Showing posts with label bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bear. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

evolution of love

last friday, i met my hubby, and that's not our last time meeting since he fetch me after working last saturday. but this is the story of friday lah, just bear with me. huhu. ok. that friday, we went to alpha angle, wangsa maju. looking for loko loko's present. while we pass by 'miss t' outlet, i saw those cute teddy bears. buy 1 free 1 for rm39.90. hihi. guess what, he bought me the bears. woah. feels like a new couple of lovers! mcm baru first time klua dating. lol. thanks b, love u to bits.

btw, no more 'bear' calling. that's so childish, as now we're very mature, i mean both of us. but he's still my bear, my papa bear. hihi. somehow 'b' is very simple to call. 'b' still for the bEAR la kan ;p

green for amir and pink for jue ♥

Monday, August 9, 2010

anniversary celebration =)

it's our anniversary =)
and we're officially 8 years together on 17th july
basically 9 years

friday: 6th august
location: tony romas, midvalley

bear's favorite food should be western. but somehow, sape x suke kan? saya pon suka! =) ok mula2 ada 3 short list place, italiannies, tony romas or tgi. last2, tony romas jgk. actually, we decided to go to place we've never been to. and that's our first time to been there. betul2 ho liaoo. puas hati makan sampai xleh gerak. grrrr...

the gift from my papa bear =) ok this is the first time i was present a ring. 9 years, but this is the first. bear cakap, 'takut la nk bagi cincin.. mcm dah nak kawin..'.. hee.. sweet boyfriend he is kan? dapat je ring ni, bear bawak gi lazo to resize it. skejap je dapat pakai. have to wait for another 2 weeks. i miss the ring lah ♥.. and currently i miss my mr.sweet.bear. sweet kan die =)

my dear amir, after all hard and good times we've been through, i learn a lot from everything we had. u teach me a lot to please people, to handle such 1001 attitude people, to learn from mistake. i had so many things happen in my life mostly with u all the time by my side. it's a life baby. we've grown up together. and that's the best gift i'l value until the end of time. and that's it. our love story. i love u. i know it's a typical say. but i love u though =)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

boyfriend saya

name: mohd amir zaini bin naziff
d.o.b: 8 february 1988

this is my boyfriend. we met since 2000 in high school, standard 1. everything starts from 2001 when he confess his feeling towards me. uuuu~ i never think of having such serious relationship with him until little by little i'm falling in love with him. in school he's such a boy who against the rule. haha.. and famous too. oh tidaakk. i can't believe i'm the one chosen. as though, i'm an ordinary girl in school doing silent nasty thingy with my besties yanie, the most tingtong girl in Alpha history. yanie i miss u freaking baddddddd. and jaaaaaa...

normal norm, there are ups and down in relationship. same goes to me n him. revolution by revolution. and i'm thankful to have this such precious gift. the more i know him, the more i love him. he's an adorable and caring person. and protective. and humorous. and crazy! he's special. intend to learn out of the box. ok i'm over talking. 

what i know about him most is that he lovesssss me so so so much. i'm so over confident about this ;)

main motif? yeah, i miss him so badly now................ he's in johor and i'm feeling like he's thousand miles away. mcm x pernah jauh plak. ergh. syg, later when u read this, saje je nk ckp, awk jgn perasan tau~

Sunday, February 14, 2010

a sweet thought for u

awas: entry ni dikarang dlm bahasa inggeris dan sgt jiwang karat. kepada yg x tahan jiwang karat. tlg jgn baca. hanya utk saya melepaskan perasaan jiwang je sbab dah lama x jiwang. tq.

suddenly i feel pain in my head. i just realize that i was so over-stressed (yes i dont bluff) with my projects.. i can feel the stress has reach its limit. and i called u.. but i can't reach u so many times.. and when finally u get me here, i was crying coz feeling lost.. and my pain is like killing me... as i need u so much right now.. as even we can't meet, listening to u is just enough..

we talked like we never use to it for ages.. and suddenly i feel the ease.. through the window while we talk, i looked at the black sky, with the blinking stars.. how would it be to be there? i wish we have a microscope to look at them beautifully closer. how i wish i was like the blinking stars, silent and shine..

thank u syg, for the deepest thought. i know ur always there for me.. pampering me, comfort me, lending me ur arms and protect me. ur just there for me..  and accidentally, today is vday. i know muslim dont celebrate it, but its just the day. love is all around the air. do u still remember the first valentine's gift u gave me back then in 2003? a cute tiny girly bear in pink by memory lane? how i miss our good old time. for million times already, this is just the best word i can tell u, i love u forever ;)

jue amir = 2001 until today

Monday, February 8, 2010

bear sweet 22

and its your birthday again! happy birthday syg! i'm sorry for all the lack, just had a simple birthday time with u. it has been the toughest time for me this few days as i was so bad to u. ignoring u all the time and makes u sad. i'm so sorry.. promise u will spend more time after this week end..

so happy to see u smile at that time when i bring u surprise at our favourite fast food place, kfc ;)

and ur 1 year older again

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

OMG suke!

yay! today i received 9 comments in once while log in into my blog. first time dpt comment byk cmni within 18 hours perhaps. hihihi.. semua org kesian sbab tu nk comment. kihihihi.. tkpe sy sukeee... ok la mlm ni x dpt men klik2. udah lewattt n jue sgt penat. walau ape pon, thanks to all of u guys n girls! really appreciate ur visit here, while clicking those adds by nuff. u'l be my pleasure. n soon i'l visit ur blog okay. i'l track u down no matter where u are, i'l track u nuff. even nuff tdo, i'l wake u up till u come out. fat nuff. hee.. nite everyone.

17/11 : its 17 again. jue n amir love the date so much. its the day of us. n hey, we went to celebrate it together. love u syg :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

my BF in uniten

huu.. hari ni bear masuk uniten kt bangi. sedih sgt xdpt anta die.. mama pon g johor, ki, his lil brother daftar masuk uitm skudai hari ni. so syg sorg2, nasib baik ade ford n anne. hee.. syg korg bgt! terkilan jgk, xdpt tgk apartment cyg mcm mane..

i wonder what u did tell me before.. have a faith in it syg! fighting! hm.. whatever it is, wait for my return k..

btw, cyg dah ade new glasses. hope it lasting for years la. haha.. ;p

Sunday, April 12, 2009


i'm going back again! but it won't took so long. coz i'l be in s'pore the week after. haih.. n i won't see my honey bear for almost a month. syg... i'm gonna miss u.. :(

can't wait to be home! heavenly home. lagi best, our home had a lil bit changes. lalala~ our room (mine n angah) dah ade aircond. hihi.. gile best :) thanx to angah mucuk syg! boleh la kte slimut tebal2 mcm kat hotel. yay! byk jgk perubahan.. lot to tell. i miss my umi darling2! miss my everything there..

huhu... on my first morning there, which is gonna be on this 13 april, i'll make sure i'll eat nasi kerabu pagi! plus pulut itam kelapa. nyummyy2~

eh, what i'm doing now? stuffs still all around me. n nk angkut barang masuk reddish lagi. by tomorrow onwards, reddish will be hand over to my bear. coz nobody will look after it. bye2 lovely reddish..

yay! i'm so happy coz bear gonna send me to lcct, tomorrow. n he'd remind me already to pack my stuff earlier. tgk, ape lagi yg jue tgh buat ni. kemas!!...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


wuarghh.. keboringan, but sooo tired. jage baby aryan yg lately da xnak tido. nk maaaiin je. haha.. but i like it. cubit pipi diye yg mcm apple tu, ngn dimple nye. n then time tdo ngigau2 sambil senyum. pastu ske bulatkan mulut die. he sniff n yawn pon ade bunyi ok. baby yg byk bunyi. if mandi, x penah nangis. hiaarrgghh.. he's the cutest baby la i've ever know. n thanx that he's my nephew. i can always hold him. my nephew ok. not other relatives. heee.. hm.. today is the first day he smile while playing with him. wuarghh.. sronok! tomorrow gonna be his 40 days old. jum baby. kte g mall. lalala~

since jage baby je, i have no other things to do other than surf the net. my plan to sketch class pon still pending coz umi said that the class kat kraf tangan vilage is no longer working. how? hm.. i wanted to do something valuable. kerja? owh tidak.. i'm not as free as ena.. hee.. best je ena kerja decorate ballons. fun fun fun! sy nak jgk!

i miss my hubby bear already.. my tubbies.. my room at asiah. my studio? hee.. a bit. studio kuuuu.. lalala~ akak, rase nye entri ni keboringan la. baik jgn bace lg. i'm not goin to finish this. tp nk delete syg plak. haha.. off off dan off lg.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

i'm to begin

wuwuwu.. i end up all alone again..
kijaaamm.. wuaaa..
em.. ade ke..? huhu
akak blk n.9, her grandma just leave us livin people forever..
here i wanna greet my condolense to akak, mama, ayah, asang, kak lin, manje n abg kak anis..
jgn sedey2 sgt.. pray for her there k. be gewd
to ena n mom, nnt wat blk mcD!
serious? huhuhu.. ;p
to my sayang, i'm so proud of u..
working almost a day in 1 day.
u made me adore u so much!
gosh.. i was totally missin u..
i luv u i miss u.. so much.. :">
to ena again, tq2! tlg jue customize blog ni n jadi comey sunggoh. xoxo!
*happy tguling2 sorg2