Showing posts with label Alphabe Thursday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alphabe Thursday. Show all posts

Friday, December 12, 2014

D is for (Package) Decorations

Are you ready for another round of Alphabe Thursday? Let's go!

Yep, it's Alphabe Thursday on Friday, and it's going to be a short and sweet. Anyone who has received a gift from me in the past few years knows that I am notoriously lazy when it comes to wrapping presents. I'm not very good at it, and I hate that most wrapping paper ends up right in the garbage. It seems like such a waste. So typically I buy a pack of tissue paper, stuff presents into old gift bags and shopping bags, write recipient names on leftover card making paper scraps, and call it good.

I put a lot of effort into the gifts themselves (is it a surprise that I always make a number of gifts?), and needless to say, the wrapping doesn't reflect that effort. So I'm stepping it up this year and going with a "brown paper packages tied up with string" theme that includes reusable decorative items and fun little goodies, like candy and ornaments. The following reveals just a little taste of what's to come. I will do my best to get some pictures of my wrapped presents later this month.

Check out what the other Alphabe Thursday participants posted for the letter D this week right here!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

C is for Christmas Decorations

Are you ready for another round of Alphabe Thursday? Let's go!

Christmas is the only holiday where I really put up a lot of decorations. Jake loves Christmas decorations, too, and always helps me get things up right after Thanksgiving. Every year our collection gets better and better. Today I'm sharing just a little peek at Christmas in my house. Enjoy.

Check out what the other Alphabe Thursday participants posted for the letter C right here!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

B is for By the Way...Happy Thanksgiving!

Are you ready for another round of Alphabe Thursday? Let's go!

To those of you celebrating the holiday today, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you enjoy it, regardless of how you're celebrating. I'm sharing a few quick pictures of the pumpkin pie that I made last night for the family festivities this weekend. I wasn't in charge of cooking a whole meal this year, but of course I still volunteered to do some of the baking.

Check out what the other Alphabe Thursday participants posted today for the letter B right here!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A is for Art Museum

Are you ready for another round of Alphabe Thursday? Let's go!

Yep, we're going again! If you've always thought about doing Alphabe Thursday, this is a great time to start participating.

I'm starting off simple with a classic: the Milwaukee Art Museum. I've featured it in previous Alphabe Thursday posts for the letter A. (See the orange statue across from it? I also featured it for the letter C in the last round.) The Art Museum is a Milwaukee institution, and it never gets old. I took these pictures back in September. Enjoy.

Check out what the other Alphabe Thursday participants posted for the letter A this week right here!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Z is for Golden Hour at the Zoo

Are you ready for another round of Alphabe Thursday? Let's go!

We've reached the end of the alphabet yet again! Congrats to all who have been playing along. For those who are simply here to read, I hope that you've enjoyed the ride. I plan to play along again if it keeps going.

Today I'm sharing pictures from this summer when I spent the golden hour at the Milwaukee County Zoo for the first time during one of their Sunset Zoofari events. Enjoy.

Check out what the other Alphabe Thursday participants posted for the letter Z this week right here!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Y is for Yellow Fire Hydrant

Are you ready for another round of Alphabe Thursday? Let's go!

I'm keeping it simple today with some pictures of yellow fire hydrants. All of the hydrants in my neighborhood are yellow. If you're curious why some hydrants are yellow as opposed to red or other colors, you can learn more about it over here.

Check out what the other Alphabe Thursday participants posted for the letter Y this week right here!