Thursday, April 30, 2009


So today I kind of miss Utah....I miss the restaurants, the shopping, and all the Mormon stores but most of all my fabulous friends and family ( I just shed a tear....seriously). So I thought to cheer myself up, I'd fill you in on the things I LOVE about Montana... and perhaps convince someone to come visit us....So here are my top ten reasons I love Montana....

10. You can start fire WHEREVER you dang well please... SERIOUSLY... there is at least one fire a day on my street...You don't have to drive up the canyon for a bonfire, you just invite your friends to your yard... FUN.

9. HU-HOT.... It's a fun Mongolian BBQ place that Rich is obsessed with. It's really fun and a must see for all visitors... Speaking of restaurants...there are TONS, however there a VERY few chain restaurants...which makes eating out REALLY fun and unique.

8.PARKING....people here park WHEREVER they want. You know when you are just getting dropped off in front of the store and the person pulls up against the curb and you hop out quickly so you don't hold people up? THAT is a parking space here. Also, while in Montana, feel free to take up 2 or 3 spaces if you are parking in the actual lot, because you can barely see the parking lines anyways. You would THINK that is annoying, but nothing is ever crowded, so every parking spot is rock star parking....

7. The people... ARE SO NICE. EVERYONE is nice and they go out of your way to help you..... until you tell them your husband is the assistant city manager/finance director....then you better take a seat and get out your pen and paper to take notes :) I've started carrying around Rich's card now as to try and avoid these convo's by handing them his card and telling them to just give him a call...he LOVES that :) haha. Not.

6. My big ol backyard... It's HUGE....I strip Macy down to her diaper and galoshes, cover her in sunblock and let her go to town back there.... she digs holes, pulls up weeds, colors with chalk, looks for bugs and says BUGGY, and brings me EVERY pine cone she finds....

5. We keep BUSY BUSY BUSY in the the 6 weeks we've been here, we've both spoken in church, been through the discussions with a investigator family ( who is getting baptized THIS Sat! YAY!) I got a calling as compassionate service leader which keeps me beyond busy, we've had the missionaries over for dinner 3 times, I was a guest speaker at the young women's etiquette night ( crazy, I know), Rich is teaching elders quorum this week while I sub for the 6 year old primary class, Rich is working with the missionaries to try and teach a woman who speaks only Chinese, and we are helping to spring clean the building this sat.....whew.... but we LOVE IT, and LOVE the opportunity to serve so much!

4. It ALWAYS feels like we are camping...You know that feeling you get when you get up in the morning after sleeping in a tent and the air is so fresh, and birds sound beautiful and it's all dewy everywhere...that is EVERY day here! COME VISIT!

3. The parks.... This is where to can get an ear-full of other mom's trash talking... I don't know any of them so I just listen and giggle...last week, two mom's were talking about how RIDICULOUS is is to have more than 2 kids. One of the women said " can you IMAGINE introducing your family saying ' this is my husband and then THREE kids! You mind as well start your own school!'....needless to say , I was THOROUGHLY entertained. But apart from the trash talking, the parks up here are beautiful, and super kid friendly... There is a toddler park that I think Macy wishes she could live in.

2. Allegiant Air.... 92 dollars round trip to Vegas.... booya.

1. NO SALES TAX!!! If something says 5 dollars on the price tag... it's REALLY 5 dollars....awesome....

Monday, April 20, 2009

.....Keep Out of Reach of Children....

So, all my mom's out there....ya know how sometimes your kids are in the other room playing and as long as it's noisy and you can hear the usual toy sounds, you're good. But when it gets quiet....we have ourselves a problem....Allow me to introduce my case in point....
I had just taken off her clothes to get in the bath, I ran and turned the crock pot on, then ran to the bathroom to start the bath water, and came back to this blatant display of naughty-ness... Here's a picture of the bath.... it was SUPPOSED to be powder free...

Then I told her if she poured baby powder all over herself again, I wouldn't let her date until she was 25....and got this....

Yes or No??

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Called to Serve....

My "little" brother Kyle got his mission call today!!! He is going serve in the Atlanta Georgia North Mission, Spanish speaking!!!! Selfishly, I was praying my guts out for a stateside mission with a foreign language for him so I could NOT be happier. I can't help but get so emotional when I think of the beautiful families my brother will teach the gospel to. He is really excited and humbled to have this opportunity to serve and I know with all my heart he is going to make a PHENOMENAL missionary. He has matured so much through this whole process and I'm SO SO SO proud of what a great man he has become. I LOVE YOU KYLE!!! Time to go tie shopping! :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

...we'll take two...

So apparently...we have to work on a few other numbers... :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

...two new obsessions...

So I currently have two obsessions.... Simon Cowell and Lucky Charms Cereal.....I'm in the process of quiting the most glorious soft drink ever invented....Diet Dr Pepper. However I'm doing it in stages so as to not turn into a caffeine deprived lunatic that no one wants to be I guess when you give up one obsession, you get another...or two in my case. Too bad Diet DP had no calories and Lucky Charms has lots :( I have to eat a bowl of lucky charms once a day....and I usually try and eat all the cardboard-like cereal first and leave all the marshmallows for the end. Kinda gross, huh? I don't get it... But it's A LOT less calories than ice cream, so I'll take it!!!

So, I really am obsessed with Simon Cowell...What I didn't get, until this morning, is why now? Why after 8 seasons of not really being all that interested in Simon am I NOW googling him and wanting to know what's up?!? I mean he's not NEAR as dead sexy as my husband, so no worries there.... but, yeah... This morning I had an epiphany that has it all making sense now. I'm pretty sure it's because last week on Idol, I found out Simon is going to be 50 this year. Which makes sense, since I'm subconsciously attracted to old dudes. I ALWAYS have been. Also, all my celebrity crushes are old dudes...Mitt Romney is 62 and Elder Uchtdorf is 69, so it's actually a step in the right direction to have a crush on someone closer to TWICE my age than someone who is close to three times my age, right?? However, I did read on wikipedia this morning that Simon cheated on his latest girlfriend and that is it took my obsession down a few notches, thank goodness. But that accent??? Yes, please. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

doncha fart?

So you know sometimes when you are on the internet doing something, one of those word verification things pops up that makes you prove you aren't a computer? The ones that are regular words but all skewed and stretched and you have to turn your head or squint or something to read it and still you are like... WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS SAY?!?! Well I just got one of those and it said DONCHA, seriously? Classy I know, but I had to share...

Friday, April 10, 2009

...Happy Easter...

This is one of my all time FAVORITE cartoons ever... I laugh hysterically everytime I see it...So, HAPPY EASTER! :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

....for the Macy fan's in our life....

I love to blog... I don't do it NEARLY enough as I'd like, but when I do blog, I like to mix it up. My intention for this blog was never to be just about our family but more of a fun outlet for me to get the randomness out of my head and onto the internet,haha, as well as a little peak at the fun we have as a family. Since we've moved to Montana, I've gotten a lot of requests for MORE MACY! Plus I feel like she is growing up SO fast that our family and friends back in Vegas and UT (and everywhere else they are) are missing some of the really fun stuff she is going. SO I've set up a blog that will be 100% Moo. I'll still include hilarious Macy stuff of here, I'm sure, but her new blog will just be fun videos and pictures, that aren't necessarily FUN and EXCITING to people who aren't her parents or family :) I'll add her blog to my blog roll here so you can know when it's updated..... Or just save to your favorites... :) p.s. Please no one get their panties in a twist over the "kids" part. The reason kids is plural is so that in the future I don't have to change blog addresses for my kid blog... I repeat... I'm NOT pregnant. :)

Our new favorite thing....

Rich came home last week from his City Council meeting and said..."Kellie, I had the best crackers ever today" Which I thought was hilarious because you never hear of anyone LOVING a cracker! People recommend yummy cookies or ice cream or restaurants...but CRACKERS?!? Of course I was intrigued and asked him more about these so called fabulous crackers...and yesterday at the store I found them and they just HAPPENED to be on sale :) YAY! Let me tell you...Rich wasn't freaking joking... THEY ARE AMAZINGLY YUMMY! So shut the computer down, jump in the car....and GO GET Sun Dried Tomato and Basil Wheat Thins!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

..which of these things are not like the others...

I was unloading the dishwasher today, when the dryer buzzed. Since I had already unloaded the sharp stuff, I left the dishes and ran to take the clothes out, as I am FAMOUS for letting them sit in there for days and get all nasty and wrinkly, and when I came back... I found this.
Funny... I don't remember using a tiger, ball, book, or glove to cook dinner last night... hmm... And then for the icing on the cake, I turned around to look for Macy and found THIS....
I didn't know whether to laugh or teach her not to climb into drawers.... So I did both. :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

..and this is why I married him....

Here's my boyfriend... gettin down at Smith's Grocery Store...It's times like this I'm SO happy that I brought my camera..... I LOVE HIM. Unfortunately, I only caught the second half the shenanigans on film. Rich is absolutely hilarious and the best and most fun dad/husband EVER.... One of the best parts in this lil' video is when Macy comes running in ready to party.... I'm so lucky to have this cute family!!!! (p.s you can't hear the actual song in the video and neither of us can remember what song it I added one! It's better than hearing my annoying laugh!)