Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Anti World Cup Rant By Russian Priest

Russian Priest Alexander Shumsky believes the World Cup promotes homosexuality. I believe the World Cup promotes watching a boring sport but opinions differ. The Moscow Times has some gems from Shumsky's blog post.

"Wearing pink or blue shoes, [the players] might as well wear women's panties or a bra," Shumsky wrote, adding that he was also offended by the "unthinkable" hairstyles of some of the players in Brazil.

For a straight guy Shumsky is really obsessed with clothes.

Shumsky channels Ann Coulter and claims that the World Cup is a conspiracy to spread liberalism.

"The liberal ideology of globalism clearly wants to oppose Christianity with football. I'm sure of it. Therefore I am glad that the Russian players have failed and, by the grace of God, no longer participate in this homosexual abomination," the priest wrote in his online column.

I take it this Jesus figurine would not be a good gift for Shumsky.

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Tuesday, July 01, 2014

It's Good To Be Bill Edwards Friend

Florida State Sen. Jack Latvala wrote a bill that would qualify the Tampa Bay Rowdies for a tax subsidy for a new stadium. Bill Edwards, the Tampa Bay Rowdies owner, gave $50,000 contribution to Latvala's political action committee Florida Leadership Fund.

Latvala was key in re-writing the stadium bill, which was originally designed to subsidize facilities for the "Big Four" sports leagues, considered tourist draws. But this year, in addition to adding NASCAR and MLS to the leagues eligible, Latvala made sure the Rowdies' North American Soccer League (NASL) was added as well.

Even though the NASL averages around 4,000 fans per game (the Rowdies have performed slightly above average), they now stand to qualify for $3 million a year in state tax dollars for new stadium construction. Edwards has indicated he envisions a taxpayer-subsidized soccer stadium on St. Pete's waterfront.

Do you really believe Edwards donation to Latvala's PAC had nothing to do with the tax subsidy to the Rowdies? This was a pure quid pro quo deal.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rick Scott Booed Offstage In Orlando

Gov. Rick Scott was to make an announcement about Major League Soccer in Orlando. Scott couldn't make that announcement because he got booed offstage.

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