Showing posts with label Lighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lighting. Show all posts


Lighting Up Instagram

I was scrolling through my Instagram and I realized that I have recently posted quite a few light fixtures. For those of you who still have not jumped on the bandwagon, I thought I would share them.

Arteriors fixtures at the Las Vegas Market

A beautiful custom made light at our clients home.

The plethora of lanterns at the entrance of Javiers Crystal Cove.

This brass beauty that I fell in love with in an antique store.

Pictures via Rebecca June


Your Name is Mud

But I love you anyway.

The Lightbulb Just Went On

I think my readers are pretty smart, but now is your chance to prove it!

Lamps Plus is looking to rename their blog and revamp their style and they need your help!

The best part is not only will you get the bragging rights, but you can also win a $250 online shopping spree.

Their are multiple ways to enter:

1. As a comment on their blog

2. As a comment on their Facebook page

3. As a tweet using the hashtag #namethatblog

4. By email

So make me proud people!

The contest ends May 31st.


Rebecca June


A Little Extra Sparkle

"Sometimes glass glitters more than diamonds because it has more to prove."
Terry Pratchett

I may need a few of these.


Stick It to Me

I am LOVING these stick and branch like light fixtures.

Picture via Delight by Design

Picture via Coco & Kelley

Picture via Chic Coles