Sunday, June 28, 2009

my BF in uniten

huu.. hari ni bear masuk uniten kt bangi. sedih sgt xdpt anta die.. mama pon g johor, ki, his lil brother daftar masuk uitm skudai hari ni. so syg sorg2, nasib baik ade ford n anne. hee.. syg korg bgt! terkilan jgk, xdpt tgk apartment cyg mcm mane..

i wonder what u did tell me before.. have a faith in it syg! fighting! hm.. whatever it is, wait for my return k..

btw, cyg dah ade new glasses. hope it lasting for years la. haha.. ;p

Saturday, June 27, 2009

babbling part 2

i have a lot to tell.. yeah right. the boring part of me. but still, i need to babble like this, cz it's been a while i hadn't had any chance n so lazy to babble. so? ekk.. why plak part 2? haha saje! dun get me wrong.

ok.. first of all,, jue wanna wish someone who is a good friend of mine, a blessing happy birthday! Nur Arina Mohd Amin, just got to know her for almost 2 years, and getting close since 8 months ago. heee.. Rina, Happy Birthday!!! next month is my birthday plak, and i'm truthfully don't want to accept any birthday wishes! hahaha.. coz i'm getting old lah.. lol.. 22? wuaaa.................... so rina, may u have a prosperous year ahead, not to label the wealthy thingy anyway, but the prosperous of healthiness, happiness, luckiness, and all the 'good'-ness la. who knows, arina nnt jd monster cam aryan. rina, thank u for being a good friend of mine, it was one i couldn't treasure anymore :)

btw, talking bout birthday, my high school besfriend (and we still a bestfriend hee), yanie, had turn to 22 on the last Monday, which is 22th June. ek. cam ngam je tarikh tu ngn umur kmu la makcik! lol.. and i'm so happy cz finally can meet her yesterday. we did exchange a lot of story since our last meeting last year. hm.. actually, she studying in ireland doing medical course. takot aku die ni nk jd doctor. scary wehh! haha.. btw yanie, happy birthday to u! like always, i'm wishing u the same birthday thing like the past continuous 9 years. dah 9 kali buat kerja ni rupe nye. hehehe.. hope u read this. hope to hangout again with u this weekday, before i got back to KL, lalala, jd ke x our plan nk buat cupcake ni weh. plz plz plzzzz,,, teach me how..

finish of birthday2 thingy.. so nk story bout my routine at home since 10 days. hari tu blk cam lipas kudung. and i almost miss my flight. luckily flight delay 20 mnt.. well, air asia la kate kan.. huhu.. blk plak, during submission day of our project, mayagraphi team with other 9 teams working hard on this, competing among each other. sedih, xdpt stay ngn all my group members for even 1 day after the submission. whatever it is, my group members is the best n the coolest! hm.. back to my routine at home, just one thing that i know, i eat a lot! and sadly, the weight is static. 44kg still. damn! why is it so hard to gain weight. hm.. this time of holiday is quite heaven compare to before coz umi byk cuti and jue ddk rumah je ngn umi. ape lg, umi msk all the time. hm.. feels like having a fully household mother la plak. she was on leave for 4 days since tuesday lg coz nak main dgn aryan smate-mate. hish.. dasat tol.. and smlm pon cuti cz she had cough. sian umi..

as usual, my house organize an aerobic class in every friday, and it was under Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat. haha.. how come la benda2 camni jd kat rumah jue. bontot je. haha.. yg penting, best betol dpt aerobic. huhu.. dah lame x terkinja-kinja tergedik-gedik. yg xtahan nye, makcik2 sekampung pun dtg. poco2 pon ade td. bangge x bangge, i know the poco2. lalala.. miss the time when we were in BTN with my ICT friends, learn how to poco2. but few of them is not my friend anymore. n i don't regret it, but regret to know that such kind of person. hoping that i never know them. luckily, i cam simply forget the bad thing that happen in my life. that made me sure that i'l forget them soon. thanks to the love i had given. hm.. ape jue merepek ni..

tomorrow i need to continue my work, sewing my own baju kurung! hehe.. 2 pairs to go. btw, ni baju kurung yg nk pakai g kelas. haih, suke sgt pakai baju kurung cotton now, selesa. k la, jue is waiting for her bear to arrive home soon, td gadoh, sedih die g tgk transformers tp x gtau. smlm ckp nk tgk ngn jue.. tuptup hari ni dah kua nk g tgk cite tu.. mau x sedey. at least kalau bgtau awal2, i can consider it well.. but i'm ok now.. hm, syg pujuk nk tgk harry potter same2. oh it's a must. lol.. btw, i miss my anne a lot! mek, 8hb ni amek aku ye. kte ronggeng! lalala.. k la, the end of babbling part 2.

Monday, June 22, 2009


tensen nye ngn streamyx kt rumah ni... lembap yg melampau! org TM dah 2 kali dtg rumah nk fix the problem psl wireless xleh nk connect la segala kan.. tup2, diorg ckp broadband rusak. apekejadaahh.. hum.. now terpakse la gune internet cable wire.. and know what, tersgt la slow.. tensen gile.. thinking of to go n fix the broadband or beli je yg baru..

maybe kalau beli baru pon, x sebest broadband ni.. singtel punye broadband.. haih..

ahhh.. diriku mau merelease tensen ke kbmal with along n angah.

things to buy: external hard disk plus headphone baru!! arghhh.. sme psl benda jahanam.. ciscis..

p/s entry ni agak.kasar.kot.thankU.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

final nite of us~

alooooooooooooooooooooo.... lame nye jue x post entry. too lazy too busy.. hee.. busy ke? hm.. perhaps! commitment as a group member, as a rabbit, as juhairah, as a friend, as a lover, as a daughter, as a little sister. huhu.. byk x byk x? i'm currently at KAED (Kuliyyah of Architecture & Environmetal Design) now, konon nye helping those finishing the model. Now relax2 lg, men tenet, lepas xtau nk watpe lg..

So, tommorrow is the submission day. and know what, flight is taking me back to KB too. i'm going back to KB at 3.40 pm. and maybe those of my friend still struggle for our final hard time (but relieve one kot..).. Our group turn is 6th which is the second last group.. I have to pack early.. maybe by 10am i should be in my room already, coz my luggage is still empty, hadn't having time to pack my stuff. yet. lol..

Sedey nye xdpt stay ngn all of my most happening group member tu.. sob3.. seriously, i met a lot of new friends.. um, what happen when i decide myself to go back early? actually i was not. the submission supposed to be on the last 16th, but camne ntah, tibe2 di extend la plakkkk.. kalau x, hari ni dah rilex2 berronggeng ngn budak gomok..

Lapa.. jap g nk makan megi goreng.. lagi.... still a hyper person now. how come. it's been 2 weeks, i slept at 6am. lalala.. KB, wait for me... :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

sedih yg amat sgt

last nite, a friend of mine msg me
telling the sad and bad news i ever heard..
a friend of mine too, involved in accident, being hit by a lorry..
i feel sad more, because i got to know her once
and she's one kind n happy lady
and i feel sorry to his boyfriend,
who is a friend of mine too..
it's just fated, that she is leaving too early..
AL-FATIHAH to arwah Putri..
may u leave in peace there..

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

at leo's

hu.. i'm waiting for my bear in attending his class at pj. lepak2 kt leo's cafe. sambil tunggu bear smbil wat keje multidip (multi disciplinary project) for our group organization chart. x siap2 lg, padahal semester dah nk abes pon. xpe janji sy buat. akak rabbitttttt jgk.. sambil2 tu, did facebooking jgk. lalala...

suke sgt hari ni dpt siapkan satu kerja. by my only own! yeay! esok siap nk tampal kt wall je frame2 gamba yg dah di isi muke2 ofismate jue. huhu.. bangga kowt.

hm.. i wish i'l always in this mode. santai kah begini? iya! release semua masalah, semua termakan ati. semua yg memberatkan kepala. hum.. syg, make it fast. abit nak klua dr kepompong ni. cpat syg.. we can really make it!

my current look. buruk kah. haih..