Showing posts with label contests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contests. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A contest on that other blog of mine...

I've reached a milestone on my photo blog: 100 posts. So I'm having a contest there. If you're interested in an 8x10 print of a picture posted on it, please enter here:


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Time for another contest? I'll need some help..

I just took a small gander at the blog counter, and this is what I saw:

14000 even? Who catches things like that? Crazy.

Anyhoo, I think it's time again for a contest, but I'm out of ideas. So, if you have an idea for a contest I could do (along with rules and prizes -- be reasonable, please), then comment on this post and tell me what you think I should do and offer.


Monday, December 31, 2012

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

Congratulations to Karrie and Jamie! They were the only ones who entered, so they both win!

Please feel free to contact me anyway you want and let me know what prize you would like.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Psst!! Hey, readers!

Be sure to enter the latest contest and giveaway. There are some really cool prizes available, and so far, you have a really good chance of winning. Seriously. Please!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Post #500 is here!!!

Hey there, blogosphere fans. Random Things & Kite Strings has reached an amazing milestone. Post #500!!! Whoot whoot! And you know what that means? That's right, kiddos, another contest and giveaway. (And the crowd goes wild!!!)

After the amazing success of the last contest and giveaway (thanks to all five of you who entered!), I have high expectations for this one, too.

  1. Add a comment to this post before Christmas Eve (December 24, 2012). That gives you a little over two weeks.
  2. Spread the word to all your friends to come and enter, too.
  3. Come back on Christmas Day to see if you won.
If you win, you get to select from one of the following amazing offers:
  1. A hand-delivered baked goodie of your choosing. For ideas of the culinary delights of which I am capable*, see my cooking blog (one crazy girl's kitchen). Once again, you must live within a 25-mile radius of me to select this one.
  2. A framed 8x10 of your favorite Wordless Wednesday taken by me (please limit to one that I took and not an image pulled from the internet -- I don't have printing rights to those).
  3. A copy of Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George, which is a wonderful retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, one of my all-time favorites fairy tales.
So that's it. Happy blogging, everyone!

*sigh, the English major in me wouldn't let me end that with a preposition.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

This is Post #495

Which means that it's almost time for the next

Are you just so excited? I know I am.

Once again, entrance to the contest and giveaway will be super easy (just ask the 5 people who entered last time). So come back in the next few days for the official announcement.

That is all for now.

Friday, November 2, 2012

And the winner is....

....drum roll, please.


Woot woot! Megan, please contact me at to let me know which prize you'd like. Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who entered.

If you didn't win this time, this is not the last contest I'll be having. Another big milestone is not too far away: Blog Post #500. So be sure to come back for more chances to win stuff I think is cool!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Contest is now closed!

Thanks to everyone who entered the First Official Contest and Giveaway!! Entry for the contest is now closed. The winner will be announced on Friday, November 2.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Contest and Giveaway reminder!

Just a friendly public service announcement to remind you to enter the Random Things & Kite Strings First Official Contest and Giveaway!! The contest is only open until midnight tomorrow (Halloween). So enter right away!

And now back to your regularly scheduled blog.

Friday, October 19, 2012

First official Contest and Giveaway!!!

Random Things & Kite Strings is celebrating reaching its 10,000 official view (based on the blog counter). A very big THANK YOU to all my faithful readers.

So, here's the contest part:

Add a comment to this post and let me know which past post is your favorite and why. See, I promised it wouldn't be hard.

The contest will run from today (October 19, 2012) through Halloween (October 31, 2012) at midnight, the Witching Hour. The winner will be randomly (how else?) drawn from a hat by me or Mr. Perfect. Once a winner is picked, you will be highlighted on the blog with information on how to reach me so I can reach you.

And the giveaway part:

The winner will receive one of the following (chosen by the winner):
  • A copy of one of my all-time favorite books: Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale
  • A copy of my favorite cookbook: Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook (you know, the red and white checkered one)
  • A personal visit from me with a dozen homemade cupcakes -- your choice of flavor (you must live within 25 miles of me to choose this one)
And that it! I so excited, my giddy is showing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The blog is close to a milestone

A couple of days ago, I posted about Little Big Sis hitting a big milestone. Well, the blog is getting close to a major milestone in the blogosphere: 10,000 hits. I know that, because of past issues with blog counters, chances are that it's actually already hit that milestone, but I don't have a way to verify it, so we're going by the current blog counter.

And when it hits that milestone, I want to have my first official contest. I haven't decided what to give away yet, but there will be a give-away. And I don't want to reveal what the actual contest is yet, either, but it won't be hard.

Some of my ideas right now for a give-away include a copy of my current favorite book, a copy of my current favorite cookbook, the chance to write a guest post, or something similar. Heck, if you live close enough, I might even show up on your doorstep with a dozen cupcakes (homemade, of course). If you have any great ideas, please post them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I've entered a photo contest

The Single Dad Laughing blog is having a photo contest. I've entered a picture of me, Beatles Lover, and a couple of her friends the night we did crazy family bowling. You can find and vote for my photo by sorting the photos by name. It's called Wild and Crazy. Please vote!


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