Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Crazy Log Cabin, With Black Accent

 Completed my goal this month, all crazy log cabins

are squared up to 10 1\2",  101 of them! 

Once again my numbers got away from me and 

I now have enough blocks

to make 3 twin or 2 queen sized quilts.  Addition of 

an interesting border treatment will bring them up to size

so I will most likely go with 3 and donate or gift 2.

I have lots of ideas for border treatment so it should 

be a great adventure, wish me luck!

Linking up with :


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Stash Update- no More Selvages

 This month is clicking on by and my stash is going up 

and down with the temperatures!

The selvage quilt top is finished but it

doesn't count until it is bound. 

A few more scrap bags and donated fabric have 

gone out the door, and a few more bits and things

have come in. 

It seems that whenever a group of quilters get 

together, fabric gets shared!

The lovely quilt starters came home with me!

A baggie of precuts, 

some block starters, 

and some premade units all 

ready to go!


  Used last week:     0 m

Used year to date:       53.5  m

                                      Scraps out               11.5 m    

                                   (1 bag=/.5 k=.5m)  

                                      Scraps In                  1  m

Added last week:        0 m

                                  Year to date:            117 m bolt 27m, bucket batiks 15m

destash gift 68m

Net added in 2023          56. meters

It always feels like a birthday when I get

a bag of scraps in!

Outside in the garden the lilies are

finally blooming. They survived a lot

of beetle squishing and slug picking but

wow do they look great!

Stay safe and sew on!

Linking up with :

Sunday Stash Report

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Bargain for a finish?!

 Well that big ole' squirrel is all sewn up  and the 

back is a bargain to boot!!

Here it is!  It is going into the pile to be quilted soon 

and may even end up as one of my cozy collection. 

It measures 74" x  76" and is heavy for top. 

A single batt should be perfect and it will be a 

very warm quilt for winter. 

It really surprised me since I had assumed 

selvages would not have a lot of color. 

There ended up to be many greens, 



and reds,

 with just a few purple and yellows. 

I did not include blacks, browns or pink.  I felt 

they would give a different tone to the quilt. 

A back of yellow batik will set it off nicely and 

the muted color will be beautiful as a binding.

The batik was actually found at a thrift shop!

Many thrifters find treasures in thrift stores 

and now I can add my self to the list of lucky shoppers!

This bolt was priced at a stunning $9.50 and contains

8 meters of good quality batik. 

I machine bind my quilts so the tough needling of the 

batik shouldn't be a problem. 

There are only a few stray selvages kicking around the 

sewing room so I believe , " my work with selvages is done! "

Linking up with:

Finished or Not Friday

RSC 2023

Off the Wall Friday

Peacock Party

Friday Foto Fun

Patchwork and Quilts


Oh Scrap!

Design Wall Monday

Sew & Tell

Wait Loss Wednesday

Sew & Tell

Needle and Thread Thursday

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Stash reporting, wowzer

 Very busy week here, lots of movement all around. 

Helped a friend destash a neighbor, well make a start on it anyway. 

The numbers reflect the huge gift of fabric. This is after a big 

split and 2 big donations elsewhere so lots of goodies for all. 


  Used last week:     0 m

Used year to date:       53.5  m

                                      Scraps out               4 m    

                                   (1 bag=/.5 k=.5m)  

                                      Scraps In                  8  m

Added last week:        60 m

                                  Year to date:            116 m bolt 27m, bucket batiks 15m

destash gift 68m

Net added in 2023          66.5 meter

It looks like I should start sewing faster!

Here is some of the "in" fabric.

Lots of projects

are moving forward and my OMG will be finished up this week

and maybe even have blocks joined up!

Here is a picture of the teenagers and

their parents in one of our town's many ponds.

Productive spring for them!

Enjoy a very creative week!

Stay safe and sew on.

Linking up with:

Sunday stash report.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Rain, rain looks like another sewing day!

 On and off rain here so perfect to observe the 

gentle trickle from the sewing room. 

Red is the color of the month and surprise, I 

seem to have a bunch of red strips and bits!

Come on RSC log cabins!

Zipping up some wonky log cabin blocks 

from beautiful red fabric will be a great time so 

here goes. 

First the centers, which are random colored 2" 

squares of polka dots , (or close to polka dots!)

I keep a supply of polka dot squares ready and 

add to it as I find them on the way to other projects. 

Next the cream or white bits, harvested from 

assorted scrap boxes, save for later bags and 

other mysterious places. It is sometimes hard

 to dig for a small piece when nice strips are 

nearby but that is the lot of a scrap quilter with 

way too many bits to tend to!

Tada!  After a few days of stitching in the warm sunshine, 

after the rain, there is a nice stack of red log cabins!

All the sewing and I now have a stack of 

40 blocks ready for final trimming and

and an almost empty box and a small pile of red strips!

 Time to replenish from the scrap bins!

Stay cool and sew on !

Linking up with :

Finished or not Friday

Design Wall Friday

Friday Foto Fun

Peacock Party


Brag About Your Beauties


RSC 2023

Oh Scrap!

Patchwork and Quilts

Design Wall Monday

 To Do Tuesday

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sunday Stash Report , progress all around!

Busy week working on some project and enjoying the 

wonderful weather.

Great work on the stash report, with 

5 bags of scraps going out. 


  Used last week:     0 m

Used year to date:       53.5  m

                                      Scraps out               2.5 m    

                                   (1 bag=/.5 k=.5m)  

                                      Scraps In                  0  m

Added last week:        0 m

                                  Year to date:            52 m bolt 27m, bucket batiks 15m

Net added in 2023          2.5 meter

I am making good progress on my projects,

but need to get some tops quilted up. The 

big question is, do I make a few double sided quilts? 

It would utilize double the tops but would the recipients

still appreciate the quilt?  Not sure yet but 

I am not ready to do up backs and start 

quilting so that decision can wait awhile. 

Moving ahead on :

black scrappy log cabin, 

red RSC log cabin,

and this big salvage baby!

( not for a baby just the way I feel about it!)

Stay safe and sew on !

Linking up to:

Sunday Stash Report

Friday, July 7, 2023

Salvage the selvages!

 Wowzer, look at the size of that squirrel!

I just got carried away by a bag of selvages

and I don't know what happened!  I have learned 

a lot tho. Reinventing the wheel seems to be my,

"jam" as people say . 

So, first pulled out " The Bag" . 

 Lots of rescued fabric edges roll in my door so this 

bag is fairly large. The idea for a quilt top 

made from these edges has been rolling around

my brain for a while. A friend made a zipper bag

from them so that motivated me to dig in.

Sorting them into colors seemed okay so that 

was the first step. 

Then up to the summer sewing room 

since we are in the middle of a heat wave here in 

Alberta. Don't worry tho, some good old fashioned 

thunder-boomers are on their way later. 

Then I cut and sewed using glue to keep the 

strips in line! Do I dare say, " What a mess!"

Everything was sticky and although I made good

progress, it wasn't ideal. 

Two glue sticks later that idea was abandoned. 

This process should be fun and I was just sticky!

Inspiration dawned the next morning and I stitched

all the  pieces into like width long strips.

Three inch wide pieces made up the lower half of 

my pattern, while another 3 + inch strip set could 

be trimmed out for the tops. No glue involved 

and very speedy sewing on my classic featherweight! 

Here is my 2 sew sessions of block pieces. 

 The pattern will likely

be color selvage hexies with feature color hexies 

of regular fabric strips as accents if needed. 

Oh my, I am actually sewing hexies!

They should go together easily in long rows before 

final assembly, here's hoping!

Items learned:

                      ~  Glue isn't needed.  If you get                                                                 your sewjo on, you can feed the strips thru quickly

               ~    There is a lot of white!  I knew this going in but 
actually seeing it is another thing. 

~       The quilt will definitely have a soft, 
subtle color when completed.
     ~    Fuzzy edges on the selvages make it hard 
                  to work with. Not really, I just don't like them
        so I cut  off the fringe or move them to
the give away bag. 

All in all, the selvage project was very fun to do!

There are still about 4 more bags of sorted strips to 

sew up, but this weekend will be busy with 

family so only a bit of stitching will get done. 

Here is a sneak peak at the final layout!

Stay safe and sew those selvages!

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