The Phoenix lander will soon target this circumpolar region using a robotic arm to dig through the protective top soil layer to the water ice below and ultimately, to bring both soil and water ice to the lander platform for sophisticated scientific analysis. It has currently landed in an area that has the possibility of 80 percent water-ice by volume within one foot of the surface:
Ultimately the goal of finding water on mars is to prepare for Human Exploration of the planet. Where there is water - there is life and the possibility for humans to colonise and survive on the planet . To achieve this the Phoenix Mission has two bold objectives which are to (1) study the history of water in the Martian arctic and (2) search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biological potential of the ice-soil boundary. With the impeading threats of Climate change and possibile extinction levels events, NASA has put human exploration of mars as the current priority - as its the ideal back-up colony for earth. The planet also offers great mineral resources for mining and will stage as an ideal outpost colony for future exploration within our solar system.
I really hope they turn something up.
NASA is a front.
I don't understand why you are giving it any room here.
I expected better from someone who has a UFO blog.
Anon: Please.
Anon2: Please.
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