Saturday, October 9, 2021

So on and sew on!

 So on and sew on!

What a marvelous time 

this sewing adventure is !

It seems to run the whole course 

of joy and sorrow. Got a call 

for quilts for health care heroes

in this time of trial, (the sorrow)

but the creative outlet and pleasure

from stitching is so great! 

Now on to the stitching!

Cleaned off my sewing desk 

yesterday by spending the whole 

evening crumbing up this pile of 

scraps! Notice the new verb there!

Then, since I seemed to be on a roll 

and my featherweight was humming, 

I worked on emptying a basket of 

strings and pieces! Yay! 

I clip these together in groups of 10. 

It saves a lot of counting time later. 

My daily phone friend 

and I, even looked up the birthdates 

of our featherweights! Mine is 

a 1950 machine and hers is 

two years older!

May continue stringing today after a bit of 

house and yard work. We have 

a visit from the family Drs. too, 

( Phd chemists) so busy day for me!

Finishing up the quilting on 

the last of the florals too!

Have a great week ,
 and Happy Thanksgiving
to all my Canadian family and friends!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up to :

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Distractions are good!

 Wow , what a week of distractions. 

Remember those florals ? 

Well turns out , 2 more snuck into 

the mix and I am spending the week 

getting them finished up for gifting!

I am also working on a stitching 

guide so I don't have to do a trial 

every time I am looking for a quilting stitch!

So lets see what I accomplished this week!

                         1. put inner border and make outer 
                            scalloped edge border for this small top πŸ‘
                        2. assemble, add borders and scallop 
                            edge a baby quilt from left over blocksπŸ‘
                        3. eagerly await  next RSC color!( easy one)
                            Make more little houses. πŸ‘
                        4. finish assembling block chain topπŸ‘Ž

1.   The borders are ready for the 
small quilt made from on hand blocks.
This is the Leisure Arts pattern. It 
uses up scraps quickly. 

Here it is hanging in the vault. 
It just needs a small inner border and 
then I can add the pieced outsides. 

The borders have some angled
pieces at each end so it will looks 
like the border wraps around the edges. 
Once they are quilted , a scallop is 
cut into the borders. 

2. Got  baby quilt together 
and added the borders.

Now to miter those corners!

3. Lime and bright green! Wow!
Made a bunch of houses and some
are indeed bright green!

4 The block chain quilt is still just 
hanging out on the design wall. I 
added some smaller bits, but 
it still needs a lot more stitching!

It should be  a fun and busy time getting 
all these projects moving forward. 
There is always more scraps to make 
plans for!

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with:


Sunday, October 3, 2021

Oh those strings!

 Did I show you my most recent 

scrap influx? Friends came 

for a long overdo quilt chat 

and bam! More scraps!

It is always like Christmas!

All these goodie bags made me 
get out my strings!
This is definitely one of 
my go to blocks. 
Diagonal strings are 
just like found half squares!

Got a bunch sewed up in the evening. 
They get clipped together
in groups of 10.
Yes those are salt cod boxes
I got from my good friend, MV.
They fit sew well  on my shelves
and help tame my unruly projects!

I would like to start tracking my stash 
volume but how does one count the 
fabric in this bag? 

Or this basket? 

Tracking should provide an 
interesting insight!

The small bag of squares 
is already sewn into blocks! 
I used quilters' fuse so
it was a lot of fun and
very fast!

There were lots of orange scraps
so off to RSC I go!

Pulled out even more scraps for a Saturday
night sewathon.  Just working on making 
another string gradient quilt like this. 

The strips had already been sorted out for the 
last ones I made so it was a quick project
to sew away a quiet Saturday evening.

Looking forward to sewing up
some scrap blocks tomorrow .
Stay safe and sew on !
Linking up with :


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

I'm Faaall in' . Faaalll in'

 Another busy week and we 

are back to Tuesday! 

Seems my home is overrun 

by furry bunnies and I have

been down the rabbit hole

a few times this week! 

First off, the list from last week. 

                                1 Stitch on binding for big ole strings! πŸ˜€

Done and looks oh so nice hanging
on the railing. 

                              2 Work on  string blocks πŸ˜€

Lots of these now live in the block bank!

                              3 Sew up confetti squares😐
Still the same, waiting for attention.

So this weeks list is looking like this!
                        1. put inner border and make outer 
                            scalloped edge border for this small top 
                        2. assemble, add borders and scallop 
                            edge a baby quilt from left over blocks
                        3. eagerly await  next RSC color!( easy one)
                            Make more little houses. 
                        4. finish assembling block chain top

This little top was made from my
block bank. Like a fuzzy bunny I 
chased this down the rabbit hole 
and finished up the top.  I had to 
adjust a few block and complete a 
few more but is came together fast. 
Now for borders!

I will make up a smaller top
with the left over blocks 
and do the same scallop border
treatment on this one.

This one is easy!
Look forward to the new color!
More houses and possibly
other RSC blocks may 
turn up too!

Block chain is getting
assembled. Small bits 
are going in and the larger
blocks need to shift.

All in all a busy week ahead!
If I can keep away from 
squirrels and rabbits, I should 
get lots of projects moved ahead. 
Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up with :

Monday, September 27, 2021

Orange you sailing away!

 Oh my , why does orange 

bring out the punkins in me!

( I know that was a bad one!)

Anyway , found more orange, 

drank too much decaf and 

sewed the oranges onto some 

unfinished parts and Voila!

A rainbow lozenge quilt is born! 

Actually, it started with an

overflowing parts department

and I thought some small

tops could be stitched up. 

I had to resized 6 blocks, 

( white triangles were too small)

but it went together quickly!

Block chain is peeking out from under it 
but does look interesting so this top may 
end up with a piano key border. 

This go to scrap block has 

entertained me many cold , 

Alberta evenings.

 I will first found this pattern in

 Leisure Arts: Relax and Quilt.

It is one of my favorites. 

The archives will have to be 

opened to find the first quilt made 

with this block. It even had a 

wavy edged border. 

Enough nostalgia, now back to orange. 

We had a great day in the country,

 LOML(Love of my Life) caught a fish and 

I sewed up a pile of 

mini houses. 

There are two upside downers that 
need to be fixed but these little 
blocks are a lot of fun. Yes this 
is a little cat in the window.

They finish at 3" so I have a 

long way to go to get a quilt together!

Stay safe and sew on!

Linking up with :

Oh Scrap

RSC 2021


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Hey hey, a finish!

 Yes, it is back to Ripley's 

believe it or not today, I actually have a finish!

Big Ole Strings is done and dusted, 

as MAN says ( My Australian Niece).

I spent the morning, repairing 

a dog chewed blanket and patching 

a hole in a duvet for the kids .

I  fixed up this cozy blanket for my GD. 
It ended up being made into
2 small crib sized blankets they 
can use in the car this winter. 
Those blasted dogs!

  They are rescues 
so we make allowances but Mimi can 
only fix so many household linens!

Anywho, I did finish my project!

This design is one of my favorites and 
may end up as a repeater.  I am sure 
my lovely children each would like one!!

I even started some additional blocks so 
I feel  they are already committed to 
accepting and loving them. 

I started with some middles, 
just stitching together two high 
contrast strings and trimming them 
to a close to finished length. 

Then, after adding the strings to each side and 
trimming to size, ( these are 61/2") they 
are clipped together in a group of ten. 

There are about 100 plus of the 1/2 colored in 
the box already so I am well on 
my way to at least one more. 

My first turned out very well. 
The photo session outside 
went well and I have 
a dandy place on the railing 
to display it until gifting. 

The back of this quilt is made of 
20" squares. I find these use up 
smaller portions of fabrics and 
add a lot of interest to the back.
5 x 5 of the 20" squares
make 100" square back which 
is more than enough for my 
usual size bed quilt. 

So that is one thing checked off 
my todo list and 2 extra items complete!

Now to move on to the block chain
top and get something 
ready to stitch the rest of the day. 
Stay safe and sew on !
Linking up to :

Friday, September 24, 2021

Woot woot a new flimsy!

 It has been quite a while since 

a flimsy arrived.  I looked 

at it again last night and realized

I had something to post!  

So here it is ! 

This top is made of 

parts I found in a bag of scraps. 


The variety may 

have been the reason for 

the discard as it is a bit heavy 

on the teal and peach. 32 more 

units were added from my 

supplies and Voila! , a top is born! 

It spent a lot of time 
on and off my design
wall since I was having 
a hard time seeing 
the " zipper". 


It is supposed to mimic 
the zig zag of zipper 
teeth. I am excited for 
 the quilting. I am 
thinking of zig zagging thru the 
colored rectangles. 
Should be fun!

This little cutie measures 

57" x 68" . It will be 

great for all ages ! 

One item on the move!