Short Stories, Irish literature, Classics, Modern Fiction, Contemporary Literary Fiction, The Japanese Novel, Post Colonial Asian Fiction, The Legacy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and quality Historical Novels are Among my Interests

Showing posts with label Frank Lloyd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frank Lloyd. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2023

If I Were King- A 1938 Movis Directed by Frank Lloyd - Starring Ronald Coleman, Francis Dee and Basil Rathbone - Set in Paris in 1429 -141 minutes

 This is part of my Participation in Paris in July 2023 -Hosted by Words and Peace

If I Were King is loosely based on the actions of François Villon in 1429, in Paris, during the siege of the city by the Duke of Burgundy.

François Villon is the best known French poet of the Late Middle Ages. He was involved in criminal behavior and had multiple encounters with law enforcement authorities. Villon wrote about some of these experiences in his poems. 

Born: April 1, 1431

Died: after 1463 

I recently completed an online course in the history of the cinema presented by The University of Pennsylvania.  The instructor explains that in the 1930s films about "lovable rougues." were popular. (A prime example is the role of Earl Flynn in The Adventures of Robin Hood.) If I Were King perfectly exemplifies this sort of movie.

Villon has contacts at Court through his poetry. The people of Paris have severe food shortages while those at court have huge reserves for their use. Of course a beautiful young lady at Court falls in love with Villon.

We also see Villon among the people.  Perhaps the film, released in the midst of a decade long economic depression in the United States, might have had political implications.  

My Next set in Paris Film will probably be The French, They Are a Funny People directed by Preston Surges.

Mel Ulm