Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts



Here we go...

In 1989 I moved from to New York City . Back then, Michelangelo Signorile was one of my heroes. Today, he still is. His voice has gone from a groundbreaking magazine, Outweek more on that this week), to a worldwide satellite radio show, The Michelangelo Signorile Show on Sirus Satellite Radio.

The great thing about Sirus is that they have a free three-day sample player on their site (hint: You can reset the three days by clearing out your cookies). You'll need to enroll, so give yoursef a few minutes before 2pm Monday if you want to listen in to the story.

Monday. 2pm EST. Live. Sirus Satellite Radio. Channel 109. Listen FREE.

Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts


I NEVER thought I would ever say or write that.  To give proper credit where credit is due RawStory (2006 Best Media Award winner) referred me to Pageoneq.

"If Steve Gaines found out that a child had been sexually molested by one of his ministers and if he did nothing to address it, then he needs to step down immediately,"

"We cannot take chances with other people's children. If he knew about this and kept quiet, then he's put Bellevue in a very dangerous position and possibly put children and the emotionally vulnerable at risk." - president of the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Michael Spradlin.

Isn't that special.  Even though Spradlin found Bellevue being in a very dangerous position that possibly put children and the emotionally vulnerable at risk begs where the priorities are, this is still a good thing.

I hope the Pope uses this example to get a clue - wouldn't that make a great Christmas present!

Investigation into allegations that a secret church directive, issued by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI, is being used to silence the victims of child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests. Colm O'Gorman, who was raped as a 14-year-old boy by his local parish priest in Ireland, travels to America, Brazil and the Vatican City to uncover more.

Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts


Oh kids. This morning I woke up at 2:32am as sometimes happens. The house was dark and quiet as I started for the stairs. My dog was snoring.

I have a habit of checking my daughters door at night. I want it locked. I'm a heavy sleeper and so is my Doberman so it's a good idea. I care about my daughter and have spent the last 16 years trying to teach her right from wrong. Safety is always on my mind.

I don't really have to watch her much. Policing her is like guarding a nun anyway, and she almost never finds trouble. She did today thou - out getting a burger five blocks away - she claimed she was HUNGRY and didn't want to wake me. She was already on her way home as I reeled to my phone in what I was sure would be a psychotic moment. It wasn't. But I found it impossible to go back to bed.

So I checked the internet like a fool. Fiji has yet another coup! Even that festive news was insufficient to compel me from this article at Slate regarding George's daughters and their recent behavior partying in Buenos Aires over the last week. Then Michael Kinsley contrasts:

Bush says truly, about the American dead, "They did not yearn to be heroes. They yearned to see mom and dad again and to hold their sweethearts and to watch their sons and daughters grow. They wanted the daily miracle of freedom in America, yet they gave all that up and gave life itself for the sake of others."

He also mentioned the recent encounter James Webb had at the White House Reception while avoiding the receiving line. I was not there of course but read that James did not want a picture of him next to the pResident be taken. Somehow they came face to face and the transaction everyone has already read about occurred:

"How's your boy?" Bush asked, referring to Webb's son, a Marine serving in Iraq. "I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President," Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme. "That's not what I asked you," Bush said. "How's your boy?" "That's between me and my boy, Mr. President,"

Now we all know that James and George believe things differently and it's no surprise that their children should reflect that. So if we believe James was trying to avoid George and George was still able to make the comment, what drove them together? I have to ask how did this happen? Was George prodding James in the hopes he would produce a political fumble? I wouldn't put it past his worthless arse.

It was this diary entry quoting a congressman regarding James Webb Jr's recent near death experience in Iraq that completely blew my mind:

"Not only did Bush know about it, he was specifically briefed on the incident before meeting with Webb, and was cautioned to be extra sensitive in speaking with Webb about his son."

It's silly when you see this kind of manipulation from giggly high school girls with a vendetta, but when it is apparent that our pResident resorts to that same base level of manipulation it is disgusting. The Bush twins will never compare to James Webb Jr., but I firmly believe they should be forced into the same duty he took voluntarily.

I'm glad my daughter made it home with her burger safely and pray she remains smart enough not to defend anything George calls "freedom".

I think you can judge from somebody's actions a kind of a stability and sense of purpose perhaps created by strong religious roots. I mean, there's a certain patience, a certain discipline, I think, that religion helps you achieve. - George W. Bush

Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts


AmericaBlog has a new post up today called: Pope now says Vatican doesn't "impose nothing on anyone". What a load of crap.

I think it is important to remember that Christianity was a tiny belief before Constantine based his military campaigns as Caesar against the "barbarians" (people who didn't speak Latin) of Europe. This guy - who many considered a tyrant, reviewed all of the religions and propped up Catholicism as the source of his power and success in war. See he really wanted to slaughter his enemies. The Gods of previous Caesar's and Pharaohs had proved inept, eventually allowing defeat in battle. He needed a new one that would give him the power of invincibility. Several mono-theist beliefs became modern day Catholicism. Earlier celebrations of the seasons were re-interpreted by Popes and Caesars to keep the masses happy. Saturnalia became Christmas Lupercalia became Valentines day and Floralia became Easter. The transformation gave us Memorial and Veterans day.

War kills people in case anyone is confused by that. Killing people is wrong and I don't need a stone tablet to fall out of the sky to explain that to me. It's obvious.

Similarly, the ancient books were chosen based on their political positions for inclusion in both the Old and New Testament. That was a tall order as the killing went on through out Constantine's world.

The entire structure of hell and evil are not included for spiritual enlightenment but rather to frighten and enslave the masses in support of those in power. The original word of Jesus and his intent were certainly not followed in the building of huge Cathedrals around the world. This article speaks of the family created in the commerce of life, yet ignores the massive trading, money changers, and mindless indentures required to build the glorification of the Vatican and the power it wielded.

"The household consisted of the paterfamilias, his wife and children, slaves and their children, and often free persons with their families. It was not uncommon for adult children with families to live in the household. "

"What truly made the Greco-Roman household a community was its focus on the common mission of the family business."

I'm surprised frankly that the threat of eternal damnation continues to work. It is as if our philosophical evolution, our scientific revelations, nor the history of hell on Earth caused by war never happened.

I'm not saying Jesus did not exist. I'm not saying there isn't good that can come of his influence. I'm not saying there is no reason to study or admire or participate in loving each other however that may happen. I don't mean to offend people of faith. I understand that when you "believe", evidence and logic means nothing to you. But just as you receive the respect of atheists, respect those who see cause and effect and reject your faith. War is wrong and killing people is immoral. Loving people is good and healthy.

This post is about the hypocrisy of the Pope's line: "You know well that the church wishes to impose nothing on anyone, and that she merely asks to live in freedom,".

If only it were true.