Showing posts with label Smalls 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smalls 2014. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Catching up for the merry, merry, month of May

What is the smelliest dirtiest thing you have ever been asked to sew? This is mine:

These huge oven mitt like things with metal clips are filled with deer hair, and apparently smelled way worse than when I received them to sew closed. What I won't do for family. Here is what they were for...

These are Chris' beautiful work horses and seemingly they are to clip to the straps against the horses legs (?) to protect them when he trains them. My handy work must be holding up as I haven't been asked to repair them. I really must get around to taking my own photos to share =)

Next up...

Lots of green threads this'll see why on Friday when I finally post my perfect picnic.

Did not work a whole lot on my cross stitching. Larger project took most of my time. Used jeweled effect thread here. Still need to find a tutorial for adding beads to my project. There are flourishes on top and below the words, and I think I'd like to do them up in beads. Any ideas?

I was supposed to show my project yesterday, but got yucky sick over the weekend and the picnic we had planned with our granddaughter has had to be postponed. We will just have to have a trial run without her. Showing on Friday now instead.  Here is the list of participants. We sure have been wowed to date!

Hosted by Mdm Samm of Sew We Quilt, head cheerleader is Mary from I Piece 2-Mary

Monday June 2

Tuesday June 3

Wednesday June 4

Thursday June 5

Friday June 6

Monday June 9

And to finish up this long post, just a few extra photos for something nice to look at!

These are the newest batch of young squirrels. I have counted 8 of them and they like to play tag and chase each other through the trees. It is funny to watch them all run away, one after the other in a long line down along the same tree limb. Last month they were not long enough to feed directly from the feeders and had to knock the seed to the ground to eat it =)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Smalls SAL - April 30

My small was completed earlier in the month and given as a gift to my MIL for Easter. If you came by for Jo's Easter blog hop, you've already seen it...but really I just love it, and I know she did too!

With a bit of a closeup...

See you in May!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Smalls SAL - March 26

Missed this yesterday with all the excitement of it being my day to wave my flag. Paper piecing has become such a pleasure that I just want to do more! But that is for another day.

Here is the small I completed that was originally to be done for February, but circumstances as they did not get completed then. So better late than never...

I am making this into a pillow for my son's bed. Black Kona cotton with red ruffle, or bias binding, or flange...not sure yet, but the fabric is in my stash!

Thanks for stopping by...oh and if you like, you can comment on the previous post for a chance to win a Rocky & Bullwinkle fat quarter.

See you next month!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Smalls SAL - February 26

Well, behind again. I was working on my I heart heart Gallifrey for February, but really got derailed this last 1 1/2 weeks with the illness of my mother. I am about 2/3rds finished...will get caught up soon.

In the meantime, please accept this other stitchery in its place. I worked on a project for the Don't Let the Door Stop You blog hop, and created a small stitchery with that...also from Vicky Ramage (Comastitch). Pattern available for purchase on Craftsy. I used the stitchery on a door stop. I just love gingham, and fell in love with this pattern.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Don't Let the Door Stop You

This is the final day of the double hop She Who Sews and Don't Let the Door Stop You. There have been some very creative and beautiful projects shared.

I was not going to do this hop. My original intention was to take a break and get some of the other projects on my long list of Things to Do...done. But, when I saw Sunbonnet Sue, I immediately emailed Carla and practically begged to be let into this hop. You see, the only room I need a doorstop in is my bedroom, and I just knew what fabric I would pull from my stash. I used leftover floral fabric from when I shortened the premade floral curtains I had purchased. And the plaid (?) fabric is from a recycled bedskirt from this set as well.

Then, during the hop, another blogger presented Sunbonnet Sue for her project. And a stunning Sue she was. Silly me, I let myself feel intimidated and thought that maybe, I should do a different door stop. Not that I am as design creative as I would like to be, I used another free pattern, but changed it up a bit by using a cross-stitch piece (Vicky Ramage on Craftsy) and I just love how it turned out.

Lesson learned? Do the best you can here is Sue. Still in a state of disarray and undress...held together with pins. Will post a picture once she is done. Hoping to have time tomorrow to finish her up!

Until then, thank you Carla and Mdm. Samm for another fun filled adventure...and be sure to visit today's list of wonderful and creative projects!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Smalls SAL - January 29

Got this as a free project from (site no longer available), but Vickie Ramage can be found with other x-stitch projects on Craftsy.

Here is my finished small:

My son loves watching Dr. Who so when I saw this little stitchery, I just couldn't resist. I'm pretty sure I'm just going to frame it and hang it in his room.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

My List of Smalls 2014

It was brought to my attention as a good idea to list the projects I wish to accomplish for the Smalls 2014 SAL.

So, in no particular order:

1. Port-a-Potty
2. I (heart) (heart) Gallifrey
3. a) Princess of Perpetual Projects
    b) Queen of Procrastination
4. Stork scissors square fob
5. Stork biscornu
6. (a) Stork scissors case
    (b) Stork needle case
7. Sorry Gone Stitchin
8.Rejoice, Rejoice O Christian
9. Give Thanks
10. A Trifle from a Friend
11. Adore Him
12. Autumn Blessings
Extra: Count Your Blessings (in case I feel a need for a change in my lineup or...incredibly so if I find myself with extra time on my hands LOL)

If during any particular month I have the time to complete two of the projects, then I will double up and add another project to the queue. I've been wanting to do the stork items for some time so by adding them to this list, God willing, they will become a reality this year.

Friday, January 10, 2014

FNWF ~ January 10

Been working on quite a bit this week...Kona EPP needlekeep, my socks, a new lace scarf, my cross-stitch mini for Smalls 2014.

You can see my progress on my socks in my previous entry, as well as the picture of the scarf I'm doing.

This is a finished cross-stitch, but I have not included the full stitchery as I will be posting it again at the end of the month for the Smalls SAL 2014. Also, I'm not sure whether or not my ds has begun reading my blog on the sly and as this is for him, I don't want him to see the finished project just yet. I believe I'm making it into a notebook cover for him...but don't quote me on that just yet. LOL

This was a really fun project, and I just finished the last bit of backstitching this morning. Phew!

Was fun sewing with y'all. Looking forward to joining you again next month.

Linked up with Cheryll at Gone Stitchin  I'll do my visiting tomorrow morning after I finish work. Have a great weekend!