Showing posts with label sugar cookies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sugar cookies. Show all posts

Friday, August 8, 2008

I've been a bad blogger.

I was certain that I'd hop back into blogging well as soon as the bar exam was over. No such luck. Unpacking slowed down considerably once I got down to the things of which I am less certain of placement. Now my place just looks like I've lived here forever but haven't cleaned. Boo!

But I have been productive. I sent out my first big etsy order! It was 20 pounds of cookies in the end. Here's what it looked like in dough form, taking over my fridge.
It was 150 starfish cookies - half blue and half green. They absolutely took over my house! There were some on the folding table, some on the kitchen table, and even more on the kitchen counter.
I learned a lot of valuable lessons about selling! I priced them at the bare minimum I thought I needed to break even, because I wanted to get some sales and some feedback in my new little store. I'm glad I got the order, but I definitely lost money. Because of some mix-ups in communications/timing, I ended up shipping the order priority overnight, and spending the entire price of the cookies on shipping. Yuck!
Still, I mostly just really hope she likes them! They were for a wedding, and I hope that added something good to her special day.