Thursday, April 16, 2009

Called to Serve....

My "little" brother Kyle got his mission call today!!! He is going serve in the Atlanta Georgia North Mission, Spanish speaking!!!! Selfishly, I was praying my guts out for a stateside mission with a foreign language for him so I could NOT be happier. I can't help but get so emotional when I think of the beautiful families my brother will teach the gospel to. He is really excited and humbled to have this opportunity to serve and I know with all my heart he is going to make a PHENOMENAL missionary. He has matured so much through this whole process and I'm SO SO SO proud of what a great man he has become. I LOVE YOU KYLE!!! Time to go tie shopping! :)


Shanicherie said...

Hey Kellie...I think that might be our mission (just not spanish speaking!)! Maybe we'll see him around!

RazakFamily said...

He's going to LOVE it!! We loved living down south - it's a different world. Good luck to brother :)

The Erickson Family said...

Adam Boatwright still lives in North Atlanta...Maybe we shouldn't hook them up?
Anyway that is awesome, when does he go in?

Mandy said...

Kellie! This is Mandy Ohman. Chad and I used to be in your ward in Provo. We hung out with you guys with the Jones', Yardley's, and Smith's. Do you remember us? Anyways, I love reading your blog. You are so funny! I just wanted to let you know that we live in that mission and there are a ton of spanish brances nearby. He will love it!