Showing posts with label stella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stella. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Wasamba Baby

 I waved goodbye to my baby this morning as she headed off to experience a whole lot of firsts - without me!
I know she wont notice I'm not there as she camps out at her first Music Festival and participates in her first Wasamba gig wearing her new costume for the first time.

Wasamba was her idea.
When I questioned this choice of activity, as it seemed so far removed from anything she'd ever tried before or from anything that happens in our family, her reply was she felt it would help her with her confidence - I'm not arguing with that reasoning!

Her Dad has stepped into the breach and saved the day (again) because my workshops got in the way (again). As my priorities shift & grow, some RE-evaluating of workshops outside the Studio is going to have to happen.
I know she'll be safe and will have a fantastic time, I also know she is a little nervous because Mr Sleepy only ever gets a Guernsey when she's anxious about something - she's obviously not too worried though as he's not riding up front.

It's only one night but there's going to be milestones reached in my absence and I know the girl I waved goodbye to this morning is not going to be the same one I hug tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Valentine...

made me
so I could be a Mosquito
and attend an 'M' themed fancy dress birthday party
along with Magic Girl and Mambo the Monkey Trainer
The few children that were there were also in costume
along with some very innovative & imaginative adults
(Midas, Mole - as in gangsters, Murdered Mother - birthday girl and Maid Marion)(Mystic & Marilyn, with Mr Potato Head in the b'ground)
(Money, Miss Money Bags & Macaroni)
but the winner was Mr Mankini!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The old and the new

There's been so many new things happening in our lives during the last few weeks 
that I'm grateful when reminded of some of the old constants.
It's my children that often are the cause of reflection 
and it was while watching Eliza play with Rosie that I had a glimpse of what is, 
what always has been 
and for as long as they both have air in their lungs, 
will always be.

Their love for each other, the connection they have is a constant beautiful thing.

Then there's Stella discovering a whole new world on her doorstep  
and that she can not only can she talk under water 
but she can see too!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Which one did she choose?

Stella has been learning to sew these holidays and to date she has made a Journal Cover, Tote Bag and a Top.

She's been able to choose her own fabrics & combinations of fabrics for each project - fabrics from my stash.
It has been an interesting exercise in 'Mother/Daughter Relations' as the choices she has made would not have been mine and even with gentle persuasion she could not be swayed.

So, for her latest project, the Top (which was inspired by these), I laid out 4 fabric choices and was excited to see which she would choose.
The process of elimination was fascinating, as she picked each piece up, examined it, held it to herself and discussed (mostly with herself) which would look the best finished....
in the end her choice of fabric matched perfectly the style of Top and (shhhh!) would have been my choice!

I love watching & listening to her work 
 her level of concentration is remarkable

and combined with those hands - I'm in awe.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

One out of the box!

I found her this morning at 6am making her own lunch 

having wrapped her sandwich in baking paper 
she'd secured it with sewing thread 
because she couldn't find any cellotape 

to those who know her 
that have been touched by her 
I know you will understand.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Who said they keep you young!

We called into Emergency on the way home from the movies as I was extremely concerned about her breathing - very shallow and laboured. Thankfully the Triage nurse was as concerned as she whisked her in for Obs straight away.
Her temp was up and her oxygen levels down. First they diagnosed her with Pneumonia however it was decided soon after a chest x-ray to treat the symptoms as Asthma. She and Dan overnighted and will be home this afternoon.
This is her first Asthma attack. Most likely brought on by the virus she had a couple of weeks ago and exaserbated by a bout of Hayfever, brought on by cleaning her room and pollen in the air with the change of season.
I blame her school!
Because she loves her teacher and the school soooooo much she never wants a day off so has not been confiding some of her symptoms.
As she's lying on her 'death-bed' she slipped the oxygen mask down and asked if you can get Pneumonia from loosing blood - because she's been falling over a lot lately. Which she has, her kness and hands are scabby bruised lumps. Before I could answer she said "Oh - maybe I have been falling over because of the Pneumonia. I've been feeling weak and tired a lot lately and have been having headaches most afternoons".

They make you laugh and they make you cry.....which is actually very aging!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Just the ticket!

a slice of toasted home-made bread, spread with half a home-grown avocado & topped off with one of the 'girls' freshly-laid-this-morning-eggs.
Thought it couldn't get any better than that, when Miss S presented me with the card & bear but then......
the sun came out!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A mixed bag...

It's been a week of high and lows - bit of a mixed bag.

I'd like to thank the small group that braved the elements on Thursday night to attend the third Talk.
I didn't have my loyal side kick to do her modeling thing (she'd got a better offer) however Stella stepped into the breach and modeled her new REinvented coat showing she can more than hold her own in front of a crowd. I don't have a photo of the moment because Dan was too busy listening - after 20yrs why he'd choose that moment is beyond me!
It's always lovely to see my loyal RE-inventors in the crowd especially when they're wearing one of their REcreations, 'cause I can always use a prop
(Neroli wearing her Jumper Wrap from w'shop 2yrs ago & me explaining how she did it)

and I don't mind a photo opportunity!
(Veronica, myself & Yvonne. I'm in this frock & Yvonne is in the outfit she made during PwP)

The response to the article in the paper was disappointing so I was thinking night packing at Coles would be a welcome change. The thought was fleeting because it turns out there are more people that think what I do is worthwhile than those that think they can't be bothered - know what I mean?!
So I'll soldier on....

Stella has been unwell & off school all this week.
The novelty of lazing around at home eating Jelly & stewed apples for breakfast wore off about Thursday so before I headed off to class I gave her some projects, one was to write a short story starting
"When I woke up the sky was purple"
this is what she came up with....

My Grannie, who has been unwell and was recently hospitalised with a mild heart attack and pneumonia, bounced back to celebrate her 98th birthday!
She's another remarkable Leo - probably my favourite!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Patience is a virtue

I am constantly astounded at how much I learn from my kids - when I take the time to look it's usually always the little moments that speak the loudest.

Stella waited very patiently for her turn (last) at Pin the Tail on the Horse
and her calm diligence was rewarded with a 'bulls-eye'!
(nothing to do with the very thin scarf they used as a blindfold)

I know it's not about winning but how we play the game - this one is very good at playing the game so I'm prepared for years of note taking.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Fashion Talk #2

The Photographer stayed home, too sick to get out of bed, so Stella put her hand up to be offical photographer on the night.
Needless to say, at 8, her photographic skills, combined with my little (lousy) digital camera were never going to produce images at Dans level.

I do like this one where she has captured that grin of Elizas, which at 16 we don't seem to see alot of these days.
After editing out the ones with my mouth open (of which there were a lot!), close ups of buttons, my boots, backs of heads and some that were unrecognisable, this is what is left.
A shame as there was a significant crowd, more than last, not bad for word of mouth. I can report that it was another great night with comments written on the evaluation sheets like
& better than expected.
I do need to work on presentation as I did talk for an hour and half, which was too long. There is so much to take in that I think it can be overwhelming for some.
This time I did mingle more with the girls after the talk advising on what could be done with their garment choices, which I enjoyed and I know they all appreciated.
The Store did well, taking more in an hour than they do in a day...again!

A big thankyou to Jo - she took charge of meeting & greeting, ticking off names & keeping Stella busy which allowed me the freedom to focus on the Talk. Also my apologies to the RE-inventors in the audience, for not getting them to stand up for show-&-tell!

Friday, May 1, 2009


I'm proud of her because she was chosen to recite the Anzac Ode in front of the school & parents, having practiced for 2 days until she knew it word perfect.

I'm proud of her school for recognising & acknowledging the girl we know & love

and I'm proud of me for not settling for second best, for kicking up a stink until we found her the school she deserves and that deserves her.


They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old

Age will not weary them nor
The years condemn

At the going down of the sun and
In the morning

We will remember them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quick Trip South

we arrived...

and as always were made to feel right at home.

Rebecca & Stella make an awesome team...

talking to the sheep...

feeding the chickens...


and Bantam chicks...

patting horses...

and riding elephants!

Ross always makes time for some time

in between making gates!

This little Honey Eater came down while we were enjoying some morning tea before our trip home.