Showing posts with label lunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lunch. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2009

One out of the box!

I found her this morning at 6am making her own lunch 

having wrapped her sandwich in baking paper 
she'd secured it with sewing thread 
because she couldn't find any cellotape 

to those who know her 
that have been touched by her 
I know you will understand.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What am I going to do next weekend?!

It's been a full-on couple of weeks, what with Stellas visit to hospital, a made-to-measure outfit made in a week, one workshop finishing & another starting, Dan flying East for 10days, me flying down south to lunch , keeping abreast of the Teens in their LTS workshop and making myself a special little something to wear.

So it was lovely to arrive home from the FAC on Saturday to see Rebeccas smiling face.
She'd come to camp with us for a couple of nights as the book she illustrated has just been published and the Mundarring Art Centre asked her to conduct a talk & workshop on Sunday in conjunction with an exhibition & the books release.
It so happened that it was the same Sunday that Melanie had offered to take me to The Loose Box in Mundarring for lunch, to belatedly celebrate my birthday.
So while Reb painted & talked, Mel and I ate & talked - and took photos of every dish we were served!
We experienced our first degustation restaurant and LOVED it!
The food was beautiful to look at and tasted devine, the portions were perfect, the service impeccable and the wonderful company made the 3 hours fly by.

So now what am I going to do next weekend - build the vege garden!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A random act

Out of the blue my friend asked if I'd like to fly south
to visit a winery
with a group of women I'd never met before
to share their company over lunch
before flying the 400klm home -
I said yes!

I'm not a huge fan of food photos especially when the food looks disgusting having said that I'm shamelessly going to share a couple of my foody shots 'cause I really want to show & tell that I ate Truffles (the dark stuff in my soup) and comment that I don't know what all the fuss is about
and have a look at the tea bag! I was so impressed that I borrowed one of the girls 'used' tea bags so I could keep mine intact - it was a really nice cuppa too!
I'd show you the main (fish) & dessert (apple & rhubarb crumble w/- custard) shots but they're not very attractive.

The food, the company, the flight, the weather, the fact that my friend picked now to ask was all perfect!