Friday, May 29, 2009

Fashion Talk #2

The Photographer stayed home, too sick to get out of bed, so Stella put her hand up to be offical photographer on the night.
Needless to say, at 8, her photographic skills, combined with my little (lousy) digital camera were never going to produce images at Dans level.

I do like this one where she has captured that grin of Elizas, which at 16 we don't seem to see alot of these days.
After editing out the ones with my mouth open (of which there were a lot!), close ups of buttons, my boots, backs of heads and some that were unrecognisable, this is what is left.
A shame as there was a significant crowd, more than last, not bad for word of mouth. I can report that it was another great night with comments written on the evaluation sheets like
& better than expected.
I do need to work on presentation as I did talk for an hour and half, which was too long. There is so much to take in that I think it can be overwhelming for some.
This time I did mingle more with the girls after the talk advising on what could be done with their garment choices, which I enjoyed and I know they all appreciated.
The Store did well, taking more in an hour than they do in a day...again!

A big thankyou to Jo - she took charge of meeting & greeting, ticking off names & keeping Stella busy which allowed me the freedom to focus on the Talk. Also my apologies to the RE-inventors in the audience, for not getting them to stand up for show-&-tell!

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Come in & take the weight off.....jug's on.....sorry about the mess ..... I like your hair - where'd ya get your shoes!