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Showing posts with label rest and relaxation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rest and relaxation. Show all posts

14 August 2012

A Spa And Massage Retreat

If you are a career woman who juggles life between work and family like I do then you must feel tense at times. You sometimes long for a time for yourself without worrying about the mundane things in life. You wonder how to achieve this when you have a lot on your plate. It can be done so read on.

One way to do this is to seek solace and spend even just a whole day without a care in the world. A visit to the nearby spa may be one of the many ways to alleviate stress and improve well-being. Any nearby spa will do as long as it offers peaceful ambiance, private therapeutic massages, hair and nail care and luxurious body scrubs. If you have not gone to any spa yet, just search in the internet and you will find many hits on spa and massage. For example, in Florida area, you will get several hits on Gainesville massage and Gainesville spa. There are plenty of options and beautiful spas are scattered all over the US and other parts of the world. You can check out various sites and inquire the various service each spa offers.

Going to a spa and massage retreat will surely improve your mental, emotional and physical health by relieving the stress and tension your mind, body and soul have acquired in your day to day manic lifestyle.

It is a good practice to unwind every month or depending on the frequency you want and budget to release your stress. A moment of calm and relaxation will surely bring back your vitality and well-being. So, schedule a visit to the spa and give yourself a moment to recover and recharge. We owe it to ourselves to be healthy in all aspect of our life.

13 March 2012

3 Weeks After the Move

People who know me will notice one thing, my smile. Not that I am very stringent with it but it is the opposite. I am quite the smiley-face but this time, the smile is more bright, pronounced and plastered longer than usual. I actually have painful cheeks now for smiling non-stop. And why you might ask? Drum roll please... I AM HAPPY where I am now. I won't give any more specific but if you're following my blog, you know what I am talking about.

I feel awkward at first because I am not used to having some time to actually breathe properly but now it's like that. I just have to adjust and get used to the idea of finally having the time to breathe, relax once in a while and chat with the people around me.

It's been great so far. I know I will have moments of stress and pressure too but every one is just helpful and supportive. I can get used to this :)

14 February 2010

Dateless on Valentine's Day

While lovers all over the world scamper for the best seat in the restaurant or a fine date in a nice and cozy place, I am stuck at home enjoying my much deserved R & R. That's rest and relaxation which have been deprived from me for several months.

Just few weeks ago, before I learned that our vacation to Los Angeles was going to be sacked, I planned for a romantic get-away with my hubby while I leave my daughter with my aunt. I was already checking out motorhomes from the Internet. I thought hubby and I could drive off to Lake Tahoe for a romantic date. Poof! That's the sound of my dream being pricked by a needle!

So here I am, day-dreaming in sunny Dubai...

26 April 2009

Hearing Sense and Music

Just a trivia...

Did you know that the aural sense is the first to develop in the womb? I read somewhere that when you play music or listen to music while you are pregnant contributes to the intellectual development of the unborn.

Music is a tranquilizer to relieve ourselves from the noise around us. So it is very important to chose the kind of music you play in order to relax your body and mind. Classical and nature sound are normally good in setting our moods to a more laid-back and calm stage.

14 July 2008

Vacation time!

Yey! I have been waiting for this moment since I had my last vacation leave ;) Hahaha. I just can't wait to leave this place and head home for a nice R & R with my mom and daughter. Hubby's staying here because we'll have our annual family trip to Italy when I come back.

My heart and soul is already aching for home. I have been thinking about this trip to Manila for ages! Tomorrow is the flight back home. It's not a long leave though but no matter how short the leave is, it's still a vacation leave I won't trade for anything else!

I have already set my publishing option scattered to the days while I am away. I may pop in once in a while to check on the blog scene but then again, just forgive me for not replying to comments yet as I'll be busy shopping ;), malling, catching up with family and friends and simply having R & R.

So, I'll be checking in again after 2 weeks. Until then, keep leaving your nice comments, greetings and wishes in my blog! I'll be happy to respond the soonest I settle again after the leave. Ciao!!!

Manila, here I come!!!!!!! Mabuhay!
