lansdowne126's videos on Dailymotion

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


25 Seconds Of Escalation from Michael Leggett on Vimeo.

I shot it at Sutphin Blvd one night. I call it "The Musical Escalator."

You know it isn't well maintained but it does have a tune to it.

The Pez Report


Saturday, April 03, 2010

Good Friday Blood Bank With A Gregorian Touch

Friday, March 19, 2010

4K Texts-A Bit MUCH

4K Texts per month?
It has reached this level of insanity, as an 8th Grade Girl in Florida recently had surgery to correct a severe case of Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome. Just how many times can one use one's thumb as a writing finger? The thumb is basically a gripping finger, not a writing one.
There are two nations most-noted for the use of Texting, namely The Philippines and Ireland. In Irish Pubs, I have witnessed this "Digital Ping Pong" as Irish Women, Men and Wee Ones silently converse from North America to Ireland(Republic and North). T-Mobile tends to be the company of choice for Irish Texters. In Europe and North America.
Texting is cheaper than voice across the pond. Also one does not run the risk of radiation levels by using voice.
Moderate your text use, yet use that somewhat more than voice, to cut down on radiation, as these cell phones are really and basically radios. If you must talk, use earphones to greatly lessen the radiation.
The Pez Report


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

MMMCCXCII>All To Protect A Dirty Deal

All In The Name Of A Deal
I remember a piece of law called the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, particularly CPL 2.10(Who is designated a Peace Officer) & CPL 2.20(Power of Peace Officers). There is also Section 14-106(e) of the NYC Administrative Code, explaining NYC Special Patrolman.
Sadly, assorted slackers, some of whom need a dictionary in order to spell the word "Suck", have bypassed the true meaning of the definition of a Peace Officer, in order to protect assorted characters and their private niches.
I wonder just who Manny of Columbia Street would have given up had he been processed as a prisoner, instead of being let go so some slacker could collect a favor, as well as protecting some grafter who feared being exposed. In the case of The Slacker, WHY was he so afraid of a phone call about himself? What favor did he expect to collect?
A message was sent-You Will Suffer For Being Honest.
The Pez Report


Friday, March 12, 2010

In Memorium-This Date In 1997

On this day in 1997, I was working up by West 72nd Street and Broadway on a detail. I then was finished for the day and went home. At this time in 1997, I had neither a cell phone nor a PDA.
My Father suffered a hairline fracture to his shoulder and his health deteriorated from this point until his death on 02/16/00.
Funny but grey weather does bring on sad memories.
Requiscant In Pacem, Pop


Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Mc Donald's has The Shamrock Shake In Queens, according to The Intellectuals on That Institute For The Intellectually-Challenged, WFAN660AM, now on Hudson Street in Manhattan:

Like I Care!

The Pez Report


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Surprise Which Was Delicious

I am amazed at what people leave behind, especially a quite tasty item such as Pizza Margherite.
Three pieces were left behind and they are from the Legendary Patsy's, which started in 1933 in Harlem.
Delizioso! Mind you, this us at the 5th Avenue and East 59 Street Apple Store, where these 3 pieces were abandoned over by the iPod Nanos. Good fortune for me.
I once had some of Patsy's Pizza in Harlem about 40 years ago. Guess what? The pizza is still great after all these years.
The Pez Report- Pizza Special

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Preview Of Novel

Click on the title. Thanks!


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chastity Is Becoming A "Guy"? Huh?

Sonny Bono must be rolling over in his grave. His Daughter is going through a SEX Change:

This to "Marry" her Lover(Partner) in CA;

She had a sweet face in 1993 at age 24. Today, Chastity is known as Chaz and looms Rather-Large;

I've known my share of Lesbians. Often, my best Red Sox Game-Watching Mates are Lesbians. We party together, rather-nicely;

I have to ask Chaz one thing-can (s)he create life with the wife;

With Medical Technology the way it is, Nature is being altered;

& it's NOT nice, nor moral to try to fool "Mother Nature";

The Pez Report


Sunday, May 10, 2009

To Moms-It's Your Day

May It Be Blessed:

The Pez Report


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The NYC Report On Swine Flu-High School Seniors In Cancun, MX

It was a group of Seniors, from St Francis Preparatory School, a School of High Standards in the Franciscan Tradition, who went to Cancun, Mexico over the Easter Break, only to bring back something unexpected:

"I Knew This bird-her name was Enza. I opened the door and In Flew Enza", was a phrase from a 1920's Influenza Outbreak. Well, Enza flew inside the doors of St Francis Prep, located in Fresh Meadows, Queens;

I remember a High School Trip to Italy, in 1972. I came back 20 Lbs Lighter, going from 175 Lbs to 155 Lbs. Luckily, there was no Influenza Outbreak;

Mexico still has substandard Water and Sanitation, so stay clear. Take a LOT of Vitamin D, to avoid The Flu, folks;



Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Return to work underway. Will see my doctor for final check-up tomorrow. Then the NYC Government will start the process to see the City Contracted Doctor. Keep me in your prayers.


Test By Mobile Phone




Certain Individuals, who prefer CRASS Political Action, are hereby labled as COWARDS. They would rather go for cheap Political Gain than ANYTHING ELSE, followed by silencing people who don't like the Status Quo. I've met my share with certain Fraternal Types, some of whom prefer inaction, to positive action. Cheap Politics and Ascendency to Prestige, is often the word of the day with some people:




Friday, March 20, 2009


As Sung by The Incomparable Msgr Funaro with an Altar Server, Please click on the Title for some enjoyment:



Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The 1st Notebook Computer Is STILL Working-NOT Bad For An 11 Year Old

I can remember when Brother Industries, more noted for typewriters, came out with this interesting Personal Digital Notebook, or PDN, in March, 1998, called The Brother GeoBook NB80C;

I'm glad that I still have this machine, as when the Compaq Laptop went kablooey 3X, this took its' place twice;

It wasn't fancy, but it got me online, and was used in the period between Windows and Mac;

You couldn't use AOL with it. My 1st ISP was already configured and it used a 34K Modem, to dial into Earthlink;

The 1st e-mail came from an OMNIPOINT Phone, on Tuesday, March 31st, 1998, while in The Mezzanine, in Section 15 at Shea Stadium(Mets defeated the Phillies, 1-0 in 12 Innings);

It could be used to fax documents, directly from the machine;

Using The GE OS 3.0, the Notebook was interested in functionality, and not all the little extras;

And, for $799 in 1998, it's still worth the money I paid for it, and was simple to connect with the Web, as well as to write documents with;




Thursday, January 01, 2009


It's Here. After a Horrible 2008, I look forward to this year. My worst years end in 4 and 8:

In '08, the Red Sox finished behind the Rays, who gave the Phillies no headaches;

Shea Stadium should be all gone by February;

Soon, I'll be back to work;



Saturday, November 29, 2008


In Valle Stream, LI, home to The Green Acres Shopping Complex, a man who opened the doors to Wal-Mart at 5AM, was stampeded to death:

All this for SHOPPING;

All for Wal-Mart's Greed;

Some people only value THINGS;

Strangest Murder in History!



Saturday, November 22, 2008

Things That Did Exist In NY In 1963 And Things That Did Not Exist In NY In 1963

The Headquarters of The 3 Major Networks were and are still here in NYC:

There were NO Cell Phones with Web and Text Messaging in 1963;

There was no World Wide Web;

All Phone Service Originated through AT & T, via The Bell System, through landlines. That service is now run by Verizon, a Baby Bell;

A Winning Mets Team didn't exist in 1963. Transistor Radios were becoming big;

The NYC Bus and Subway Fare was $.15 per ride. Pizza was $.15 per slice;

There were still privately-operated Bus Lines, mostly in Queens;

Abortion Did NOT Exist;

What has THIS World Come To?



Saturday, November 08, 2008

Cat Fanciers? Mariah Carey? A Case Of "Chumpire" State Building If You Ask Me

Now, on November 10th, The Marines were founded 233 Years ago Monday and what has been known as Tradition, was to honor The Marine Corps, appropriately, by public display, of The Corps' Colors of Red And Gold:

However, Empire State Building Management, is lighting up for The Cat Fanciers Association's Cat Championship, with Mariah Carey, involved;

Pussycat, instead of Patriotism, is taking a front seat-SAD;

Click Title and read what one Daily Periodical, has to say;

