Friday, April 30, 2010

bus vs flight

pejam celik pejam celik, dah 4 hari jue kat kampung. skejap nye masa berlalu. tdo bgn tdo bgn, mlm ni dah nk blk kl.. sabtu n ahad mcm biasa, kerja.. hari tu paling lama dlm sejarah jue x blk kb sbab along dah move in to kl. so umi ngn wan pon dtg kl je nk jenguk ank2 cucu diorg.

rutin duduk rumah? xde buat keje, x masak ,x mandi, x keje, x bergerak. huhuhu.. ape nk jadi daaa.. keje nye ngadap lappy smbil tgk tv. tido plak on time. i'm back to normal! dlu pernah kena penyakit xleh tido sbab tgh gila nuffnang. huhuh.. 

malam ni back to kl by bus. skarang jue prefer bas dr flight. cheaper n easier even lama sket. naik bas, tido, tuptup smpai. org hantar naik bas pon sampai kt tayar bas. kalau naik flight, jalan nk smpai ke tayar kapal terbang dah 1 jam. tunggu flight lagi 1 jam. kalau ade org amek, lucky u. kalau nk travel lg, from airport tu, last2 same je. tenaga terbuang mcm tu. baik naik bas. tp make sure naik mlm. kalau naik siang hari, rase masa terbuang mcm tu je seharian x buat apa. lagi pun bas sekarang dah x mcm bas dlu2. selesa sgt. psl keselamatan plak, nk compare bas ngn flight, mmg bas kalah la. tahun ni je, dah brape kes dah psl bas kemalangan masuk paper kan. malang x berbau...~

ok nk packing. mangga, keropok, blablabla, mak budak mengidam lah. aryana kah? hihi~ ;)

Monday, April 26, 2010

my part-time job

ramai yg tanye jue keje apa. hihi.. ni la keje part-time jue yg kena dancing2 tu. flash mob job in jb. next stop in penang plak. so kalau sape2 terjumpe bear biru celcom tgh dancing2 tu, i was there too! huhu ;) overall, the tour was fun with all the friendly and sporting members. though got a chance in making new friends ;)

Friday, April 23, 2010

keje laaa

esk keje. dance? cuak!
oh cpat la kak mimi call, can't wait to work @ plaza damas ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blog under maintenance

akhirnya, layout baru la! tp x best. x larat dah nk godek.
i would like to announce, my blog is now under maintenance
tido dlu. zzz

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

nak kerja

dgn ini bermulanya cuti 3 bulan sy. tp sebenarnya dah almost 1 month dah holiday ye. currently job hunting! ok sape nk amek sy kerja? criteria, punctual, hardworking, able to communicate well. dah2, enough, semuanya dah ada kt resume. baru siapkan resume td. nk print je problem now nih, as abg nan merangkap abg engineer kt rumah ni outstation plak. printer canggih sgt buatan alien, x reti nk setting. LOL.

smlm pon kerja as a celcom promoter with cik anna. seronoook sgt, duduk je keje (ok contoh bakal pekerja yg x bagus, kantoi). planning of working permanently with them. dlm dilema ni. kul 3 nnt ade interview kt hartamas. woah mcm org dah dpt degree je aku ni gamaknye. ok sekarang ni ade option, nk pilih yg the best je nnt. semua kerja2 yg kwn2 rekomen. thanks to lat, thanks to erin ;) 

comel kan lat a.k.a cik anna ;)

ape main motif nk kerja ni? ade org ckp, kenapa kerja awk fikir duit je ek? cuba duduk rumah belajar masak ke (sbab jue mmg xreti masuk dapur lagi kan nk masak). main motif nak kerja? sbab nk g beijing laaaa.. tinggal 5 bln je lagi ni. i need 4k cash. 2k utk tambang n tmpat tinggal n tourist guide, 2k lg of course utk shopping. muahaha..

oh beijing.. this is all because of u. guys, please make this work. let's rock beijing! ;)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

happy life

holiday mode is on. setiap hari kerja saya makan, tido, social netwoking, aryan, jalan-jalan. seronok nya kalau hari2 mcm ni. huhu. most importantly, zero household work.

hari ni, i mean td, had a date out with alia to survey event kt boulevard. free2 dpt rm100. thanks to dewi for calling2! kalau hari2 dpt attend serious survey mcm tu, kaya la jue, x payah kerja lain dah, duduk dlm hall, denga2 pastu tekan butang recorder tu. seronok! dpt duit je g shopping kt cotton on ngn lia. hehe great, worth it.

hm, life is quite boring without him, even ada je activiti jue, but while he's not around and hard to reach, rasa pale je. lama sgt la bear g johor.. menolong menguruskan encik kambing kepunyaan tuan kalot. bagus. bear sy dah jd apa.. huhu.. it's ok kalau dia jauh, but when it comes to maxis coverage yg x berapa elok kt sane, argh stress! nk ckp pon xde mood. syg blk la.. jom datang cni men2 ngn aryan, pastu kita g pool, g gym. main badminton, squash, awk kan suke. hihi. btw can't wait for him to return this tuesday.

bila jue nk blk kb ni.. umi ni x rindu anak kesayangan dia ke. huhu.. actually umi ngan angah nk datang cni 22hb ni. yay can't wait jgk! pastu baru la jue blk ngn diorg. i wish i can go back if nothing against me. hmm.. 

overall i'm so happy with my life now. i had enough. yes, i change. i'm no longer juhairah u use to know before. don't simply jump to a conclusion while i have my own reason.. enough. ok small issue here. like alia said, silence is a bliss. i need to sleep now as today is a fun day to face ahead. another BBQ day! off to bed with sleeping lintang pukang aryan ♥

---end note: stalker bace habis sampai sini. teettttt :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

boyfriend saya

name: mohd amir zaini bin naziff
d.o.b: 8 february 1988

this is my boyfriend. we met since 2000 in high school, standard 1. everything starts from 2001 when he confess his feeling towards me. uuuu~ i never think of having such serious relationship with him until little by little i'm falling in love with him. in school he's such a boy who against the rule. haha.. and famous too. oh tidaakk. i can't believe i'm the one chosen. as though, i'm an ordinary girl in school doing silent nasty thingy with my besties yanie, the most tingtong girl in Alpha history. yanie i miss u freaking baddddddd. and jaaaaaa...

normal norm, there are ups and down in relationship. same goes to me n him. revolution by revolution. and i'm thankful to have this such precious gift. the more i know him, the more i love him. he's an adorable and caring person. and protective. and humorous. and crazy! he's special. intend to learn out of the box. ok i'm over talking. 

what i know about him most is that he lovesssss me so so so much. i'm so over confident about this ;)

main motif? yeah, i miss him so badly now................ he's in johor and i'm feeling like he's thousand miles away. mcm x pernah jauh plak. ergh. syg, later when u read this, saje je nk ckp, awk jgn perasan tau~

Friday, April 9, 2010

balik dan pergi

esk papa bear dah g johor utk seminggu.. n jue plak xtau bila nk blk kb. umi dah bising.. minggu depan la blk ye umi.. kakak pon rindu sgt nk jd ular sawa kt rumah. tido pasti puas dlm blanket gebu bertemankan hawa dingin 24/7. xde org nk kacau sy tido yahoo! wah x saba nyeee!

i'm gonna miss my hubby~

and for certain, my aryan masam~

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

nasib baik sedar diri..

entri ini adalah entri mengumpat

i have a friend, i think, he's quite true to his love. before this, gf die dah pernah tinggalkan dia sebab sy pon xtau. maybe sebab jarak hubungan kot.. lepas tu bila dah masuk belajar sama2 blk, ok, they back together.. ok sy happy.. tp awal2 lg sy dah bgtau kwn sy ni, cari la other girl.. she's not meant to be with u. she's bad. tkpe la, as long as diorg happy.. now benda dah jd balik..

tp sebab kali ni xde kena mengena ngn jarak dah kot.. seminggu sekali jumpe pon x cukup lg? biasa lah.. manusia x pernah puas dgn apa yg mereka ada.. si gf plak mcm dah ade pengganti.. sedih la kwn jue ini.. td terlihat la status gf nye di fb. ngaku pon diri tu gedik. uhuhu.. pastu pissed off sendiri mau igt, org kutuk dia mcm2. and ape motif jue tulis entry ni.. saje je nk ngumpat. huhu

to my friend tu, be strong yah! betol, we all mmg xsuke kamu dgn die since dr dulu lg. look forward n never turn back k. u deserve someone better than her! :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


cuti dah bermula! tp hati kering.. i've a week to end all of this. then i'm free~~
1- multimedia flash presentation that need to be fixed
2- virtual reality subject yg perlu buat baked texture and buat animation (tlg sy..)
3- buat kira2 bahan utk ID material dlm excel. ini lg pening. wuaaaaaa... aku amek QS ke skarang ni..

i'm not happy coz of these 3 things. hate it~

since 2 months, i'm so sorry coz i can't entertain most of u coz the force of work is torturing me. new day is coming soon, lots of things to do. nk tuka layout baru!!