Showing posts with label girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label girls. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Just a few quick doodles trying out a new brush. More soon!


Thursday, August 07, 2008


So, there's much to report after coming back from ComicCon and L.A., I'll do a full comic con/L.A. entry with pictures soon, been really busy with a bunch of stuff. I've had the chance to play around with a Cintiq lately...and now I see what all the fuss is about. This little device is AWESOME. Here's a quick little doodle I did on it - will be posting more soon.
Also, if you haven't heard about it already, here's a lecture from the "Last Lecture" series run at Carnegie Mellon University by a professor named Randy Pausch who, at the time of this taping, was recently diagnosed with cancer with no more than 6 months to live. He passed away last week, and this lecture is amazing and definitely worth the time to watch it, or listen. Do yourself a favour and check it out:

I'll be back real soon.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Random sketches

Just wanted to post something up as I hadn't for a while. The first is from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, which happened in November. I'm a bit behind on the scanning front. The second and third drawings are done on the Via train just 2 weeks ago, I took a little trip to Montreal to visit some family and friends. On the way, on the subway, I saw a woman dressed in a ridiculous faux fur leopard print coat, and didn't have time to draw her while I was there, so I drew her once I got on the Via...I guess you could say it was a memory sketch. The third drawing is a random character I drew and the girl beside me, who's name was Kim, remarked that he looked like an evil toy shop owner. Hence the little caption.
Also, I just found out that today, my blog has been up and online and consistently updated for a whole two years. So thanks to everyone who's visited and commented on here in the past two years, you're all helping in my goal to become a better artist. Thank you.

Monday, December 03, 2007


I went for a haircut on Friday and while waiting, I found a piece of paper beside me and decided to scribble something down because I was bored. I ended up drawing someone else who was waiting. Sorry I haven't posted much, but soon, the reel is almost done.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Just so you know....

moleskine sketchbook...

one of those little sketches no one is supposed to see...

Just so you know I'm still alive. I've been busy working hard on the film, I've posted some doodles I did at work while taking a break from using the computer - inspired by a stack of post-it notes sitting by my desk, and looking at James' blog what with his infinite inspiration and my knowledge of people doing things on the subway after seeing them day after day. These were the doodles I liked, a stack more went into their new home, the trash can.
The sketchbook page is from my iDea book, which I've been writing tons (and yes, that is my writing, and yes, I've been told repeatedly that I write like a girl) I've blurred some of the stuff, just because the story is constantly still evolving and I didn't want give it all away yet.
The last drawing is a VERY QUICK inspirational doodle/idea sketch that I did the other day (one of many) to allow me to figure out possible directions that the story could take. It doesn't really mean much, but eludes to a possible backstory.
That's all for now, post more as I get the time - I have a whole sketchbook of subway drawings and characters that I have waiting to be scanned...hopefully this weekend. Also, thanks VERY much to everyone who has been commenting, it is greatly appreciated, and great to know that people actually look at this thing. Thank you.
Till then.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Quick Post...

Here's a quick post of some cafe sketches just to keep me in the habit of posting weekly - really busy with the film, will scan and post more soon. Comments appreciated!


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Coming up for air...

Here's some cafeteria sketching from this past week. Don't ask how I found the time to go and do it, it still baffles me. The following week or two are going to be insanely crazy, but I really appreciate the comments from everyone. I hope you like this new batch of characters, the first 3 pages are somewhat random characters from observation in the cafeteria, and the last drawing was one I found which looked like a friend. Cliff and I have been noticing that where ever we go now, we begin to notice people as characters more and more, almost...zoo-like. The world is pretty interesting, we don't realize that when we're going a 100 miles a minute, but when you stop to look at it (who has time to stop?) it really is impeccable.

Comments, crits and general ramblings are much appreciated!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sketch Dump

Here are a bunch of sketches done while on the subway and in the cafeteria and a few just playing around. I realized after putting so many sketches before, it was a pain to note any of them - so I've numbered them for easy reference! (Most of them, at least.) I really appreciate all the comments and criticisms, keep 'em coming! They're all very, very much appreciated. I've been trying some new things with designs and a couple of compositions, I'm planning on doing a lot more of those - been reading "Gesture Drawing for Animators" by Walt Stanchfield....just pure GENIUS.
That's all for now, comments and crits appreciated as always and until next time!


Saturday, February 03, 2007


A little drawing I did using a tablet PC and Alias' Sketchbook Pro of a girl I had an urge to call "Kiwi". The hummingbird is a bit random, but it fits I think. Comments appreciated.
