Showing posts with label Stephanie Brien. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephanie Brien. Show all posts

October 26, 2008

JT reports city's massive health care spending increase

Hard as I may be on the JT, they're getting better at covering City Hall.

Stephanie Brien's story in today's paper about city retiree's health benefits is quite good. The gist:
The City of Racine currently spends about a sixth of its tax levy to pay for annual retiree health benefits, but a recent analysis found the city would have to spend half of its tax levy on those benefits to adequately prepare for the future.

The city would not be liable for future retiree health benefits if it were able to put an additional $15.25 million per year in revenue in its coffers, according to an analysis dated Aug. 8.

Brien points out the additional spending on health benefits would equal half of what the city raises in property taxes every year. That's not good.

I think we all need to look at this a little closer.

October 22, 2008

City budget cuts library, maintains police spending

Mayor Becker's 2008 budget is out. The JT's Stephanie Brien reports the equivalent of 5 1/2 jobs will be eliminated.
The mayor maintained all public safety positions, but there are five and a half city positions that the mayor proposed cutting. The mayor proposed eliminating one of four property assessors, one of two electrical inspectors, a half-time parks and recreation mechanic and hours equaling that of three full-time library assistants.
Part of the mayor's plan is to cutback on property assessments to every-other year, which is interesting timing because property values are reportedly falling around the state and country. Becker may be buying the city time by putting off a new assessment next year.

It's also worth noting that an unglamorous job like an electrical inspector seems like an easy target for a budget cut. But I'd be interested to learn more about the inspector's job - and their job in preventing shoddy or dangerous electrical work in homes and apartments.

As for the library, NorthStar Economics, Inc., a respected private economics firm in Wisconsin, completed a study that showed every dollar spent on public libraries led to a $4.06 return on investment. But so goes the city trend: the mayor cuts the library to spend more on police in the hopes of preventing crimes that are basically unpreventable. (Don't forget about the $400,000 police OT referendum in two weeks.)

Brien quotes Becker in her story saying it's the fewest number of jobs he's cut since becoming mayor, and notes salary costs in the police department will be reduced by senior department members retiring. Then there's odd detail:
The police department’s budget includes increased expenses for ammunition, mobile computer wireless costs, fuel and additional equipment.
Ammunition? Let's hope the increase comes from rising material costs, and not forecasts of an increase in need for more bullets.

October 7, 2008

Racine Library may build in Mount Pleasant

Stephanie Brien at the JT is reporting that the Racine Library may spend $1.6 million to buy land to build a new Mount Pleasant branch. It didn't take long for commenters to raise questions. Here's the first response:
Wait a minute - is this the same library that is cutting hours because of financial issues? I think libraries are great, but I guess I don't quite get this idea.