Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

some vacation impressions...

I got back from our vacation just over a week ago - and it did turn out to be sort of a nomadic vacation after all. We had planned to go to Croatia - which we did - but we only stayed there for about 4 days and then traveled on to Italy; where we spent one night at one campsite and a week at the next - and then traveled further south to visit friends. It was a wonderful vacation - in every possible way. Here are a few impressions...

Croatia - Adriatic Sea - the islands of Cres (from where the picture was taken) and Krk

Croatia - Cres

Croatia - the island Krk - Njivice

 Italy - beach in Tuscany

Italy - beach in Tuscany

Italy - Tuscany

Italy - Tuscany - view from a hilltop village, looking out on to the Mediterranean sea 

 Italy - Tuscany - the village of Bolgheri

 Italy - Tuscany - the church in Bolgheri

 Italy - Lazio - the town of Tarquinia on the hilltop

Italy - Lazio - Tarquinia

Tarquinia - a gallery showing the work of Marco Ferri - absolutely poetic!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back again!

Hello friends! It has been quite a while. I am back from my vacation and I really do have a lot of things to share, but today will have to be short and sweet. Thank you for all your well wishes for the vacation! Italy was wonderful, as always. How could it be otherwise?

I also have some flea market finds to share and some goodies that came while I was away. Will be posting during the week, so stay tuned!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Signing off

It has been awhile since I was here. My sister is currently visiting from overseas and so my time on the computer has been cut back considerably. Sorry about that.

Tomorrow we are headed for a bit of beach vacation in Tuscany. I am so looking forward to the Mediterranean sea, the beach, Italian food and wine...

I will be back around the end of August. Wishing you all a wonderful August, where ever you are.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Thank you so much for welcoming me back!
My spirit is still trying to find its way back from Italy. Or maybe it is not so much trying... I'm finding it difficult to get back into normal mode.

I thought I would share some of my beach treasures with you. What do I love most about the beach? Beachcombing, of course!!!! I could spend the rest of my life just walking along the beach picking up interesting stones and things - really. I love beachcombing. Even if August is not really the best month for beachcombing in Italy (most of Italy is on vacation and at the beach in August), I still manage to get an hour or two of beachcombing into our vacation. I infected my husband with this bug early in our relationship, so we do this together.
What did we find? Take a look:

some driftwood

beach treasures

more beach treasures

Maybe I should have gotten the pebbles wet before taking the pictures, the colours are more intense then. I think these pebbles are just as beautiful as any other semi precious stone. I am thinking of how I can use them in my jewellery...

While I was away, the number of my blog followers reached 50! I am humbled; that so many of you think it worth your while to stop by here - thank you for your support!!
I think this calls for a celebration of sorts! Too bad I can't invite you all over for a glass of wine! But maybe a giveaway is in order!? I'm just not sure what to offer - I will give it some thought this week. Suggestions, anybody? Stay tuned, I think we will do this on Friday.

By the way, my kitties seem to have missed me, while I was away. Now they are robbing my sleep, because they keep bringing in mice for me to play with - live mice, loose in the house. OMGoodness!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Italian impressions

I'm back from Italy! Well, at least partly. I don't feel as if I am really here yet.
Here is a just a selection of impressions:

Just arrived



Pebbles on the beach

Sunset at the beach

Friday, July 31, 2009


Just to give you an idea of where we are headed - I've drawn a circle where we will be camping. This is about halfway between Livorno and Piombino (both harbour towns, where you can board a ferry to go to the island of Elba, for example. Piombino is more of an industrial harbour, so - not very pretty) on the coast. This beach is perfect from my point of view. It faces westward, so we can enjoy the sunset. It has sand and dunes, but also lots of pebbles (I get bored with a beach that has only sand...), some sea shells (not in great abundance, so it is a treat to find them) and sometimes, if I am lucky, beach glass. And not to forget the driftwood! The Mediterranean Ocean provides waves and an everchanging colour palette of the water. The camp site is situated in an area of pine forest and macchia, so there are bushes between most of the individual camp sites and there is shade provided by the pine trees, not to mention how they perfume the air! Although, sometimes the squirrels throw those huge pine cones on the cars. The camp site has the necessary commodities and a little snack bar/restaurant and grocery shop and there are also several restaurants in walking distance in the beach town, so you can really relax.

On the other hand, there are all those wonderful medieval mountain towns and the larger, well known cities, such as Siena and Florence, to visit, if so inclined. The first time I visited Florence, I discovered a very unusual shop called Bizarri (the name of the original owner), which looked like it belonged somewhere back in time. It was dusty and extremely old fashioned, with dark wooden wall to wall shelving, similar to old apothecaries. It had the appearance of an alchemist's shop, and actually, it was one, because they sold all sorts of chemicals and strange substances. I bought some sanguine de draco, which translates: dragon's blood!

I love to listen to the cicadas... There are plenty of beautiful lizards to watch. I just sooo love it there! Not far from our camp site, there is a beautiful country road, leading up to a tiny village, which is lined on either side with huge cypress trees.

Well, you get the idea - I am very enthusiastic about Tuscany. I will be taking my trusty camera, so that I can show you some highlights afterwards.