Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Pictures from the Storm

These are all photos from Friday when having no power was still novel and fun. By the next morning there were really no smiles on our faces. Here is Al boiling water on our grill for our hot chocolate.

Carter helping haul in some firewood.
This is one of about 5 trees that was down on one single street in our neighborhood. This tree is still down and the neighborhood just west of us still has no power thanks to this baby.

This tree fell down and crushed the house next door. I feel so bad for the people, their house has been deemed uninhabitable by the health department. This is about 2 blocks away from our house. The tree uprooted the people's entire driveway too. Another tree down on that same street. These are just a few of my pictures. Our church building lost 15 large trees in this storm. So sad, really.

1 comment:

angie j. said...

Wow - that's a lot of damage. Glad you guys survived ok. Love the photo of Al with his John Deere sweater boiling water on the grill. What adventures you're having! :)