Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Iran Letter Shows Mitch McConnell's Weakness

Republicans are backtracking from the letter signed by 47 GOP Senators and drafted by freshman Tom Cotton. Republican aides is hysterically telling The Daily Beast was all a joke.

Republican aides were taken aback by the response to what what they thought was a lighthearted attempt to signal to Iran and the public that Congress should have a role in the ongoing nuclear discussions. Two GOP aides separately described their letter as a “cheeky” reminder of the congressional branch’s prerogatives.

Megyn Kelly mocked Cotton on her show.

"You've offended the Obama administration and you may have offended some of the Democrats who would have come over with the Republicans depending on what happens with this deal, to have a stronger say in the Senate,” Kelly said.

The real question is why is the Republican caucus continuing to allow freshmen senators to drive the agenda. Republican Senate members can't stand Ted Cruz but they let him shutdown the government. Republican asllowed Cotton to not only write an open letter to Iran - the majority of the membership signed it. The Republican Senators are now being accused of treason. The frontpage of The New York Daily News was brutal.

This is what happens when Mitch McConnell doesn't tell the freshmen Senators to sit down and shut the fuck up.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Gov. Mike Huckabee

Megyn Kelly usually doesn't get rattled. She accidentally dropped the F bomb when introducing Mike Huckabee.

"Joining me now, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who’s the host of Fuckabee — Huckabee!” she quickly added, and then launched into the conversation as if she didn’t accidentally say “fuck.” But she did, and the world caught it, and now it shall never leave the internet. Not the end of the world, but still…swears.

It's funny. I was just wondering the other day when someone was going to screw-up Huckabee's name on-air. Looks like I have my answer.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mark Block on Fox News

Megyn Kelly had to find a way to make Mark Block's bizarre appearance in Herman Cain's ad seem like divine inspiration. Kelly asked Block if Cain wanted the votes of people "living real lives." Kelly must have polling data indicating that Mitt Romney has the people living in the Matrix vote locked-up.

"Were you trying to appeal to, you know, folks who are out there, you know, living real lives, working the farm, working in Detroit — you know, that kind of thing, as opposed to the East and West Coast elite, people in media circles who shun smoking? And you know, sort of real American things?”

I'm a smoker and I still laugh when I watch the Block/Cain ad.

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