Friday, May 25, 2012


Copper passed away on May 21, 2012.  She was the best dog in the world.  For someone who was not excited to get her, and not fond of animals generally, she was the perfect dog.  She was mellow, protective, and very loving.  We have had her since Jake was a baby, and it seems weird to be without her.  Some of our favorite Copper memories: She loved getting out of the kennel and as soon as you would spring the lock she would push the door, hit you in the head with it, and then do a few victory laps.  She was very smart and spent most of her life undoing the locks, chewing through the fence, or tunneling under the kennel.  The kennel is very beat up.  She collected rocks and put them in her dog food bin to chew on, because of this her teeth were very clean.  The kids tell me that once she stole someone's broccoli.  I did not witness this.  She would dump her water bucket so she could get out more.  When I mowed the lawn she would get behind me and follow me up and down the rows.  When I stopped she would stop.  It was kind of fun to have a companion.  When we moved to South Jordan she did not like it here.  She tunneled out and led the entire animal control on a chase through Bangerter Highway and the west side of the town, until she led them right back home.  They were exhausted and she was happy to make new friends.  It cost us a warning.  When she wanted to be loved she would hit your hand with her nose. She was very sick toward the end with cancer and diabetes but she still managed to save our lives.  Someone tried to break into our house in the early morning hours and she let out the most vicious bark I had ever heard.  She alerted us to the intruder and he ran off.  She was our hero.  The sicker she got the more and more water she drank.  Jake was constantly out filling her water and making her comfortable.  Torey was assigned to just love her whenever she was out.  We miss her so much and can't wait until we see her again.


Mag Family said...

RIP Copper! I know you loved her and will miss her but I'm glad she is out of her misery! She was good dog.

Caroline said...

I'm so sorry! That leaves a little empty hole in your heart. She was good for your family.

Nielsens said...

Oh I am so sorry! They are like one of the family, it is hard to lose them!!