Showing posts with label boredom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boredom. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


wuarghh.. keboringan, but sooo tired. jage baby aryan yg lately da xnak tido. nk maaaiin je. haha.. but i like it. cubit pipi diye yg mcm apple tu, ngn dimple nye. n then time tdo ngigau2 sambil senyum. pastu ske bulatkan mulut die. he sniff n yawn pon ade bunyi ok. baby yg byk bunyi. if mandi, x penah nangis. hiaarrgghh.. he's the cutest baby la i've ever know. n thanx that he's my nephew. i can always hold him. my nephew ok. not other relatives. heee.. hm.. today is the first day he smile while playing with him. wuarghh.. sronok! tomorrow gonna be his 40 days old. jum baby. kte g mall. lalala~

since jage baby je, i have no other things to do other than surf the net. my plan to sketch class pon still pending coz umi said that the class kat kraf tangan vilage is no longer working. how? hm.. i wanted to do something valuable. kerja? owh tidak.. i'm not as free as ena.. hee.. best je ena kerja decorate ballons. fun fun fun! sy nak jgk!

i miss my hubby bear already.. my tubbies.. my room at asiah. my studio? hee.. a bit. studio kuuuu.. lalala~ akak, rase nye entri ni keboringan la. baik jgn bace lg. i'm not goin to finish this. tp nk delete syg plak. haha.. off off dan off lg.