Showing posts with label hexagons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hexagons. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

White Wedding Hexagons

I finished the hexagons, yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a close up of the piecing....
I started basting my hexagons at the same time my son started Kart racing.  This was something to do while in car and to also help with my anxiety with my son racing around a track at great speeds.  So two and half years later I am done piecing.
I have used Civil War Reproduction fabrics for the pieced diamonds and many random Shirtings, from white backgrounds to tans,  for the neutral sashings 
this is a big quilt, 114" x 91", it does not fit in my camera screen,

These are 1" hexagons and I have no idea or want to know, how many I have pieced into this top.  I do have heaps of leftovers that have just been put away with my hexagon papers, not to be touched for maybe a year or two.  I am kind of  done with hexagons.  I have started another EPP project for Karting road trips, the papers have a 45 degree angle this time.

It looks different from this angle.  I just love this quilt and hope to get it quilted one day now, just trying to find the perfect backing......  I am counting this as a finish though.

I hope you like it also.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Random Bits

Hi again everyone

I don't have alot to talk about, I have been busy but without much to show for it personally.  Most of my time has been working on customer quilts, not complaining at all.  I am still working away on my hexagons that I have shown several times before, so I wont bore you with that again, but it is getting closer to being a complete top.  I have all the rows together, and it is huge, and am now filling in the gaps around the edges.  I love this quilt and will show a picture of the top soon, i hope.

So, to show you what has been filling in my days.  This beautiful quilt belongs to Jane, I had fun with this quilt and had trouble handing this one back.

This next quilt belongs to Barb N and was another one I had trouble handing back.  This is The Circle Game quilt by Jenny Kingwell and looks stunning with the black background and all Kaffe fabrics for the piecing.  That lime gree in the sashing is just perfect for the whole quilt

I really like this block

 I did get to quilt two of my quilt, but can't find a picture of the second one at this time.  I wil look for it or take another one shortly.

This is a mini version of my Pretty Clamshells.  It didn't take too long to quilt on a quiet Saturday morning.  I have it now hanging in my sewing room and just love it.

This is the back of Pretty Clamshells showing how I quilted each clam with feathers.  The backing fabric is one of the piecing I Ice Dyed last year.  The colours are perfect. I have crossed this one off my long list of Tops to Be Quilted. and it is bound to

This is next picture is still in need of borders.  It is from Bonnie Hunter and is called Nine in the Middle. It is a great scrap quilt and has been easy to put together so far.  I have a border still to piece but need some more scraps cut to size to continue.  This top also still needs a good press.

Just after Easter, hubby, kids and I went to Melbourne for a few days.  We had a great time, I hope to remember to share photos one day.  We did a day trip to Sovereign Hill in country Victoria.  It is a place showing life in the Gold Fields in the early days of the goldrush.  So in one of the homes there was a quilt and it just happened to be hexagons.  So of course I had to take a picture. I don't think it is an antique, but at least it fit the time period.


I did take some basting to do on our trip and here is what I got done.  These are tiny pieces so it looks alot done but in not alot of time. The down side of this is that I will need heaps and heaps of them to make any sort of decent size quilt...... on I go with them.
So that is all I have for now, hope you liked the photos.  I am off to  sew some more hexies together for the edges while trying to stay warm.  We are having some cold nights lately.
keep sewing

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Finishes 30th March

Welcome to another Finishes post.  The school term is nearly finished so some of my spare time has been used to help the kids get assignments and other school work completed and handed in.  I did get some bits for myself done also.  First up....

I had to get the windows tinted on my car, which happened to be in the same street as Breezy's Cakes
so I finished this yummy cupcake and a cuppa while I waited.  The things I have to endure!!! The store has kids classes on the school holidays, so my daughter is all booked in for that.
 I finished another block in the Fat Quarter Shop Mystery BOM, very cute. The next block has arrived already, I hope to get it cut this week, fingers crossed.

I have basted 20 bazillion neutral 1" hexagons for my hexagon diamonds, don't they just look lovely.  I am hoping this is enough to finish the quilt, but maybe not...

I basted some 1.25" hexagons also.  These are from leftovers and is a very long term project.  I started this one Christmas 2012 and am just throwing them into a bucket as I do some.  This project stays in my car and is done while I wait wherever for whatever...

My Celtic Solstice top is complete.  This was a mystery quilt by Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville.   I love this quilt.  It is now in the pile of tops to be quilted :(

and these are some of the diamonds I have completed for the quilt.  I have many more done, with only one more complete diamond to make then I can start putting them together into the groups of three, then those into rows, then sew the rows together.  then I will have to make the partial diamonds to fill in the gaps at each end of the rows. gosh that exhausting.

well I think that is it for now.  I do have other stuff  I am working on but they are not in any form to make a pretty picture, sorry.

take care and keep  stitching

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Finishes 26th Feb

Hi everyone

I have managed to get some more projects finished or worked on a bit more.

This is my St Louis Schmidt.  The 36 patch blocks are leftovers from the Scrappy trip Around the World, I then added the Hourglass blocks as alternate blocks to make a decent size quilt.  I quilted a spiral circle in the alternate blocks and a simple  continuous curve in the 36 patch, then a scrappy binding. I am really happy with it

 This one I showed last time I think, quilted, so now I have it bound and on my bed, very happy to have this finally finished and using it

Here is the quilting, Baptist Fans, love them.

Four blocks done on the Quilt Block Sampler by Lori Smith, about 80 more to go.  These finish at  71/2" and as you can hopefully see, some have lots and lots of pieces.  I am having fun making them.  I need to cut some more blocks now so I can keep going.

 I got more of these diamond units made up, some of these pictured are from earlier, but some I did make have been already been sewn into the quilt top,

Here is the top so far, it is wide, I like large quilts, ones big enough to cover people.  Right now it is about half the length I want.  I also need to fill in the holes to make the quilt edges as straight as I can..
How did you go getting projects finished?????

Monday, February 3, 2014

Finishes 2nd Febuary

Hi All

So I again only have a few Finishes to show this week....

Some hexagon diamonds assembled

I like them all, but still more to do..
I finished cutting out pieces for my next class sample. I wanted to mix up the fabrics, so I got the family to pick out the ones they liked and I had to use them.  Here are the funny results
Felicity's pick

Georgie's ( felicity's friend)




The boys picked mostly dark solids, the girls light almost solids. These are all cut ready to piece, hoping I have cut enough for what I need.

I also finished the Requirements list for my Spring Picnic class in 2 weeks.  Just found out today that the class is full. Happy with that.

I got this block pieced, it is 7.5" finished and it had a total of 51 yes 51 pieces.  This is for Sampler Block Quilt by Lori Smith, only lost one or two points..

I thinks this is all the Finishes for the week, I am off to put hubby and kids to bed ....Revenge starts again tonight....
See you soon....