Showing posts with label Movie Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Movie Review. Show all posts

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Man on Wire

Tyler and I went to the Embarcadero Theaters to see Man on Wire this past weekend. It is a documentary about Philippe Petit, the French man who rigged a high wire between the top of the World Trade Center towers and walked across several times. And no he wasn't wearing a harness, a rope or any other safety mechanism. It was fascinating and made me sick to my stomach all at once.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Pretty people with pretty things in a pretty place.

Daily Interpol Obsession

Interpol blows my mind! This song is my current obsession.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Definitely Maybe

Tyler and I have both been pressing up against big deadlines at work over the past couple months, so we haven't had a lot of spare time to spend together. But we always try to leave work at 5:00 on Friday for a date. On one such evening last month, we saw the movie Definitely Maybe after an indulgent dinner at Farmer Brown.

I didn't have super high hopes because I'm almost always disappointed by romantic comedies, but we needed something light and it had a decent rating on Rotten Tomatoes so we gave it a chance. It was really good! I cried at one point and I almost never cry in movies. Tyler even enjoyed it despite the lack of guns, 30 minute battle scenes and violence. (Okay, so he is actually much deeper than I just let on. I'm trying to make the point that for a chick flick, he really liked it.)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Bourne Ultimatum

We saw The Bourne Ultimatum over the weekend. Despite the lack of dialog and the shaky camera I can't help liking the character and the story. Matt Damon is such a cutie. The first movie, Bourne Identity is still my favorite of the three.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Speaking of Pride & Prejudice...

If you haven't seen the A&E version of Pride & Prejudice with Collin Firth and Jennifer Ehle, you must see it as soon as possible. (The new version with Kiera Knightly doesn't count.) It is hands down my favorite movie. I can watch it over and over and never tire of it. The tension between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth is so palpable that I wonder if they are ever going to get together everytime I watch it. Plus I get to fall in love with Collin Firth over and over again. My friend Ryan's theory as to why girls love Mr. Darcy - the house and money, but I'm pretty sure it's the accent. That house is pretty fabulous though!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Paris, je 'taime

I laughed. I cried. Sometimes I did both at the same time.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Namesake & Avenue Montaigne

I saw two good movies this week. I've definitely grown more picky over the years, but it just doesn't seem like the movie selection has been that good for the last few years. Is it just me? I'm excited to be able to share a couple of good ones with you.

The Namesake revolves around the angst between the generations of a family who immigrates from India to the U.S. Not only is there the struggle between the generations of parents and children, but you add the complication of cultural differences between the parents who were raised in India and the two children who are born and raised in the U.S. The movie beautifully portrays the struggle for understanding and acceptance. This movie made me cry which I don't do that often for movies.

Avenue Montaigne wasn't nearly as good as The Namesake, but it deserves an honorable mention. It's basically "a day in the life" of a Parisian actor, musician, art collector, waitress, and others that connect together in the end. The plot was a little slow at times but it tied up nicely in a very sweet little ending.

Both are independent so some of you may have to wait for the DVDs. For those of you in the Bay Area, you can see The Namesake at the Embacadero Theaters and Avenue Montaigne at The Lumiere on California.