Saturday, September 30, 2006

Bad Guy Face

This morning Carter woke up WAY too early. I was half awake and listened to him get up and use the bathroom. Then he stayed in the bathroom for quite awhile. I decided to get up and see what he was doing. I walked in and he was behind the door looking in the full length mirror making faces. I asked what he was doing and he said he was practicing his "bad guy face." I started to crack up. I told him to go show daddy and he said, "hold on, I have to practice getting my muscles out." So here is Carter's bad guy face, complete with muscles. He looks pretty fierce.

A couple of other funny Carter-isms from this week.

Today just as conference was wrapping up he walked up to the TV and was studying the MoTab as they were singing the closing hymn. He said, "Dad, is that Ty Detmer sitting up there?" I guess he has been indoctrinated in the ways of Cougar football. We were busting up and I think Al had a very proud dad moment there.

Makenna is on a little bit of an eating strike lately. She would rather play with her food and throw it on the floor than eat it. A couple days ago during lunch I said to her, "Makenna, you didn't eat squat for breakfast and you haven't eaten squat for lunch." Carter said, "Mom, can I have some squat too?" He has asked for squat to eat several times since then.

Anyway, being a parent has got to be the funniest job ever. These two keep us in stitches.


mindy said...

So cute and funny. Both kids are adorable. We miss you guys so. Tell Carter that we think he looks very mean. Thanks for the great stories. I hope you are printing this blog so that you have a record of this.

LJ said...

Squat for breakfast...that's hilarious. Reminds me of the time Smith said, and I quote, "I want a stogie!" Remind me to tell you about that one.