Showing posts with label baking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baking. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2012

Up close with Anna Olson

Both my Quay Lo and I love to watch Anna Olson’s shows on Asian Food Channel.  Her recipes are simple and easy to follow yet yield beautiful bakes. I never thought I would see her show live! My thanks to Asian Food Channel for bringing her to Kuala Lumpur.

Anna Olson is a  professionally trained pastry chef with over fifteen years of experience in the culinary field. She has, or has had, her own cooking shows such as "Bake with Anna Olson", "Sugar" and "Fresh with Anna Olson".  All her shows have been aired on the Asian Food Channel. 

I was the first person arrived at the event because I remembered the time wrong. It was 2.30pm and not 2.00pm. 

It was a blessing in disguise because I got myself a seat in the front row very near to the demo counter. So, I could see Anna more clearly. LOL!

Before Anna's arrival at the demo room, I met her husband, Michael Olson. 

He is a big guy like my Quay Lo and he too has that million dollar smile. Michael was busy getting everything ready for Anna's demo. When Anna finally arrives, she was briefed by by him. This is truly a husband and wife team.

Finally, after a long wait, the emcee, Will Quah announced the arrival of Anna Olson and gave us an introduction. 

By sheer coincidence Will is a friend of my son's and they have performed on stage together. Will is well known in the local entertainment scene as a fluent emcee. So I was happy to say hello and grab a shot with him.

After the introduction, the demo started and the first thing Anna made was Tourtiere.

Cooking the filling for tourtiere

Rolling out the pie crust

Placing the crust into the pie tin and put in the filling

The final product
Each of us get to taste one of the mini tourtieres.
 I did not eat mine but brought it home for my Quay Lo to taste.

Tourtiere's (pronounced tor tee ays) are savoury pies made with spiced meat, including beef, lamb, and pork (in other venues),  especially in French Quebec Canada, where they are popular as a snack around the Christmas holidays.

Next, Anna went on to make pumpkin crème brulee tarts.

I would like to thank Lach of  Alice George Communication for the invitation to the Anna Olson baking demo, and a very BIG thank you to my friend Evelyn of Missyblurkit for passing my contact to Lach. I enjoyed the chance to see one of my inspirations up close.

I am not sure if I can share with you the recipes but once I get the green light to do so, I will. I would especially like to try making the pumpkin creme brulee for Christmas. Pumpkin is not particularly at the top of my favorites list, but in this recipe I think I could be pursuaded.

For now how about making the traditional creme brulee instead.

Please click on the picture to get the recipe