lansdowne126's videos on Dailymotion

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Kong Show On Blip-Bob Greenberg B & W Special

Second of Two Black & White Specials-"The Kong Show On Blip-The Kong Show On TV Preview Black&White Web Only Special", with Comedian/Impersonator Bob Greenberg, doing Imitations of Lou Costello, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy & Jackie Gleason, in unusual styles.

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Monday, January 07, 2013

Four Roosters On Continental

Roosters On Continental(HD)

Roosters On Continental(HD)

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Kong Show On Blip "Sketch Trailers"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

QPTV The Kong Show's "Before Show " | Lansdowne126-MMD Productions on Blip

Monday, May 14, 2012

QPTV The Kong Show "AfterShow"

Second part of webcast/podcast of "The Kong Show", on Queens Public Television,, called "The AfterShow", from Iguana in Manhattan. Cast members seen here.

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Saturday, May 05, 2012

The Real Pain In The Arse Housewives From Queens

This is the title of a 4 Episode Web Series which just finished production here in Queens. You will hear what it is like producing a Sports Event, & how Whiny Queens Housewives & their children, aspire to fame, usually by thinking they can get that fame by uploading a video to You Tube.
The 1st Two Episodes are on, with the other two episodes to be loaded up on to, with all 4 to be uploaded to Vimeo.
Ever have this kind of group aspire to fame ? Trust me, you do know people like that.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

QPTV The Kong Show Aftershow

Public Access Cable Television is the Precursor to Today's Video Revolution, so the recording of QPTV The Kong Show Aftershow, is in the spirit of Public Access TV, which began in Manhattan in 1971 or 1972.
This is a behind the scenes look at what still goes on via public access TV & what we see on the web today.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Imagine Playing A Boss Hiring An Assassin

I got to do just that in a funny little film, appearing on YouTube, called "Casey Carr & Riley Joe: Brothers Forever", produced by a promising young director named Diane Forman, originally from the Hudson Valley, not far from Albany, in Upstate NY.
Currently, she lives in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, not far from Prospect Park & goes to Filmmaking School at Brooklyn College, in Midwood, Brooklyn.
I played a loud, abrasive man named Cord Elam. I was originally going to do this role in a Slow, Southern Drawl, but was told to do it in a Brooklyn Accent.
The Brooklyn Accent is easy for me, as I used to speak it at home. I don't usually speak that way anymore, except with Native Brooklynites.
The Trick to sounding like a Native is to leave out consonants in words. "Atlantic Avenue" is "Alannic Avenya" to Natives. "Flatbush Avenue" is "Flabush". "Bedford Avenue" is pronounced "Befid" & so on.
Another way of sounding like a Bona Fide Native, is to use the old time names of the Subway Lines. Never mind just the #s or letters of Subway Lines, as it sounds like you're from Boston(I do like The Red Sox, BTW). Go all out & say things like The IRT Lexington Avenue-Woodlawn to 161st Street-Yankee Stadium. When telling this to Red Sox or Mets Fans, refer to Yankee Stadium as "The Toilet."
For Coney Island, it's "Take The BMT Brighton Line to Coney Island-Stlllwell Avenya."(Ditto, Sea Beach Line).
Of course, when taking the A Train, tell people to take the "8th Avenya Subway."
I have ya tawkin' like a natif in no time.

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Two Shrinks Talking

The Civil War-A New Tactic

Thursday, December 20, 2007

TOP 10 Signs Your 4th Degree Master Nominee Is Out Of Control

#10:Refers to Sousa's "Stars & Stripes Forever" As a Commie Plot Theme Song;
#9:K of C Free Throw declared part of Fidel Castro's Plot to Subvert American Youth;
#8:Essay Contest Theme is "Why Is It Important To Take East NY, Brooklyn back from The Soviet Union Controlled Long Island Assembly";
#7:Master Candidate refers to Faithful Navigator of Long Island Assembly, as that "Old Collectivist named Vladimir";
#6:Idiotic Sycophants want nuclear warheads pointed & launched towards 2 Councils in Ozone Park & one other in East Glendale;
#5:Master Candidate's Motto is "Today, Brooklyn-Tomorrow, Eastern Massachusetts";
#4:Candidate's Official Spokesman is an Allegedly Very Heavily Steroided Dude named Roger Clemens;
#3:The 2 Idiotic Sycophants, insulted by the words "Get A Life, Dudes", plan invasion tactics, at Stan's Sports Bar, across the street from Yankee Stadium, after a Bad Yankees Loss;
#2:The 2 Idiotic Sycophants want to take a ride on the Bomb to be dropped on Sheepshead Bay, singing "Back In The USSR";
#1:Master Nominee, in charge of Brooklyn Invasion, is Codenamed "Dr Strangedude".


Friday, November 09, 2007

"Never Mind The PC World"

Thank Goodness for the Comedy of a Mr Mel Kaminsky of Brooklyn. He has elevated Bad Taste to an art form. For Mel Kaminsky of Williamsburgh, Brooklyn, had a movie on AMC TV, which is not known for sensitivity. Thank Goodness for a movie like this, for it shows a great deal of humanity, in all of its' silliness. "Blazing Saddles" is that movie:

Mel Brooks is NOT PC, which is "Politically Correct", even though that's interpreted to mean Pure Crapola. When he put together "The Producers", a real slap at the world of the theatre business, it was no holds barred humor, especially with a play called "Springtime For Hitler", as a musical comedy, designed to close after one night, for the purpose of swindling investors;

Thanks, Mel & keep 'em laughing;

