We put up Jared's swing, and I think the other children enjoyed having him out there more than he did. They got a little carried away and there were a few pushes that were too big.
- Having all my spring allergies, I developed a sinus infection and was able to take some heavy duty medicine now because I'm not nursing anymore. So hopefully I'll be good the rest of the summer. I love being able to go outside now.
- Jared is weened to a sippy cup. I prefer it too a bottle because they're insulated, and during the summer I'm not always so good about putting it back in the fridge. I know that he can become just as attached to it as a bottle, but I feel like he's a big boy anyway. (Still no walking but has pulled himself up to the table a few times.)
- Half of us got the stomach flu that seemed to last forever. (Over a week for some of us.) It seemed to go away and then come back. Jared was the worst. There isn't a whole lot you can do about an upset tummy, and he can't tell you what's wrong.
- Randy was out of town again for work last week. He got a new contract with the same company. They seem to like him, so we feel very blest to have another contract. We missed him of course but kept busy doing our summer activities.
- This is the last week of swimming lessons, and that has given us something to do everyday. We even stayed to swim for fun on Monday. The first warm day, but I still thought it was cold when the wind blew.
- We've been going to library storytime once a week. It's fun to get a craft and some new books to read. We're trying not to loose all our skills.
- 3 children taking piano has been a new adventure as well. I didn't realize how much of my time it would take. They are all progressing so well. Marianne still is very excited and likes to play her pieces just for fun even though she has passed them off.
- Nathan gave a great talk at Church in Primary on Sunday. He looks so mature and confident and spoke so clearly.
- Being the Summer family planner, motivator, and follow througher has been tiring. I do pretty well with the planning, but motivating instead of nagging and staying on top of what everyone is supposed to be doing doesn't always happen. I have big ideas of teaching everyone to do all sorts of things from household jobs, gardening, sports, reading, learning activities, arts and crafts, scouts, and outside exploring. Some days it's all I can do to just make it through and close my eyes to the messes around me. I know we're doing better than it sounds. I probably just need to readjust my priorities, but I didn't plan any big projects for me to do alone so I figured I was being a little realistic. We're having fun though and I haven't heard "I'm bored" too much. They just don't like their choices for lunch.