Sunday, November 04, 2007

2nd date?

I went on the worst first date ever last night. He asked me at FHE on Monday to go to this dinner that our Bishop was hosting for first dates. So I gave him a chance even though he creeped me out from the beginning. I made my friends find dates so I wouldn't have to be alone with him and then met him there to protect myself further.
All I have to say is I have never been out with a guy that was sooooo far from what I actually like before. If he asked me out again he would probably be considered medically insane because we have nothing in common and I tried to make it obvious that I was not interested, without being rude. I hate caves and have no celebrity crushes. We obviously wouldn't make it very far, just save your money creepy red-haired dude.


kelsey said...

You totally forgot about your mad crush on Mario Lopez. What were you for Halloween, a Gadianton Princess?

Danielle said...

Poor kid. He probably knew it was doomed from the start, but he couldn't resist you. :)

an illdressed foolishwise said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Ohhh first dates!

Hannah Stayner said...

Whatever, red heads are HOT! ha ha. poor guy. POOR YOU! I have noticias from the Guay!!

cropstar said...

THE CREEPY RED HEAD DUDE? SERIOUSLY? that kind of scares me.
i love that he asked you out for a 2nd. so classic.