Showing posts with label inlinks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inlinks. Show all posts

Monday, February 22, 2016

'MakeOver Monday' - The Simplest Frock REfashion EVER!

'MakeOver Monday' 
... sharing how I cut up & REmake items from my wardrobe 
in the hope you'll pick up scissors & start cutting up yours!

Seems that in keeping with the quick REfashion that was this frock
everyone who could take photos of me wearing her this morning
was in a rush to be somewhere else 

so I apologise if they're a little blurry or bits of me are missing
never-the-less I'm appreciative that amongst them 
there were enough decent ones 
for me to share how the NWJJ does become the star when worn over the frocks silvery grey blockiness

I love the frock and can see her being worn lots. 

As with any REfashion or REinvent you never really know how it's going to turn out until it's underway
and even though upon finding these abandoned volunteers in the back of my wardrobe
 it was a very simple idea that sprung to mind

and now 
I'm actually having trouble remembering the last time I undertook such an uncomplicated REfashion

it was literally a matter of chopping the tops
off the t-shirt & frock

swapping them over
and REstitching

so simple in fact 
that I went looking for more volunteers
to make another one!

a rescued blousey sleeveless cotton peasant style top 
[here's a link through to the last time I probably wore it!]
with a wrap skirt I'd REfashioned from two differents skirts 8yrs ago 
- never throw anything away!

psst! see the shoes - I'd like to thank the person in Albany who decided to donate these brand new embroidered red leather little heeled Hush Puppies so I could have them...there's a family wedding coming up later this year which I think they'll be perfect for - just need something to wear with them!


Next Week

feeling bruised & fragile
so looking for solace 
by creating
something soft & pretty, floaty & delicate  
because sometimes you need life to mimic your next sewing venture