Showing posts with label Frippery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frippery. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Smitten with Frippery

We all know Frippery is a real word 

however what I've neglected to mention 
is the what, where & why behind Frippery

I was surprisingly smitten right from the start 
considering that forever
I've avoided any form of hand sewing  

my thinking being 
why would I when I've perfectly good sewing machines

 being a REinventor/Pattern-maker/Workshop Conductor 
requires a certain amount of mental discipline
and I've discovered that when Fripping 
I give myself permission to play 
very quickly getting lost 
amongst scraps of fabric & lengths of thread  

it starts with selecting the right fabric/colour combinations
in which to add the perfect amount of embellishing
buttons & lace
french knots, stem stitch & blanket stitch  
and because I'm self taught, making it up as I go along 
 I'm not even sure that blanket stitch actually qualifies as embroidery

they take hours


sometimes one will be picked up & put down over a period of weeks

and then when finished
she joins her fellow Fripperys

no longer secreted away on the bookshelf 
where only I had the pleasure of their company 

 now residing in the Shop
awaiting new homes.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fripperys For Sale - Queen of Hearts

The most challenging aspect to Change  
is letting go

and go stuff must

even though Fripperys don't take up much room
and taking into account
 that I have a border-line maternal attachment to every single one
[it feels like I'm putting a price on my childrens heads!]
I realise I can't keep everything
it's time they flew the nest
and like the youngest sagely said
"if you sell some now mum you can make more later"

....she's too young to understand 

so I'm putting on my big girl pants 
and popping them in the Shop 

in batches

a few at a time

maybe once a week

starting tomorrow at 4pm

and to kick start my purging
 I'm offering seven from the series 

'Queen of Hearts'
....because they're love hearts with lace crowns.

For those lucky enough to be able to drop by the Studio Shop [Saturdays 1-5pm]
you wont have to wait in suspense for me to list the others.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Feeling Better One Hand Stitch at a Time

Apologies for blogging being a little light on lately

I've been preoccupied 

 neighbours are building next door
we're planting trees in the hope of camouflaging the neighbours & their building 
a hard to shake illness
disrupted workshops due to illness
family comings & goings
big birthdays
high school specialist program tests

creating for myself and treasure rescuing has also been neglected 
however not entirely

at the end of the day I find myself yearning for my happy place 
 on the end of the couch 
with a full Frippery Tray & threaded hand needles

  I'm currently obsessed with woollen petals

  that's because I've run out of my favourite doilies

I'm also rapidly filling every available space with them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What I Wore

I'm in my element

savouring every Autumn moment

loving that Winter's just round the corner

wearing Jumper Wraps & Frippery 

boots & long stripey socks

with skirts & frocks in one of the hottest/driest places on the planet
the cooler temps will be over too soon
so I'm making the most of it
and you might see more slightly out of focus shots of me doing just that.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Frippery is a Real Word

I've been asked a few times if Frippery is a real word or did I make it up.

It is a real word
thank goodness
cos I couldn't have come up with a better meaning.

There's been quite a bit of Fripperying going on late at night round here
while some knit or crochet to unwind at the end of the day
you'll find me tucked up at the end of the couch
surrounded by fabric circles, Sew Outside the Lines™ labels & brooch findings

trying to thread a needle

because not only do I find sitting & hand stitching to be relaxing
I am also excited by what I'm achieving

and I've also discovered my Frippery Brooches
go with everything....

 after much debating with myself
discussing the merits of hanging onto absolutely everything I create
with the likely need for therapy to work out why I can't let anything go

I've decided to share the love.