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Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Job Hunting Tips

Landing a job is very tough especially for those with little experience or most especially to the fresh graduates. That is why is very important to know the important steps to go through in order to get the job that you are applying for.
1. Do Your Research
It is very important that before going for an interview, be sure that you have research the company that you are applying to. You have to understand the company profile so that you will have the idea of what the company is all about. It that point, you can deliver an impressive answer to the interviewer.
2. Practice Interviewing
It is said that practice makes perfect. That is why take your time to practice for an interview. You can ask a family member or a friend to act as an interviewer and ask the most common interview questions so you can have the idea and polished your answers and can think on what to say ahead of time instead of winging it.
3. Come Prepared With Questions
It usually happened that at the end of any job interview, the interviewer will ask you if you have any questions for them. Be sure you have prepared a few questions to ask the interviewer. This can be anything related to the job. By doing this, it will show interest in the interviewer and the company.
4. Dress Up
When you are in doubt on what to wear especially for the women, it is more impressive to wear formal dress. It will show that you are professional and that you are taking the interview process seriously.
5. Be Flexible
If you are applying for a job, don’t limit yourself to just one company or place. Be open minded about other potential opportunities.
6. Keep Building Your Resume
Remember applying for a job is a competition. Therefore you must have something to write in your resume that is more likely to impress the interviewer like the skills, the talents, the seminars, or part time job you undertaken. By doing this you can market yourself better.

7. Figure Out Where You Are Going Wrong
If you haven’t receive a call for an interview, try to go over your resume, there might be something missing or wrong on what you have written. Have it proffread as many times or have it checked to a grammarian. If you are getting an interview but not getting the job, there must be problems on how you answer during the interview, in that case you have to practice your interviewing skills so that you can be more successful in your next interview and finally get the job.
8. Utilize Your Network
Oftentimes when it comes to getting hired, it’s not on what you know but of whom you know. Reach out to the people you know for some assistance in getting the job. They might give you a hint of the vacant position in the company which fits your qualifications.
8. Don't Rely Solely on the Internet
Applying a job through the internet is not a guarantee that you will get a faster employment. If you want to get hired faster, be sure to attend job fairs sponsored by the government, schools and malls. It gives you a bigger chances of getting hired faster.
9. Send Thank You Notes
After in every interview, don’t forget to send a thank you notes to the person who interviewed you. A thank you note shows that you appreciate the interviewer’s time and gives you an advantage over the others who don’t send.
10. Don't Get Discouraged
If you are rejected of the jobs that you are applying for, don’t get discouraged. Always remember that getting a job is hard and you have many competitors. Just keep on sending your resume and stay positive.
11. Utilize Your School's Resources
Most schools have a career program to facilitate the graduating students in getting a job after graduation. Be sure to participate in that activity so that you can be guided on what to do in applying a job. Check out also the recent job postings found at the job window of your Guidance Center.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Trimming Food Costs

Due to the on going global financial crises we are experiencing now we need to cut down and find ways and means to save even in a little way without sacrificing good nutrition. Below are simple tips to consider in order to save money and effort.

  • Do your marketing once a week. This saves time and effort and helps curtail impulse buying.

  • Make a list of basic foodstuffs to be bought and stick to it.

  • Stretch your budget by including cereals, potatoes and pastas in your weekly menu. They're not only filling but tasty as well.

  • Buying chicken? The cut-ups are a bit more expensive. Whole chickens are cheaper.

  • Buy smaller-size canned items. They are less expensive and have lesser risk of spoilage. This applies to spices as well. Buy spices in sachets or small packs.

  • Compare prices. Prices of certain foodstuffs vary considerably from one supermarket to another.

  • Learn to use variety in meats or cuts in your dishes (e.g., offal and tendons). They're inexpensive than the more popular cuts but taste much better. The secret to cooking them? Cook them slowly or braise them.

  • Fresh fish is always best. However, if you are economizing, try doing your marketing at night as the vendors lower their prices by then.

  • Be creative in the kitchen by using leftovers. Filipinos have in fact raised this to an art by coming up with literally "old clothes."

  • Use your old bread by making them into croutons (for soups) and biscocho (perfect for merienda).

  • Use tuna instead of meat in some recipes. It tastes good and costs much less.

  • source: lutongbahay

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    Get Your Money's Worth

    As the price of everything- from rice, meat, eggs and gasoline reaches high, moms can only wail in despair and began to ask herself. If I couldn't save anythign before when everything was cheaper, how can I start saving now? Despite today's steep cost of living, moms can still put something for the rainy day. Yes you can do it, it's just a matter of disciplining oneself and follow through with your plan for the future. Here are pointers I've read regarding budgeting.
    1. Find out the cause of your financial hardships.
    Itemize every expenses you will make for the next months and clasify whether it's a need or a
    want. In this way you can cut those expenses not really needed or what we call wants.
    2. Scan your needs list.
    See which be altered without affecting the quality of your family's life. For example: To cut your electric bill, turn off lights and appliances when not in use. In my experience I turn off our refrigerator every morning and turn it on before I go for office. Unplug all appliances when not in use.
    3. Review your finances.
    Go over your assets and liabilities, income, and expenses and see how you can realign your finances to come up with huge solutions. For example, you can pay off accumulated credit card debt by borrowing insurance policy or from a lending company.
    4. Get out of debt.
    Pay off any huge outstanding high interest debts.
    5. Recycle and resell.
    Hold a garage sale for your unneeded clothes and home stuff.
    6. Earn extra income from something you love to do.
    Indulge your creativity by making accessories, writing articles or anything that yields money.
    7. Use credit card wisely.
    Leave no balance unpaid during the due date.
    Tip: Avoid the maƱana habit in saving and investing. Deduct from the budget your monthly savings before paying others. In short, pay yourself first.

    Friday, February 22, 2008

    Tips for Maintaining a Scream-Free Home

    It is sometimes hard to get children to listen and follow directions, especially if they have ADHD. This leads to stressful feelings and frustrations on the part of the parent. The child’s behavior may end up escalating; as a result, the parent may feel a loss of control and escalate his or her own negative feelings. Sometimes arguing and yelling begins. The child may throw a tantrum. Madness ensues.
    How Can Parents Keep Their Cool?

    1. Control Yourself
    Realize that we cannot control our kids, nor should we want to. Our primary job as parents is to control ourselves and model proper behavior. How many of us throw our adult tantrums when something goes wrong, then expect our children to remain calm?
    2.Make a Conscious Choice to Remain Calm
    No matter what your child or spouse does, remain calm. Screaming or withdrawing emotionally only makes the situation worse. When we are calm, we can solve problems instead of creating more of them.
    3. Have Self Respect
    We are not responsible for our children’s behavior, attitudes and actions. If your child is in a bad mood, so be it. Choose not to give in to or join his pity party. If your child comes into the kitchen barking orders and being rude, you are not obligated to respond. Walk away calmly, go about your business and let your child know that when he’s ready to talk and be polite, you’ll help him with breakfast.
    If your child refuses to do his homework, then he will suffer the consequences at school. Our children need to learn that they are responsible for their choices, and you are responsible for yours.
    4. Assume a Calm Posture
    Each time you approach your child or spouse, ask yourself, “Do I want to have a conversation or a confrontation?” Instead of standing by and barking orders, sit down, put your feet up and relax. It is much harder to yell and lecture when you assume a calm posture.
    5. Take Care of Yourself
    Exercise, walk your dog, pray, listen to music -- do whatever helps you feel good. Make a decision that no matter what your child or spouse does, you are only responsible for your actions. This liberates parents and frees children to be responsible for their choices.
    6. Be the Calm in the Storm
    When your home is spinning out of control and you are working to keep a sense of calm, recruit others to your mission by sitting down and coloring or reading a book. Let everyone else know that you are in control. You’ll be surprised at how your children (and spouse!) begin to calm down once you do.