Sunday, March 29, 2009


for spring!
(I know it's not but it will be and I'm sure it is somewhere)
I could look at this girls work all day
they are a refreshing break from looking at sewing machines
I'm getting very excited about the Fashion Talk as more & more people book their seats...only a few seats left and still 3wks to go!
I have soooo many new ideas I hope I get the chance to make them, in between workshops - I commented to friends recently that this is the busiest I ever remember being.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's a start!

to my day
to Autumn
to wearing stripey socks & cardigans
to re-freshing my pattern grading skills

Monday, March 16, 2009

Head down, Bum up...

...and they were!

They'd found a small patch crawling with Slaters and thought it was Christmas - I often wonder if Slaters to them are like chocolate to us?!

Seeing these two doing this really struck a chord, as the H.D.B.U adage relates to me at the moment as I try to advertise the Fashion Talk, get numbers for classes, answer emails, send emails, answer calls, make calls, try to squeeze a growing family into a shrinking house, say I'll do something when I'm not actually sure I can (of course I can!), along with the usual domestic goddess duties while smiling.

It's all good - you never know I might even lay an egg at the end of it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Playing with Patterns #1

Thanks girls, I had fun!

Today was the last day of the very first
Playing with Patterns Workshop.
We (6 x dynamic women + me) have spent every Thursday morning for the past 6wks cutting, slashing, sewing & swearing our way through metres of vylene, calico & some seriously gorgeous fabrics.
We've eaten a bakerys-worth of yummy home-baked slices (thanks Jo) washed down with the odd cuppa while chatting about everything from babies to the cost of car insurance.

Not everyone was in the photo shoot today - we'll sort that out next Thursday though, when we kick off another 6wks of eating, chatting, laughing, cutting, slashing and sewing!



Sue button & pleat detail

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here's me who wins nothing winning 2 competitions!
I'm buying a Lotto ticket tomorrow, oh just remembered I've got one in my purse from last weekend that I haven't checked - don't worry I couldn't be that lucky!

Last week I received this beautiful linen 'assemblage' scarf & vintage Japanese buttons from Kirsten
Which I RE-invented!

Using the unaltered scarf in the Top
and the buttons wired into a neck-piece, which was inspired by these.

I'm really pleased with the outcome.

and then...
I won the latest magazine download from Design for Mankind.
WOW it's huge and chock full of FANTASTIC articles, I'm going to need a pot of tea and a serious sticky bun - thankyou Erin!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ball & Party Girls

Eliza walked out & before I could think I said "who are you?!" - she has always been gorgeous however tonight she was radiant!

One down - one to go!

Beauty & the Beast!

Stella ready for friends birthday party wearing a RE-invented top. From a womans skirt with straps made from childs singlet.


I look at them both and think I must have done something right - at least once!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Smart Girl + Smart Dog =

entertaining view from my studio window!

All I could hear was "good girl Rosie", "aren't you a clever girl", "you're so cute" - this went on for about 3o mins before Stella ran out of treats and Rosie got bored.

I really should be sewing - in fact I am.
One project is nearly finished.
I want it ready for class tomorrow so I'd better get off this darn computer and stop looking out the window...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Op-shop find.
I'm a sucker for pink & green.
No oldies except the lavender sachet w/- embroidery needles, some cuties like bunnies & bumble bees, great colours & styles straight from 1940's.
Whatever I don't keep I'll send onto Regina.
Who by the way is doing well - good days and bad as they try to get back on track.


red ones in the red tin, green ones in the green tin etc...