Showing posts with label pregnancy moment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy moment. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Time Spend at the Park


Yesterday, my hubby and i spent our evening hour at the park. Lepas kerja, rehat sekejap sebab nampak advertisement pasal booth yg bukak dekat oval park for 3 days. Sepanjang pregnant ni pun tak pernah spend mase bersiar-siar or ambil angin langsung, so we decided to lepak la dekat oval park. Mase smpai dh around 5.30. People started to come. Kedai pun baru bukak 3-4. so, order terus chicken oblong. confirm la perut dah start lapar. Best jugak spend mase dekat sini sebab people yang datang bukan utpian je tapi kebanyakkan resident from nearby area. mak bapak bawak anak beriadah, ade yang main kayak, ade yang buat fitness training, ade yang... macam-macam la.. environment and view pun best. lakes pun cantik.. memang dalam utp banyak lake and banyak ikan tapi satu pun guard tak bagi untuk memancing! -___-  
kedekut ke hape tak tau laa... hahahaha..

and bile dah lepak dalam 30 minutes, dah start rase penat sangat. sebelum tu dekat office dah start rasa fatigue duduk depan laptop from 0800 to 1700. rest pun sejam itu pun untuk makan and sembahyang. U know what, my husband ni jenis punctual sket bab masa. Masuk kerja mesti before 8 and habis kerja mesti after 5.15 p.m. itu mesti at least die. tapi bagus jugak sebab takdela nampak sangat macam masuk 8 balik mesti sharp 5. hahaha. tpi mase pregnant ni tak menentu, ade mase rasa penat gile. semalam penat yang teruk mengalahkan mase convo. dahsyat sangat. lepas maghrib dah terus baring kat katil sampai my husband balik surau bukak pintu grill yang bising tu pun x sedar. hahaha. pukul 11 bru la bangun kejap nak solat and this morning woke up at 6.30.. berape jam aku tidur? nak dekat 10 hours.. hahahahhahaa. nasib bukan weekend. so kesimpulannya, pregnant women ni tak tentu keadaan badan dia. sometimes boleh tolerate dengan kerja, sometimes tibe-tibe nak lie down mase tu jugak sebab satu badan sengal, sometimes plak nak buat kerja non-stop. but i guess at this term where i am now (third trimester), my condition is more like the first trimester time. Asik nak rehat aje, and cepat penat. kadang-kadang macam tak cukup nafas even mase solat. Solat pun ade mase tak larat nak diri, kene duduk. mase bend nak sujud dari berdiri pun rase  tak selesa dekat perut, so solat duduk aje from the beginning. banyak pengorbanan betul nak jadi seorang mom. and selalu jugak memikirkan tentang my mom dlu, macam ni la keadaan and lagi teruk cause masa pregnantkan me, she was working in semiconductor factory. lagi teruk, kene berdiri je selalu.. Thats what makes me appreciate my mom more now.. cause i am feeling it..

aku rase dah lari topik. dari park story to pregnancy story. hahaha.

before lagi berpanjangan, lets end it now.. see you in the next entry..


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Its Holiday Time


Its not that im being fancy of the holiday festive this time. But i am super excited cause i can be free for awhile at Malacca. Since the problem i had few weeks ago (regarding my CE), i has been unmotivated to go to work or doing my phd research. My mind was suffocating thinking of the consequences from CE. But, it was not for so long. I realized the strength we obtained from Tahajjud prayer and that is where i become more calm. In Tahajjud itself tell us many benefits that we can get. just refer from the video below. and i more i could add, whenever i recite the Qur'an, i can memorize anything easily and my thinking skills increased in its capacity. hahaha. but actually its true.

So, today, we will going back to Malacca and spend our weekend there plus i need to attend the antenatal check up in PH. I am now in my 32 weeks (8 months) and there are 8 more weeks before my baby is born.. I am super excited and at the same time feeling nervous and apprehensive. I hope we are in a good condition and have no problem at this stage till the end.

As for now, i need to speed up my phd work. more and more preparations have to be done before my maternity leave. at least i am not feeling guilty for doing nothing in 2 months. :)

See you guys in the next entry.



Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dah agak dah!


saja ambil masa untuk rehat ni dengan blogging sekejap. tengah kejang kaki so malas nak baca journals tuh. Heee.. actually mase pregnant ni selalu vb (vaginal bleeding). dah dekat 5 kali rasanya. so each time jadik hal tu jadi seram sangat each time rasa sakit kat bawah perut. punya la berhati-hati buat kerja. sikit pun xde nak lasak-lasak macam dulu.

few times before raya. and after raya sekali. dalam masa dua bulan. but the heaviest blood flow mase puasa. sangat tragic. that time happened around 5 a.m. after sahur, hubby terus hantar ke hospital walaupun at first neglect jugak nak pergi GH. mula-mula nak pergi je pantai hospital tapi fikir balik dua tiga kali, terus cancel. sebab once ckp vb mesti ade thorough check up and i hate it when diorang nak buat ape-ape test. i scared if moderate case become serious case. so sebab tu batalkan hasrat nak pergi ph. Gh pun jadi la. bile check, nasib la semuanya okay and baby pun okay. after two days, bleeding stop. lega sangat.

Fikir punya fikir, baru teringat yang a day before all bleeding, makan durian. masa paling banyak makan mase puasa. sebab i cannot fast, then apa je favorite terus nak makan. kebetulan dalam fridge memang ade stock durian. that time i remembered that i ate almost sebiji durian. memang banyak. -_____________-

masa raya pun makan durian lagi. yang lagi fresh makan lepas jatuh dr pokok terus makan. rumah makcik memang ada pokok durian, pokok buah-buah lain pun banyak. tukang kopek buah pun ramai. jadi tinggal makan. 

so now, bleeding dah tak ada. terus tak nak dah makan durian. pernah gak baca dekat blog orang lain yang dia gugur lepas makan durian. masa tu usia kandungan dia baru 2 bulan lebih. so sekarang ni kene careful la dengan apa yang di makan masa pregnant ni. plus hb sy pun rendah dah skrg ni. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

hopefully my baby will stays healthy in my belly. kicking all day long shows that he is so active and healthy. love you baby. mama and abah love you so much!!

the big family from Ismail's clan

i always love you hubby... :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Not Enough Rest


Im back. Dah Ramadhan baru muncul. Tapi puasa kali ni tak macam taun-taun lepas. memang kene cuti sebab tak tahan nak tanggung gastrik n migrain. pheww...smpai ke hari ni cuma dua hari je lepas. This morning went to clinic for monthly checkup, xjmpe doktor pun, then nurse and monthly routine kene check darah nak make sure darah okay. banyak sgt term smpai refer nurse kenape kene highlight. just to make sure yg next appointment result lagi better. So far, Hb yang makin menurun, sampai ferum pun diorang bagi suruh makan dua biji dua kali sehari. double tuuuu. 

Perut selalu sgt lapar. dh jadi macam kebiasaan. Mcam monster asik makan je tapi berat aku seriously tak naik pun. maintain 55kg jugak. tpi tadi sebab takut kene bebel dengan nurse, aku measure weight sekali dengan hp and brg lain dlm pocket., hehehe. naikla 200 gram. hahaha. jadi la dri langsung xnaik. tapi mase pregnant ni makan memang xde selera sgt. Aku just bleh makan dengan selera kalau makanan masam or pedas. yang lain tak terbayang langsung nak makan. kalau ade sambal sket pun dh jadi dah. Last week balik kampung Temerloh sebab berbuka dengan the whole family sblh husband, mmg meriah. so lauk semua masak pedas sebab ramai kat sana yang jenis makan pedas except family members husband. itupun tak dapat nak makan banyak. sebab dah penat satu hari tu. sampai ke malam letihnye, perut pun dh start rase tak best. sakit macam sengal dekat otot. Kalau bab toilet, tak yah cerita, average ke toilet dah 20-30 kali. even tengah malam akan terjaga dari pukul 12 smpai pukul 4. hahahahhaa. kelakar betul la bile ade orang cerita yang certain perempuan dh tak larat asik pergi toilet setiap masa sampai kencing je kat tilam or pakai pampers. bayangkanlah yang rumah dua tingkat xde toilet kat atas, mesti la penat nak turun naik tangga. 

Tapi my instinct dh kuat mengatakan yang inside my womb is a handsome baby boy. Entah la, tapi takut kang scan baby girl. So skrg ni belum ader persiapan beli apa2 lagi sebab baru 4 months. Tggu 5 months onward la baru survey and bli brg baby. Looking forward nak pergi baby expo, sebab ramai cakap sale and murah sangat compare to dekat store or online. 

Study? dh start dah research. phd is quite challenging but im still in the beginning stage so Alhamdulillah masih okay. reviews je la setiap hari. official phd start belum lagi tapi since dah free masa ni, start prepare awal. Here comes the 3 years journey to become a doctor. InshaAllah. Semoga Dia permudahkan segala kesulitan. :)

Itu je la. Panjang sgt dah tulis.

Selamat berpuasa dan bertarawikh semua. :)


Thursday, May 1, 2014

I sometimes talk rubbish


Hope everyone enjoy the day. Yeah, its Friday where everyone is waiting for. Rasa sama je hari ni dengan hari lain. hahaha. mungkin sebab mood swing. Yesterday, we went to Ipoh. Alasan sebab nak guna voucher buku on certain books. Since now we can only redeem the voucher for books ONLY, (no stationaries, or note books, etc) so i decided nak pilih buku on pregnancy and other religion  books. It was disappointing when the books i looked for were not in the store. Hmmm just store yang besar but most are chinese books. okay i dont understand pinyin. -_____-

So we mingled around Ipoh Parade. xlama sebab so many people. it was Labor Day so everyone shopping la kot. sale was everywhere. after that, pergi makan. i was craving for makanan bersup and fikirkan tom yam was the right choice. tpi the best tom yam i had  is in Johnnys or Black Canyon. restaurant tu pun ade dekat Jusco Kinta. Malasnya la nak pergi mall lain dengan parking yang susah nak carik, Labor Day kan, confirm ramai. lepas kene Q pulak. okay cancel la plan pegi sana. Husband suggested that we go to Nasi Ayam Kampung je. Okay la walaupun masa dia cakap terus terbayang and rasa loya balik. sebab terfikirkan toilet dia yang smelly. Da*n it. Hahaha. xpela. pergi je sebab tak de gune toilet pun at the moment. Ordered my seafood tomyam. Okayla. walaupun x banyak die punye seafood asalkan tekak okay, i am fine with it. Husband of course western meal aje die tu. Lately i cannot tahan spaghetti which whenever i thought about it, tekak rasa mual and confirm rasa nak muntah. hahahhaa. please. Another thing, husband pun asik craving for fast food. sebelum ni kalau cakap nak makan sekali je. if tak dapat its okay. ini berhari-hari asik cakap nak kfc. okay pergila beli walaupun tak lalu jugak nak makan. in this case, what can i do is to swallow food in a small amount and dont think much of food i eat. hahahah kalau x confirm semuanya terbuang. huhuhuhu. anyway, this pregnancy term is really fun. walaupun yang tak cool adelah asik nak vomit. u can experience so many things yang tak pernah terfikir akan experience. the morning sickness, the nipple soreness, the what else?? hahahahhaa. yet to continue..

thats all. i rambling much now.

Hope you enjoy yr weekend. Im going to KL to attend a friend's wedding. Bye bye.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Dah start dah

Last week we were in Malacca, my hometown. Husband was sick due to kidney stone. This was the second time he had the symptoms after two years and we decided to go back on Thursday and have alternative medical check up in Malacca. i suggest if anybody yg rasa sakit yang sama, better go there sbb inshaAllah sesuai. 

This time, i am in my 6 weeks of pregnancy. Okay i should tell u that my sense of food has started to become extreme. I no longer can stand my fav food even the husband ate it, i could feel it sticking in my throat. Lol. Sometimes i have this pain in my tummy, which is the combination of cramps, bloating and ligament stretching, plus the nausea at the thought of food but at the same time feeling hungry is just confusing. i try to enjoy every moment but then i surrender. hahahaha. the best thing is i should not complain. there are some woman out there trying hard to conceive and i had this chance given by the Almighty, so i should not complain but feeling grateful to Him. i thought of having pregnancy diary but its hard to find. could anybody suggest?

so thats it for this entry. i have no more idea to write. 


that night, i was here at 4.30 a.m. Luckily kak Haiza was awake and sent us to GH

the author