Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Big Birthday Week.

puppy love...just looking

5ply wool destash project

birthday lunch

happy birthday to me...

vintage wooden toolbox and tulip tapestry

best birthday week bargains

catching up with favourite son 

and I discovered that

nuno felted silk collars & frippery brooches 

go together perfectly well

just like stripey socks & frocks.

...Studio is still a work in progress.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Studio - OUT of ORDER

With a whole 2wks free from Workshops

I'd plenty of time to play 
with my own Winter Wardrobe REcreations

dabble with some new patternmaking
and add the finishing touches to old ones

I decide to REmodel the interior design of the Studio
thus rendering every flat surface unuseable.

hard to believe but I am making progress

and with school holidays coming to an end tomorrow
my time will be more my own

which will be handy

as it's going to take time 
to work out 
how to get everything to fit back in again!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wrapped Up

There were many more of these Wraps created
during last Terms Workshops
unfortunately not all were photographed

I anticipate many more will be created in future Workshops
because they are so easy & effective to make and wear.

1. Red Wrap & Frippery Love, 2. Tied Wrap
3. Felt Wrap, 4. Velvet Wrap

All you need is a metre of fabric
fold fabric in half
locate where you require armholes
cut & shape for arm
finish the armholes with binding etc. to avoid stretching
try on & manipulate fabric until you are happy with the fit.
Stitch in place and wear all year round.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

People, Pods & Sewing Patterns

As participants in the workshops become more familiar with 
their sewing machines
their talents
and what is possible when both are combined

there's a magical blurring of Workshop lines as everyone 
creates in new styles, 
with different colours 
& in fabrics they may never have before

the atmosphere
when there's all this creativity
bouncing off the Studio walls 
is infectious

5. Velvety, 6. Heart Skirts, 7. Heart Skirts, 8. Apron Wrap
9. Hippy Party, 10. KAPOW!, 11. KAPOW!, 12. Afternoon.
13. Curtain Jacket, 14. 2-1, 15. Cirque, 16. Untitled

...and as much as I'm going to enjoy the 2wk break between workshops

I'm looking forward to next time.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Term 2 Studio Workshops :: Mixed Bag of Creativeness

It was another laughter-filled tea-swilling crafty, stitchy mixed bag of Studio Workshops 
during Term 2 

with a welcome mix of familiar & new faces

which produced a delicious array of creativeness

here's some samples of what was achieved during the

Basics & Beyond 


 REinventing your Wardrobe Workshops

Sunday, July 14, 2013

REinventing :: Get Creative with Holey Knitwear

For a non-REinventor
finding holes in your knitwear
would be alarming

especially when the holes are in 
the perfect Wrap Vest for 
the perfect Change of Heart Skirt

for a REinventor however
any distress or alarm is very short lived 

holes are the perfect excuse to get creative
with some free-machine embroidery

and will inevitably result  
in an even more interesting garment.

Below is a short video tute I did a while back
on how I free-machine embroider
which you may find helpful...or not
and here is the post I did along with the video
which you may also find helpful...or not

either way please excuse what look to be dirty fingernails
and what sounds like my secretarial phone voice.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Our Clothes Say About Us

We all know 
that wearing red is a sign of confidence
and purple indicates spiritual enlightenment

blue is calming

and green inspiring

Combining colours portrays all sorts of things



or confusion

but what does it mean 
when you wear Zebras

that you don't care what it all means?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Op Shop Rescue :: Seeing the Potential

Not all treasure that is rescued
remains as it was originally intended
a little like Furniture Fudging
I enjoy seeing the potential in my treasure rescues

the crocheted Dolly Varden & edging on this napkin 
have been carefully unpicked & cut away
ready for their next incarnations

I had hoped to find a matching one 
as pocket embellishments was the first idea that came to mind

the brand new scratchy wool UNwearable-as-a-jumper
and funky too-small knit top 
may join forces & become my new favourite Jumper Wrap 

I don't knit
but I could
and if I did
I would so knit stuff from this book

starting with these adorable flower toggle things

a once-upon-a-time Shadow Box
is destined to become the next Frippery Tray
once I fill the other one

and gorgeous hand stitched linens

 should be framed. 

I would now like to take a moment to thank all the people 
who don't see the potential in the things I do

because without you...

doesn't bear thinking about!