Courting Disaster has been off-line for nearly 18 months – and let’s face it, it was hardly updating regularly towards the end of that time.
So, here we are: rebooted and hopefully updating two or three times a week.
In brief, the last eighteen months have consisted of:
- moving house (yes, again!) in December 2006, to the most adorable part of Cambridge, Newnham;
- interviewing for three or four teaching positions and being offered a lectureship at a London university;
- submitting the PhD thesis in May 2007;
- marrying the love of my life in Canberra in June 2007;
- being examined on the PhD in August 2007;
- starting the new job in September 2007;
- crawling elated, scared and knackered by turns through a first term of teaching (while commuting from Cambridge);
- graduating from the PhD and having a second wedding ceremony (well, a blessing) for UK friends and visiting Australian family in November 2007;
- having a quiet Christmas in Dahab, Egypt;
- crawling elated, scared and knackered – but generally more confident - through a second term of teaching;
- writing questions for and administering exams (and there’s a blog in that!);
- marking, marking and bloody marking exams (only 84 undergraduate essays, three dissertations, 92 exam scripts and double marking the same again);
- proposing a couple of new courses;
- getting the PhD turned into a book proposal, peer-reviewed, committee-approved and a contract issued with a publisher; and
- oh, look it’s just about our first wedding anniversary.
Busy? Just a bit.