish all that. Unlike Law of the Sea, not ratifying this treaty doesn't appreciably harm U.S. interests. It does, however, make the United States look pretty dysfunctional. In essence, the U.S. Senate just rejected a treaty on protecting the disabled that would have globalized the status quo in U.S. law on this issue. To use the parlance of international relations scholars, this is dumber than a bag of hammers.

One would look at DeMint's record and think this guy is really fucking stupid. Marco Rubio views DeMint as an intellectual giant.

Jim DeMint. He’s a great source of wisdom as a person who’s had to make decisions that have made him unpopular in his own party.

The Shark Tank reports that Rubio is putting together a farewell video for his intellectual mentor.

Update: DeMint is neither a fan of free speech or a woman's right to choice. DeMint sponsored an amendment that would ban women from discussing abortion with their doctors over the internet.

“What about a woman experiencing a high-risk pregnancy who is talking with her doctor through video conferencing?” Keenan said. “Under Sen. DeMint’s extreme plan, if abortion came up in that doctor-patient conversation, the woman and her physician would have to go to a separate communications system. He’s calling for an abortion-only version of Skype. It is impractical, ridiculous, and, most importantly, bad for women in rural or remote areas who would not be able to discuss the full set of options with their doctor.”

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Monday, November 19, 2012

More From the Marco Rubio GQ Interview

Peter Schorsch spotted this comment from the Marco Rubio interview.

GQ: Who’s your best friend?

Marco Rubio: My wife. We talk every day.

GQ: Besides your wife.

Marco Rubio: [South Carolina Senator and Tea Party favorite] Jim DeMint. He’s a great source of wisdom as a person who’s had to make decisions that have made him unpopular in his own party. Jeb Bush is another guy I admire for his ability to analyze issues and call them for what they are.

DeMint is a source of wisdom? I remember Treasury Secretary having to give DeMint an economics 101 lesson on how the debt ceiling works. From Geithner's letter to DeMint.

In your letter, you suggest that the debt limit should not be raised, and instead that federal debt be "capped" at the current limit. You further propose that after the government's borrowing authority is exhausted in August, the United States should for some indefinate period pay only the interest on its debt, while stopping or delaying payment of a broad swath of other commitments the the country has made under the law.

I have expressed my concerns about this idea before, but I will restate them to be clear: this "prioritization" proposal advocates a radical and deeply irresponsible departure from the commitments by Presidents of both parties, throughout American history, to honor all of the commitments our Nation has made.

The debt limit applies to past decisions of Congress. Increasing the debt limit is necessary to allow the United States to honor obligations previously authorized and appropiated by Congress.

DeMint doesn't realize that he is advocating that the federal government default. Under the Consitution, the federal government must pay its debts. Furthermore, DeMint doesn't know that the debt ceiling involves past spending approved by DeMint and other members of Congress. This is Rubio's source of wisdom.

Section 4 of the 14th amendment makes clear that debt shall be paid.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.
DeMint and Rubio are both economic illiterates. No wonder they bound so well.

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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Those Lazy People

Conservative ideology can explain all economic woes away. Take for instance unemployment. It isn't that companies are cutting costs by laying off or not hiring workers. It is not outsourcing. Nor is it the lack of consumer confidence that causes a lack of spending. According to Sen. Jim DeMint, people don't want to work.

DEMINT: I have talked to a lot of businesses in South Carolina who can't get employees to come back to work because they are getting unemployment and they're getting food stamps and they say call me when unemployment runs out. [...]

There are a lot of people who desperately need it and we need to make sure that we have that safety net in place, but we also have to realize there are a lot of people gaming the system right now. And we need to do better than we have done with just extending benefits, there have to be incentives for people to get back to work. These have to phase out in a way that we haven't done it before.

Another example is the millions of Americans that have had their houses foreclosed upon. It isn't banks getting getting greedy by providing credit to people that weren't financially ready to own a home. Nor is it people losing their jobs or banks illegally foreclosing with robo-signing fraudulent documents. Florida's Attorney General Pam Bondi gave the same lazy people argument.

Bondi spoke out against a proposed national settlement between 50 state attorneys general and lenders that would have cut the principal owed by homeowners. She said she was opposed to any across-the-board reductions because she didn't want to help people "who just don't want to pay their mortgage payments."

If we took DeMint's and Bondi's reasoning to its logical conclusion then President Obama cannot be held accountable for unemployment because people are too lazy to work. This is classic Republican blame the victim argument. What you won't hear is DeMint and Bondi explain how they will solve unemployment and illegal foreclosures in a way that doesn't involve standard talking points.

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Friday, July 08, 2011

Treasury Strikes Down 14th Amendment Option

Treasury Department General Counsel George Madison laughably tells the New York Times editors that Sec. Tim Geithner never said that Section 4 of the 14th amendment forbids the the executive branch from paying its debt.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Except that is exactly what Geithner said in the video below. Geithner even bookmarked the 14th amendment with a paperclip.

GEITHNER: "So as a negotiating strategy you say: 'If you don't do things my way, I'm going to force the United States to default--not pay the legacy of bills accumulated by my predecessors in Congress.' It's not a credible negotiating strategy, and it's not going to happen."

Madison's letter to the New York Times editors.

To the Editor:

Contrary to Professor Laurence Tribe’s assertion (Op-Ed, July 8), Secretary Geithner has never argued that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows the President to disregard the statutory debt limit. As Professor Tribe notes, the Constitution explicitly places the borrowing authority with Congress, not the President.

The Secretary has cited the 14th Amendment’s command that “[t]he validity of the public debt of the United States… shall not be questioned” in support of his strong conviction that Congress has an obligation to ensure we are able to honor the obligations of the United States. Like every previous Secretary of the Treasury who has confronted the question, Secretary Geithner has always viewed the debt limit as a binding legal constraint that can only be raised by Congress.


George W. Madison
General Counsel

The point is America has never had to deal with a Congress willing to default. There is no real legal guideline. Other than the government must pay its debts.

What is illogical of the Jim Demint position is it would actually give the executive branch greater power. The Treasury Department would decide which debts are paid or left unpaid. The government would go into greater debt by missing payments to financial institutions and lose its AAA credit rating. This isn't a conservative position DeMint is proposing. It is anarchy.

Ezra Klein pointed out that the federal government cuts millions of checks every month. Treasury would have to decide who gets paid. Treasury has never had to handle such a workload.

Politically, Geithner and the Obama administration is signaling that they won't play hardball with the Republicans. This should as a surprise to no one.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Geithner Letter to DeMint

Reading Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's letter to Jim DeMint is horrifying. Geithner has to explain basic economics to DeMint as if he was a child. It is painfully obvious that DeMint is incredibly stupid. Demint believes that the country can run without raising the debt ceiling. DeMint proposes only paying the interest back to banks. Geithner explains that the federal government borrows 40 cents for every dollar. There will will future financial obligations, in terms of loans and budget priorities in legislation that has already been passed.

DeMint believes the Treasury Department runs like his credit card. Just stop using it and everything is okay. If DeMint failed to pay his mortgage and auto insurance, he would be homeless and unable to drive. The federal government would not have enough revenue to fund its military operations in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq. The fedral government would likely shut down. I wonder how DeMint would feel when he doesn't receive a paycheck.

Geithner explaining DeMint's factual errors to him.

Read more »

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jim DeMint's Anti-Gay Letter to Christian Right

I don't believe Jim DeMint is pandering. DeMint is a true bigot. The Senator sent a letter out to Christian Right leaders. DeMint claims that hate crimes legislation will take away religious leaders right to speak "biblical truths." This is utter nonsense. The First amendment gives Americans the right to express freedom of religion and speech. What hates crime legislation does is not allow a nutcase to beat someone to death because of his or her sexuality, race or (get this) religion.

The federal legislation was created after the brutal murders of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. President Barack Obama signed the legislation into law. If DeMint was a true Christian he would pass legislation to make sure such murders never happen again.

DeMint's letter under the fold.Read more »

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Most Conservative Members of Congress

The National Journal has compiled a list most conservative members of Congress. You will be shocked to learn the list is made up of old white Republican guys.

Tied for first

John Barrasso
Saxby Chambliss
John Cornyn
Mike Crapo (best name ever for a pol)
Jim DeMint
John McCain
James Risch
John Thune

9. Tom Coburn
10. Roger Wicker

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Marco Rubio Repeal Health Care Bill

Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Jim DeMint are co-sponsoring legislation to repeal the Affordable Health Choices Act.

“It is critical for the future prosperity and health of our country that we repeal ObamaCare and replace it with common sense reforms that will lower health care costs and get more Americans insured,” said Senator Rubio. “At a time when we need to be focused on creating a pro-jobs environment in Florida and across the country, ObamaCare has only served to foster uncertainty for job creators. We need to start over with reforms that promote competition, empower patients with more options, combat fraud and integrate the latest technologies for a system that better serves the patient.”

Rubio and other Republicans have repeatedly called President Obama's health care changes job killers. The Congressional Budget Office found repealing the health care legislation will increase the deficit by $230 billion over the decade. A repeal would result in 32 million Americans without health coverage. I have my own reservations about Obama's landmark legislation. The Republican merely want to turn federal health care into a voucher system with no cost controls. That is not reform.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Hypocrisy of John Mica

John Mica is now running from the very Transportation Security Administration he helped created.

Jim DeMint placed killing unionization of TSA employees above national security by placing a hold on President Obama's appontment of a new TSA chief administrator. Mica disingenuously blames Obama for DeMint's hold.

MICA: We didn't have a TSA administrator for over a year. It was one of the last appointments the Obama administration made. (Cross talk) So you had an out of control agency... a rudderless agency which is difficult to manage even if you had it all together.

Mica's plan is to kick TSA out and have private companies do the screening. It is painfully obvious to me that Mica never read the 9/11 commission report. Private screener failed miserably and let the hijackers aboard the planes. Furthermore, is Mica suggesting that private companies be given the same authority to use x-ray scans and pat down private body parts? Mica is just ranting about the wonders of private companies after such security measures have failed before.

Mica supported the TSA pat-downs in 2004.

The patdowns could be made obsolete by new machines being tested at six airports nationwide that suck in air around passengers and quickly detect explosive material. But that project is two years behind schedule, said Florida Rep. John Mica, a Republican who chairs the House aviation subcommittee.

“My biggest fear is suicide bombers on an aircraft,” he said. “We just don’t have too many other options than to pat people down to try and detect the explosives.”

Mica did not support pat-downs for travelers on private planes.

"We're concerned," Mica said, "but you can't protect yourself against every single small aircraft or every vehicle."

Translation: Mica's response is hell no to pat-downs to people rich enough to afford their own planes. In Tampa, 15 year-old Charles J. Bishop slammed a private plane into the Bank of America Plaza building. Bishop voiced his supported Osama bin Laden. Bishop was killed in the crash. Bishop's act of terrorism in 2002 shows Mica does not take national security seriously.

Update: Mica is urging travelers not to participate in Opt-Out Day.

“I think the public needs to work with us. We will get it right,” Mica said on CNN’s "State of the Union." “I’m not going to support that but we need to get it right and we will.”

Mica support the pat-downs during the Bush administration. Mica now feels differently that there is a Democratic administration and heat on him for helping to create the TSA. A true profile in courage.

Mica criticized John Pistole, administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), for signing off the new invasive pat-down procedures. He said Pistole needs to change course because of the public outcry against the pat-downs.

“I don’t think the rollout has been good and the application is even worse. This needs to be refined,” Mica said. “He says this is the only tool and I believe he’s wrong.”

Really? Mica himself said in 2004 that the pat-downs were necessary.

“My biggest fear is suicide bombers on an aircraft,” he said. “We just don’t have too many other options than to pat people down to try and detect the explosives.”

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Within days of the start of the Obama administration, before the ink was dry on his oath of office, Republicans openly bragged about plans to ‘break him and engineer his Waterloo. Announcing that ideological purity was more important than obtaining a majority, the prevailing Republican motto was, ‘We’d rather have 30 Marco Rubios in the Senate than 50 Arlen Specters.’"

Arlen Specter, lashing out against Jim DeMint, during one of his final Senate floor speeches.

I for one do not want 30 Marco Rubios in the Senate. Rubio should open a history and economics book before running for office. To say Rubio is not very bright is a vast understatement.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Obama We Can Expect For the Next Four Years

"When will the White House stop wasting its time trying to convert people like Grassley to real health care reform?" Arianna Huffington asked on Twitter. The answer is never. The townhall meeetings have gotten increasingly out of control. Republicans Jim DeMint and Michael Steele have called health care Obanma's Waterloo. Obama praised Republican Charles Grassley's work as being bipartisan. Grassley repaid Obama's praise by saying Obama was advocating death panels.

“In the House bill, there is counseling for end of life,” Grassley said Wednesday during a town hall in Winterset, Iowa. “You have every right to fear. You shouldn’t have counseling at the end of life, you should have done that 20 years before. Should not have a government run plan to decide when to pull the plug on grandma.”

Keith Olbermann interviewed Huffington. Both Olbermann and Huffington seemed bewildered by Obama's refusal to fight for health care reform. I'm convinced Obama believes he can charm his way into getting his health care reform bill. This is the Obama we can expect for the next four years. Don't believe me? Huffington stressed the need for the federal government to have to power to negotiate for cheaper drugs. Obama already promised the pharmaceutical industry that the White House won't back legislation for the federal government to cut a Wal-Mart-style deal.

This is Obama's governing style. Obama bended over backwards to please Rick Warren and abandoned ending "Don't Ask Don't Tell." The administration asked for a loophole for corporate bonueses. The public was outraged when AIG executives were awarded huge bonues. Obama desperately wants to please the conservative base. I am certainly not implying Obama is a Republican. Eventually, Obama's progressive base is going to get fed up. Obama will wake up and find his faith-based initiative and corporate favors will not have helped his political base.

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