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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Now Back To Your Irregularly Scheduled Boston Red Sox Coverage

Ok, let me explain to Red Sox Nation as to where I have been & what I have been doing. Let's just say that NONE of it is Baseball Related. I did not jump ship to cheer for The NY Yankees. I will root for the Yankees when Josef Goebbels is honored for Humanitarian Causes by B'Nai Brith.
Please realize that there is a new manager, one who has been out of touch with MLB for sometime. He has spent several years in Japan. At one point in 1999, in The Sporting News, he was called The Most Hated Manager in Baseball. But there is a good side to the Son In Law of Ralph Branca, for he infuriated that noted Baseball Nitwit, by the name of Jeffy Wilpon, who is also despised to no end by NY Mets Fans, not unlike M. Donald Grant.
For Bobby Valentine, a man of many skills, is Manager of the Boston Red Sox. Diplomacy, however, is not one of his skills. Since WHEN did Kevin Youkilis become Chopped Liver?
Terry Francona had the Patience Of Job. Bobby Valentine has all the Patience of Steve Jobs. Francona handled the Media, adeptly. Valentine blasts the goose liver out of players in the press.
Valentine seems to be playing to the Intellectually Challenged Callers to WEEI, WBZ-FM & WFAN in one felt swoop.
But, to be fair, the Red Sox have grown old in a lot of places. And Bobby V is terrific for younger players.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

2-1 Tigers

Nice to Know as the NY Yankees are having a Postseason Problem, with the Detroit Tigers.
How long before all the NY Yankees caps disappear?
It could be as early as tonight in "MoTown."

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

AJ Burnett Does Do Something Right

Quite Simply, his pitching utterly SUCKS!

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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Yankees "YES" Man(YES has more than 1 meaning, especially in Propaganda Television) & Leading Source Of Gut Irritation, Michael Kay, is the nephew of, according to Wikipedia, Actor Danny Aiello. Just a tidbit for today. Later, Gators!

Yikes! That's why Yankees Games on YES, sound so melodramatic.


Friday, June 20, 2008

While The Red Sox Play Real Contenders On Their Interleague Schedule

The Yankees get mostly also rans and Never Wases, on their schedule. I think that FOX and TBS, need these guys in Post-Season, watching A-Rod Fart, or Jeter pissing or the fabled Yankees Middle Relief Corps, barfing up games, to please the Advertisers and to get ratings:

This week was the San Diego Padres. This Weekend is The Reds in The Bronx, who are no "Big Red Machine". Next Week, they go to Pittsburgh, for the 1st Time since the 1960 World Series, then trip into "The Corona Dump", Plotting Home of the "3AM Massacre";

I've heard of MLB Disparity, but this is ridiculous. It's called "Fattening The Calf For Slaughter", in order to give a proper send-off, for "The Toilet" in The Bronx;

Later, Gators!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

And Now, Both Houses Of The Congress Are Involved

The New Yankee Stadium, or "New Toilet", has the US Senate and House Of Representatives, talking about public financing of new stadiums:

The Yankees have gone about it, hiring Underworld Firms to build The Steinbrenner Pleasure Palace;


Click on the title-The Yankees have gone way overboard;

The Mets are on time and on budget;

Later, Gators!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

"We Need More Financing For Our New Toilet, Mr, Mrs And Ms Taxpayer"

The NY Yankees are crying about new public financing for the New Yankee Stadium, all over the NY newspapers. Well, consider all those "Family Guys" you hired to build your pleasure palace, across the street from the Old Toilet, no wonder you guys are in trouble. Add A-Fraud's salary and well, all I can say is what Fitzy would say is "GFY", which, in this case, is "Go F--- Yourselves". Later, Gators!


Sunday, June 08, 2008

In The Projection Of The '08 NY Yankees Schedule

I just looked at it and found that it's not going to be a period of 6 weeks of Sub 500 Teams, for once, as that was the case, last season:

It's going to be a long season for these dudes. It's not going to be fun for them;

Which means it's going to be a LOT more-Fun for us;

Ciao! Later!


Saturday, June 07, 2008


OK, the 1800 Series, if represented by years, means that sometime during the 19th Century, Baseball was invented to drive people crazy. We've reached a sequence that's not far from the MM Post, or #2000:

Youk's Temper-Filled Bat Tosses-I once witnessed Paul O'Neill tossing a batting helmet that popped in the air after hitting the 1st Base Bag;

Somebody can get hurt in a temper tantrum-keep it to a minimum, guys-thanks;

In regards to FOX Sports Lead Baseball Analyst, James Timothy Mc Carver, often the brunt of furious criticism and Mockery, he's actually a far better Play By Play man than Joe Buck, who brings out the worst in Jimmy Timmy;

I actually found Jack Buck to be way better than Joe, anyway, but Kenny Albert, in style and sound, sounds more like Marv Albert, every day and Kenny Albert should replace Joe Buck, who sounds so insipid, and thinks he's so-funny;

Why do YES Network Commentators on Yankees Games, sound so rehearsed, or like George Steinbrenner, or Hank The Lead Son, have shotguns aimed at commentators heads? No wonder YES is called "NO" or "Al Yanquezeera";

On NESN, there are the comedic moments in the booth, with Don Orsillo And Jerry Remy, reminding me of moments on "The Carol Burnett Show", especially involving The Late and Awfully-Funny Harvey Korman and Tim Conway, with Orsillo in the Korman Role, and RemDawg as "Conway". Add Comedian-Actor, Lenny Clarke for an occasional stop in the booth and it can be riotously-funny;

Those Guys on SNY Mets Telecasts are good and balanced, though in the case of Several Time All Star 1st Baseman Keith Hernandez, we do know that you were on "Seinfeld" as a One Night Stand-er with Elaine Benes;

Why The Mockery of George Steinbrenner on "Seinfeld"? Well, Jerry has Mets Season Tickets and Larry David was a Brooklyn Dodgers Fan from, where else, Brooklyn;

Favorite Choice of mine, to having Old NY Mets GM, Steve Phillips, replaced with? Quite Easy, "Seinfeld" Character, George Costanza, who went crazy, working for "Steinbrenner", played by Larry David;

Funny, but Ron Darling, in those bank commercials, looks somewhat like RemDawg;

You don't get moments like this in a Major League Baseball Broadcast Booth anymore. Last Season, in working with Kenny Albert, Tim Mc Carver did an inning of play by play, while spinning stories with Hall of Famer, Ralph Kiner, as the Mets played The Dodgers. It was "WWOR On FOX" and it was like the '80s and '90s, all over again;

What is it with Red Sox Ownership that "Sweet Caroline", is played in the 8th Inning? it was written by Neil Diamond, a YANKEES Fan from Brooklyn, NY. It's a nice sing a long, but Red Sox Fans tend to go with Edgy, Celtic Punk Rock of "The Dropkick Murphys", to which I concur;

I've started taking Acidophillus, which is Yogurt Bacteria, the Good Bacteria for the body. I'm starting to feel like my Old Self Again;

I like to experiment with Natural Therapies and find that they work better than Conventional Medicine. Though, by education, I'm a Social Scientist, and politically a Classical Liberal, mistakenly called Conservative, I find that what ails one, can be found by Alternative Means;

Funny, but in the '06 Mets-Red Sox Series, Orsillo and Darling worked a couple of Innings together on NESN. Both worked The League Division Series on TBS in '07. On SNY, Remy worked with Gary Cohen, and Keith Hernandez. RemDawg even brought Wally The Green Monster, in his deck chair, over to the SNY Booth. Gary Cohen, in '87, worked the Radio Booth of the Pawtucket Red Sox for 2 Years. RemDawg was funnier than Keith Hernandez;

Pope Benedict XVI was recently in this Country. He celebrated Mass in Yankee Stadium. The Boorish Hank Steinbrenner, known to put his foot in his mouth, gave the Papal Team a warning about driving on the grass in Yankee Stadium. Like The Pope was going to do Wheelies On The Grass, Hank? A-Rod does more damage playing 3rd Base;

On my 2 Trips to Fenway Park this season-both were victories and what a party place. I never get that feeling in Shea Stadium. Amazing, how a Rent A Reliever, like Eric Gagne', even when elsewhere, could generate so much deep-seated fury from a fan base;

Ciao! Later!

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Monday, June 02, 2008

The All Day NY Yankees-HATER Triple Play

It began with the Yankees losing in Minny, 5-1:

The Sox won 9-4 with Manny homering #501, along with Mike Lowell, in a Quasi "Home" Game in Baltimore. DFYankees don't get those crowds in Baltimore;

The Mets won 6-1 on ESPN Sunday Night Baseball. It was Dodgers Mgr St Joseph of Snorre's Night on ESPN. Torre, in 1977, lost his managerial debut in Shea Stadium & his Dodgers lost 3/4 to the Mets there, in the last trip of the Dodgers to Shea Stadium(The Dump);

It was a DUMP on the night of Seaver Trade I. Shea's still a DUMP. The Ebbets Field Tribute Park opens next year;

Torre loses both ends of his history in Shea Stadium, in the beginning and at the end;


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Saturday, May 17, 2008

RAINOUTS In Key Places

Red Sox & Brewers RAINED OUT @ Fenway Park, while NY Mets are rained out vs NY Yankees @ "The Toilet":

The Weather SUCKS;


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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Red Sox 7-3 Over Tampa Bay, Mets Over Snakes IN AZ, & The Yankees Spoiled The Night with a 5-2 Over The Mariners

FINALLY, for the 1st Time In awhile, The Red Sox scored multiple runs in an inning(The 4th) & smashed Tampa Bay, 7-3. Brandon Moss Homered. The Cool, REAL Air in Boston & NOT that Domed Crap, got to Edwin Jackson & The DEVIL RAYS. I remember when the Houston Astros of 1969, had the best home record in Baseball. They also had the WORST Road Record & ended up being 81-81:

Mets defeated the Diamondbacks in Phoenix, 7-2. Ryan Church & David Wright homered. So WHY is FOX Sports Ken Rosenthal talking about the IMMINENT Firing of Willie Randolph? You can't fire an OWNER(He doesn't want to p--- off Jeffy Wilpon). NY Mets @ 3:55PM-ET, vs Diamondbacks on FOX-Don't worry, but Mc Cavah will not ruin it for anybody;

DFYankees ruined my night, defeating Seattle, 5-2 in The Toilet on a Cool Night;


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Friday, May 02, 2008

For The 1st Time In 42 Years Dating Back To 1966

The Detroit Tigers swept The Yankees @ "The Toilet", last night by a score of 8-4:

Ian Kennedy, last September's Whiz Kid, looked like nothing of his September Self;

He gave up 4 Runs in 4 2/3 Innings;

Yankees have hitting BUT NO PITCHING & are 3 Games under .500;

Red Sox lost 3-0 to Slumping Toronto, a case of Good Pitching & No Hitting;


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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Red Sox Hitting On Strike & Jose' Reyes NEEDS A Good Kick In The Arse To Wake Up

The Sox Bats have been on strike since the 1st Tampa Bay Series in St Petersburg, FL. Then, again, there's a Dome Factor but Tampa Bay does have some decent pitching. The Bats were on strike during the Blue Jays Wins & Loss @ Fenway Park. I hope it changes tonight through Sunday @ Fenway Park. It'll really be a test of Tampa Bay, outside of a Dome;

Jose' Reyes threw a ball bouncing 10 feet in front of Carlos Delgado, on Tuesday Night @ Soon To Be Departed Shea Stadium. Jose' went 3-3 & 2 Walks, but his defensive lapse let Mets Pirates go to the 11th Inning, depriving Johann Santana of his 1st Mets Shea Victory. One good swift boot in the labanza, is voted for Reyes;

Yankees swept by Detroit in "The Cathedral Of Baseball", also known as "The Toilet". Methinks that Hank is delusional, making himself Archbishop Of Yankees Universe, as their pitching has failed;

In Memorium Et In Paradisium:
Emil J. Bavasi, also called Buzzy, passed on yesterday at 92 in La Jolla, CA. He was the GM behind The 1955 BROOKLYN Dodgers & Architect of other Dodgers Championships in LA and NEMISES of Walter O'Malley. He was a NY Guy, "Who Done Good."
Requiscant In Pacem, Emil;


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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Youk, Jose' And A-Fraud

Kevin Youkilis singled home a Sore-Kneed Papi Ortiz,and ruined Roy Halliday's Complete Game, with The Red Sox defeating The Toronto Blue Jays, 1-0 at Fenway Park. The Red Sox broke a 5 Game "Flu-ser Losing Streak" at home:

Dear Jose' Reyes; Throwing a ground ball out 10 feet in front of Carlos Delgado, and causing an error, is where I think that you're becoming a cocky little smart a--. Still, the Mets won over the Pirates, but the game didn't need to go 11 Innings, 5-4, but you kept Johann Santana from his 1st Victory at Home, even if you did go 3-3 with 2 Walks;

To the M L B Plate Umpire-Ball has to be over the plate, NOT 2 Feet OUTSIDE. Aren't you the same guy who tossed Manny Ramirez on April 20th;

A-Fraud is hurt. Awwww, Poor Baby! Yankees lose to Kenny Rogers(Ol' Mud Hands) and The Detroit Tigers, 6-4. A-Fraud may be headed to the DL with Jorge' Posada. The Yankees are getting OLD;


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Saturday, April 19, 2008

This Just In From The YES Network

YES Network, 8 p.m.-9 p.m.

This week on Centerstage with Michael Kay, the Yankee broadcaster asks Ray Romano exactly when he started loving the Yankees. Romano responds that he is actually a Mets fan, resulting in an hour of awkward silence.

(From "The Onion")




Friday, April 18, 2008

FOX Sports Left Out 1 Of The All Time Moments in Yankees History

Yankees up 3-0 in ALCS, then lose to Boston 4-3;
HOW can THAT be left out?


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Paps? You ALMOST Ruined My Night

In Giving The Yankees 2 Runs, including a Cabrera Bomb. Waste a Pitch & Keep The Ball down:

Moose Mussina has nothing on Mr Ramirez, with him giving up a Manny Bomb(2). It was 7-5 Red Sox Over The Yankees, last night in The Bronx;

The Sawx return home to Fenway Park against the TX Rangers. I'll be @ Sunday's Game;

& Yankee Stadium will have a Classy Crowd for once, as His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, Offers Mass. There will be NO BLEACHER CREATURES there to hoot him down;

Godspeed Your Holiness;

& Thank You for The Motu Proprio of 07/07/07, freeing up the use of the Traditional Latin Mass;


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Thursday, April 17, 2008

The 15-9 Fiasco In The Bronx

NEITHER Jon Lester nor Wang could Pitch:

& Julian Tarvares is still an ARSONIST;


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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Two Nights In The Toilet & Mets Are Also Home & His Holiness Leaves Sunday

@ Least Papa Ratzinger doesn't have to worry about the Goings On in The Bronx tonight & Thursday, nor are The Mets His Worry:

Jackie Robinson Wouldda Loved The Citi Field Rotunda Dedication, as his Widow, Rachel loved it;

& here's something I never knew-The Robinsons' Babysitter was a Lafayette HS School Student & Brooklyn Dodgers Batting Practice Pitcher named Fred Wilpon;

As in NY Mets Owner, Fred Wilpon;

Mr Murdoch? Why the Huff? Was it something Hal or Hank Steinbrenner told you?

The Sawx Won in Cleveland & All The Mets wore Jackie's 42 in Tribute, last night, in the Mets Victory;

The NY Post Editorial Was Nice & not written like a Yankees Sponsor;

Red Sox vs Yankees, next 2 Nights in Yankee Stadium;

Both Mets & Yankees are out of town, while The Red Sox are Home in Fenway Park, & Yankee Stadium is being used for a 3rd Papal Mass;

Godspeed, Your Holiness!


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