Showing posts with label Loots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loots. Show all posts

Saturday, February 12, 2011

And.... We have ~ キングカズマ!!

Surprise surprise surprise !!

ヾ(@^ - ^@)ノ

After days of whining and screaming loud to all of you out there, I have my King Kazuma now! The FIGMA!! Yes you did not read wrongly, rub your eyes again!

Yes, I have my King Kazuma now! 

Sunday, December 26, 2010


halo everyone! today's short post will be on our boxing day! muahahaha.. its our gift exchange and wad i got for xmas tt's more related to our blog.. keke.


This is what I have received from Ren! Chi's Sweet Home desktop calender!
Chi's Sweet Home is one of my favourite manga, all about this little kitten called Chii!
The other very familiar looking turqoise blue box contains a necklace.. HAHAHA.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


There is a whole lot of reasons why I seem to be down in spirits.. Now it had spread from workplace to some butter-finger issues that i recalled.. I called it - The SWORD Snapping!


Can you spot something different in my Saber Lily Nendo below??

Sigh.. Nope nothing wrong with her. Just that... Her sword snapped!! And Tako is the one who snapped it! Using my tentacles, i snapped it!

My heart sank. It sank all the way to 6 feet under.

I was upset. Sorry Saber Lily, I snapped the sword.

I had made a little confession here.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ren & Tako's Sept's loots! ^^"

Yo pple.. ren here! today's jus a quick post on our sept loots! heh. ^^ the next few posts i guess would be mostly figures.. and im jus waiting for tako (giving her the honours) to unbox the figures! haha.. so you can only stare at the boxes now for the moment. SORRY! XD come to think of it.. i've not done a photoshoot on any figures other than nendoroids right... lolx. im so lazyy..... zzz.

 all of our loots are from goodsmile.. =) Saber -Triumphant Excalibur-, Nendoroids: Strike Witch Francesca Lucchini, LovePlus Takane Manaka and Touhou Project Remilia Scarlet!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unexpected loots.... by TAKO!!! ^('O')^

Heyhey.. ren's back. din expect myself to be making another post soooo soon eh. lolx. but its definitely smthing to post... when its abt tako.. heh. well well, tako and i went OG chinatown today.. she wanted to get some skin-care products.. so i went to the toy level at OG to pop by and see wad hidden treasures i can uncover....

True to OG's hidden trove.. its having a Gunpla sale! similar to Toy'r'us and the sale at takashimaya before tt. tho much of the items are the same.. they're selling some G.F.F.N figures too.. and oso, the new arrivals.. gunpla starter set of RX and Zaku.. MG V Gundam, MG Full Armor etc.. all at 20% off retail. i was grasping for air looking at all the kits.. i wan this!! i wan that!!! but the 20% discount wasn't enough to move me and my wallet. XD so after tako came back disappointed from her shopping cos the prices were too ex, we walked the ground together.. OG is actually screening Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz at the Gundam counter! and Tako is a die-hard Gundam Wing Fan-gal, her eyes glitters as she saw Heero Guy in Wing Zero Custom. (no room for me... T.T lolx.) Watching after a few minutes, we pulled ourselves from the screen and agreed to come back another day with popcorns to finish the movie cos neither one of us watch the movie before.. ^^

So as i was showing tako ard the new and old gunpla.. like wad gundams i'm hunting next.. she found something really cute.. and we decided to get it straight away! =D

SD RX-78GP03D and DX Wing Gundam!!! (do note tt its DX, not SD scale.. slightly larger den SD, somewhat like the new SD luxurious ver.) Tako couldn't recognise Wing Gundam at first, stating how deformed it was as her reason.. but when she realised, SHE WANTS TO BUILD IT! 'IT'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA DIEEEEE!!!' lolx.. me, being so proud of tako.. decided to buy this Wing Gundam for her.. haha. and a GP03D for myself since its at 20% discount.. she finds it cute too.. ^^

Monday, June 14, 2010

When Ren meets Blue Tachikoma Nendoroid

This “love-and-hate” story started about in April 2010.

Ren was online keeping himself updated with all the happenings around and he bumped into this photo of a blue Tachikoma Nendoroid with a small machine gun. This started the cursed adventure of Ren with Blue Tachikoma Nendoroid. All along, the nendoroids that we had been collecting are female characters. There’s no male and no robot.. So when Ren recalled that there was a previous release by GSC for Tachikoma Nendoroid, he was interested and started his hunt.

Monday, June 7, 2010

When Tako gets jealous..

Ren has been very busy, and what was he busy with?? His personal assistant, Tako, is here to tell you the details. OR you may call it a COMPLAIN. (Hahaha..)

First, Ren was busy with army work. Then he was still doing the room renovation in between his army breaks. Then in between his room renovation breaks, he was busy with Unicorn. AND in between his Unicorn breaks, he was busy with a HG 1/144 O Gundam.

So tell me, is he busy?

I have seen his table filled with Unicorn parts and he was telling me how stressful it was to build Unicorn, so a filler for his Gunpla projects – O Gundam.

Friday, March 19, 2010

what actually happened last week... Part 2!!! *.*

hey pple.. yes.. its me Ren again.. this time i'll not be such a spoilsport.. lolx. i promise this will be a short post! XD jus wanna show you guys wad we really got that week in Feb.. ^^ i couldn't come up any ideas for this shoot.. so a braindead ren jus points and shoot at part of my Feb loots.. =)

introducing... Black Rock Shooter, RIN KOKONOE and DROSSEL!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

what actually happened last week... ^^

hey pple.. haha, jus wanna blog abt wad really happened the last week when we were basically absence from our blog.. according to tako.. we were too excited and suffering from shock every other day.. (actually its jus tako.. XD okay, i admitted was excited myself, too.) cos i sorta surprised her.. with our new loots!!! (^_^)" i guess i'll let her fill you up on the details in the comment section.. heh.

Some time last week...

Yako: Oh! new email.. looks like my packages is coming..!!! *ding dong*

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dengeki Hobby Jan issue... GET!!! Unicorn head stand and more loots from last week.. =DDD うれしがった!!

hey pple!! ren's finally backk~ jus finished my JLPT4 this morning!! initially, i wanted to liveblog abt it.. XD but really no chance to take out my phone to take photos.. wouldn't wanna risk being banned rite?? lolx... finally done and gotten over with. no more stressing over it. well.. the test was harder than i've expected.. but overall, its OKAY! =D thank you pple so much who have encouraged me on..!! you guys are wonderful! ^^ so.. after reaching home, i've taken out this free time to blog abt my loots.. keke. will be returning to paint my room after this..... 大変だね…

these are the loots i've stolen accumulated since last week... XD

Dengeki Hobby Jan Issue!~

Thursday, December 3, 2009

RX-0 Unicorn Gundam Figure GET!!! ^^ 遅くなった!

this post is WAYYY WAYYY late.. i wanted to post it 2 weeks ago.. but AFA strucked me. XD so i din really had the time to post this at all.. anyway. finally decided not to postpone this any further.. and present you pple with my loot from Dengeki Hobby Nov. issue..

as for the magazine's content.. as i've mentioned.. its all very old news.. haha. so i wun really touch on them.. =)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

昼休みの分捕り品… 最初リボルテックヤマグチ!! =D エヴァンゲリヲン初号機 GET!! Lunchtime Loot!! First Revoltech GET !!! =D

muahahahhahaha.. yesterday, ren and tako went to watch Evangelion 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance. the movie was sensational. Tho its very dark at times, its a mus watch for all Evangelion fans!! =D the graphics are all new.. unlike Evangelion 1.0 where they cut scenes from the anime and combine them together. 2.0 has more 3D effects and whole new designs of EVAs and Angels.. its superb. the storyline is much compressed but not discounted, very suitable for a movie's length. and new forms of EVAs are all introduced.. the fight scenes are BREATHTAKING. accompanied by very nice soundtrack. ^^

not to mention.. we were both 'bitten' by EVA and got heavily poisoned. lolx. the first thing we said to each other after the show was.. Revoltech. XD True enough.. during our lunchtime today.. we rushed to get our first Revoltech EVA Test Type-01 New Movie Edition!! woooo!!
=DD im very excited becos at Revoltech's website.. its stated at this figure has stopped production alr. so its kinda limited now.. glad to be able to own one.. =D

Revoltech Yamaguchi No. 067 EVA Test Type-01 New Movie Edition

Monday, November 23, 2009

AFAの分捕り品!! レンの最初限定版のガンプラ!!! やった! ^^ AFA's loots!! Ren's first limited edition gunpla!!! wooo. =D

Okays.. a quick post before i start on my post on today's AFA's report.. =) many of you readers seemed to be very interested in wad i've bought from AFA.. XD URGING me to reveal my loots, me decided to take the time to snap up a few photos of them and post it up.. its really nth much compared to many others that i've seen; BAGS of Nendoroids.. figures.. goodness. and alot alot ALOT of guys carrying wooden swords which are replicas from the animes.. bleach, naruto etc.. apparently they were going cheap on AFA...

So.. this is wad i've bought from AFA 2009... =D